This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, November 20, 2004 @ Service
While using the computer last nite, i done two things: 1) Meet up Jian Xing, my pri sch classmate and had him added into my friendster circle. 2) Buy the vcd of Pedro Almodovar's All About My Mother. Technology is really amazing. I meet up old friends, and get the movie i want after searching thousands of Poh Kim outlets in S'pore, and they do not have it. And thanks to the pills i consumed last nite, i had a sleepless nite, so i finished the vcd of White from Julie Delpy, which was directed by K.K.

Besides S'pore Idol having a big issue where the tomboy Olinda has been kicked out and whether S'pore should have a casino, another issue that leads to a strong debate here was the standard of service in Retail industry. Standard of service in S'pore has dropped from No 11 last yr to No 21 this year. Well, i am not surprised. Not many S'poreans seems to take pride in their service related profession, especially when it comes to servicing people. In the industry where mechanical can never replace human being, S'poreans just simply provide a slip-shot work, thanks to the nature of serving the people, cannot put down their pride, low pay and bone breaking work. Those working in the service industry would definitely agree, especially for post such as sales assistant and service crew. Shawn and i worked in cafes as crews, and definitely we know that this is not a 9-5 job in a bed of rose environment, despite the fact that the working conditions is much more better than the rest, where training is provided for all rookies. Somehow, too much greenhorns who do not know what are they selling definitely pulls the reputation of the company and eventually, the whole country down. Not forgetting those who simply do not give a damn on the customers, racist, staff who judge customers by preference of products and/or dressing.

One example that happens today: I was at McDonald's Marina Square, wanting to get myelf a caramel sundae. Two counters are open. While one was serving a customer, another was counting the $$$. Despite the fact that i am standing in front of the counter like a moron for a min, another staff came and they pushed their duties of serving me around to each other. And of course, i am not going to sstand there like a idiot. I left Mc and vow never going to patronise from them anymore. Starbucks Tampines Mall also makes me think twice before buying a latte and a muffin from them. Months back, while doing my HRM revision, i ordered a hot cocoa and muffin, and requested the stuff to clear up the cups the previous group left. After reminding them for 3 times without any response, i took all the mugs to the counter, and one of the stuff show me a sulky look. Only on the 4th request, they came to clear the mess. Another time, i wanted a steam low fat milk, and they gave me a full milk. The taste is different, and i wanted a exchange, by hook or by crook. And unsurprisingly, they gave me low fat milk without apology.

Mabey u all guys just think that i am someone who has nothing better to do but to pick up the faults. Hey, i'm not. What i said was just only a tip of an iceberg, and don't forget that there are more nasty than this. But hey, i am not someone who totally pick up on faults. There are good services here too.

One most basic example: Cash Converters Bedok, just a stone throw away from Bedok library. There is this Malay sales assisatant who just looks like Roslan knows that i am looking for DVD's everytime i wnet there. Today, without making a request from him, he was kind enough to open the shelves for me. After saying a kind thank you and received a kind and warm reply of you're welcome, i wonder: should i say Terima Kasih or Merci (pronounced as Me-ssi in French.) when he do the same thing next time? Anyway, when he told me that he wanted the vcd of Starsky and Hutch, i am thinking of giving it to him, but should i ? Not forgetting the uncles and aunties from the former Blue Max Parkway Parade. Yeah, excellent after sales service of chit-chatting.

Only if most would provide such a nice job. If not, S'pore can forget about getting a higher grade for service in future.

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