This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, September 25, 2005 @ The curse of the red shoes

Watched the trailer of Red Shoes, the dumb B-Korean horror, about a mother who was stupid enough to took a pair of ballet shoes home at a train station. She let her daughter wear the pair of shoes, hoping that her daughter, who is practising ballet, could dance better.

She gets more than what she bargains for. Someone's feet get chopped off for no apparant reason when they wear the shoes. Toilet bowl filled with blood, and it splash around, rather than having clean water, shit or pee in the toilet bowl.

I will never spend my $9.50 to scare the shit (or should i say, be entertained by their amusing storyline? i had a good laugh when i watched the trailer.) out of the slapstick horror.

The Chinese had the belief that never bring home anything that was used by a human being, as bringing them home means bringing bad luck to yourself. You are inviting bad luck, or even worst, ghosts into your home. Apparantly, there are 2 Asian films featuring Asian characters where they did not learnt their beliefs that was passed down for generations. Red SHoes is one of them.

Another is Feng Shui, which this movie was made in one of the neighbouring country: Philippines. About a housewive who found a octagon mirror (known as ba gua jing in Mandarin, which was used to ward off the spirits in the Buddhist society.) in a bus and she took it home. She hanged up the mirror outside her house and it did bring them good luck initially. Slowly, creepy things began to take place. The family are in doom when those creepy things knock on their doors.

Whem meeting Yao Ming yesterday, he told me about the reason why those people who wear the shoes would ended up having their legs chopped off: The Curse of the Red Shoes is actually a fairytale. About a little girl who found a pair of red shoes and she wear it. Never did she know that there is a man who came to her with an axe, where the axe could sense demons. The axe kills any demonic items, spirits, monsters etc. When the man found the girl wearing the shoes, the girl confessed to him that she did not go for her sunday church.

The axe was crying, as it could sense that the red shoes is monsterous. Because the girl did not go for her sunday church, she begged the man to chopped off her legs.

And that explains why you will see a train station staff found her leg missing, filled with blood. Another found herself holding a pair of legs with the shoes on the feet.

Now i know why i am seeing a pair of legs goes missing or found somewhere else.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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