This City Never Sleeps
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 @ Remember Nov 5th
Attendd the free screening of V For Vendetta at Cine Orchard with YaoMing and Farhan. Gosh, Yao was late again, but thank goodness the show starts late as well.

Just in case you do not know what the heck is about, it is a free screening organized by M1 to the M1 customers, and i gotta used my soon to expire sunperks points to redeem the tix, since my points do not really qualifys me something decent. This is somekind of little reward to us, since we are going to be one of the first few to catch V For Vendetta ahead of the world. Opens in S'pore, M'sia and HK on Mar 16. US Release on Mar 17.

Nah, you see the botak gal and man in the mask? They are Queen Amidala from Star Wars and Agent Smith from Matrix ala Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving. Portman plays Evey, a British chick who works for the local TV Station, while Weaving plays the hero V who achieve his aims through terrorism acts.

Set in England in the near future, people live in a life that is ruled by a Nazi-liked government, where the Chancellor looks 99.5% identical to Adolf Hitler. His name? Adam Stiler. The government imposes curfew, and if you don't mind losing your life, you are free to walk on the streets late at night. Evey choose to walk on the streets and was arrested, but later rescued by V. V took Evey's workplace hostage and spreads the message to the people, encourages the long suffering British to fight for Nov 5th: The day the Nazi-liked government perishes in the history of England. How to oppose the government? Terrorism attacks.

In a nutshell: The disappointment in Matrix Revolutions will be compensated here. I am not going to tell you what happens in the end, cos sneak preview only begins today. But fyi, you may be a bit disappointed in the version you are going to see in the theatres: V For Vendetta is bounded by the censors in Singapore for the idea of encouraging terrorism to overthrow the government.

Go for the pirated copy if you want a uncut, uncensored version. Or perhaps, fly to America if you do not want to support the pirates. =)

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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