This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, November 06, 2004 @ Ray Charles
Returned back from the usual visit to esplanade to borrow Pirates of the Carribean, Gattaca and Enter the Phoenix, the gay comedy from the most unlikely gay couple in the silver screen: Daniel Wu and Eason Chan. For sure, Eason had the look of the playboy who flirts with woman. Gays here prefer Allan Wu over Eason. And that's for sure, cos Allan has the look, both face and bod, compared to Eason. But take note: Allan is now the father of a few month old baby girl, so if he becomes the next male celebrity to be TOTALLY controlled by his darling, Li-Lin, haha, we have S'pore's Jet Li and his ex-model cum actress wife, Nina Li Chi. Simple: He went straight hoe after work, fear of getting a torture by his wife, despite the fact that he's a international kung-fu star. Another most unlikely gay couple: George Michael and Elton John. George still morns over the loss of his bf and loads of misfortunes, especially a burglar broke into his mansion in Britain, took away jewels left by his late mother. Elton is just another flamboyant lao hiao who creates nothing but fashion disaster. Pair them up and you get daily fresh gossips frequently on major tabloid, featuring Britain's most unlikely gay couple.

And went to Great World City today for a walk, after missing there for quite sometime. Seriously, that was how long ago i last went there. At the same time, i need to locate Zouk as well, cos i am invited to a party there next Wed. Walked straight to That CD Shop at basement after having a slice of sinful chocolate mudpie at Coffee Bean n Tea Leaves, and tested out the album from the famous Jazz singer, Ray Charles. This album was his latest album, named Genius Loves Company, featuring him performing duo with Elton, Diana Krall, Norah Jones and BB King and more. Who's Ray Charles? Definitely not Charles, my sec 5 good freind from BNSS who somehow has different taste on music. Well, i am not too sure about him too, but i know, he was a jazz singer well known in the 70's and released several albums successfully, despite the fact that he was struggling with his drug habit. If i'm not wrong, he shares similar fame with singers such as BB King and so forth.

What makes me listening to his album? Sorry seems to be the hardest word with Elton. One of the best songs to listen during a lonely night and weekend nights, if you are staying at home without any programmes to entertain you. But hey, know one thing? This songs goes well with wine too. If you are someone who enjoys a glass of shiraz or whiskey on rocks on a weekend night, why not buy his album and chill out yourself? Mabey it works on people like me, who was so pathetic that i hardly go out with my friends after the finals. Guys and gals were either working or just hooked up on some other stuff. I wanna get a job, but it seems hard to do so, cos i am off in the wrong period. So movies, gym workout and more movies. Very soon i am going to turn rusty.

Mabey the best week is this week, where i met Yong Bin twice and asked him out for a cuppa. OK, he says. Next, Rajes. Bsily preparing her Deepavali rite now, if possible, we would meet up one day to meet up as a group. Looking foward to that day. 3hr45mins ago, Jonathan from my socio class. Yakked for few mins and ciao everyone. Just wonder when does such lifestyle comes to an end? Don't tell me after school re-opens.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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