This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, January 06, 2007 @ U Know.......
After reading Paul's latest entry, i decided to ask myself the questions.

And answer them on the blog. :p

1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
umm...some nice friends asking me to go f0r a movie or clubbing lor.

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
I don't do grocery shopping in a cart often. But of cos! I am not those kind of inconsiderate uncles n aunties carrying the cart home and ended up a garbage/shoe cart.

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?Mixture of both, i would say.

4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? I would survive, by provided i had a parang and a survival pack. If not, i will die of madness instead of hunger/attack by beasts.

5. Do you like to ride horses?Like that feeling, but i've not ride a horse for years.

6. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? NO.

7. What was your favorite board game as a kid?Monopoly.

8. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was taken what would you do? Know the rules of the game. If you want to play with fire, go ahead. But you have to pay the price if you get burnt.

9. Are you judgmental?Ask my friends.

10. Would you date someone with different religious beliefs? It's the love between me and another party that counts.

11. Are you continuing your education?Sigh. NO for the next 1 year 5 mths.

12. Do you know how to shoot a gun?Can they change it to RIFLE please??

13. If your house was on fire, what's the first thing you will grab?I have to see the fire begins from which direction. But of course, i would grab my wallet, mobile and mp3. All docs were kept in a secured area.

14. How often do you read books? Books...when i am on the train. And i have to take the train to enjoy myself weekly. But i read newspaper daily though.

15. Do you think more about the past, present or future?Never look back. Look forward. What you do for today writes the story for tomorrow.

16. What is your favorite children's book? Doubt i have any. Cos adult romance novel and classical novel rules my reading habit since i was a kid. Ronald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory should be the accurate answer right?

18. How tall are you?178. Switch the 7 and 8 and you get Samuel L Jackson's 187. :P

19. Where is your ideal house located?An apartment in town, where there are nice and cheap eateries within my reach, must have a supermart, a pub, a decent video rental store. And shopping mall at stone's throw away.

20. Last person you talked to?Angus.

22. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?What is that? We had Seoul Garden thoguh.

23. What are your keys on your key chains for?House keys, bunk key and letterbox.

24. What did you do last night?Sleep.

25. Where is your current pain at?No money... =(

26. Do you like mustard?Ketchup and Thai Chilli Sauce Please. (Asian Answer.) Mayonese please. (International answer)

27. Do you like your mom or dad?I Do I Do.

28. How long does it take you in the shower? At home? 10 mins. Need to clean my face...

29. What movie do you want to see right now? OMG...Volver, El Laberinto Del Fauno, Babel, The Last King of Scotland, The Queen, Apocalypto, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Snowcake, Notes on a Scandal, The Good German, Dreamgirls, Little Children, Breaking and Entering, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Namesake, Fur: An Imaginary Potrait of Diane Arbus...And the list can go on and on...but no more Korean films.

30. Do you put lotion on your dog or cats?Applying lotion on cats and dogs = throwing money into the drain.

31. What did you do for New Year's Eve?Countdown and alcohol with Lawrence and Jess.

32. Do you think The Grudge was scary?The Grudge is crap. Real life situations around you and me are scarier than Ju On.

33. Do you own a camera phone?I am addicted to cam-whoring now. Yes!!!

34. What's the last letter of your middle name?I

35. Who did you vote for on American Idol? I rather spend more $$$ on nice looking shirts and branded shoes than throwing $$$ to someone i never knew.

36. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?7...pathetic.

37. Do you like care bears?How i love bears!!

38. Do you know how to play poker?nah.

39. Do you wear your seatbelt?I don't own a car. So can someone explain the existence of seatbelt?

40. What do you sleep in?Bed. And occassionally floor.

41. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?Post X'mas and New Year Sale. Celio, here i come!

42. Is your tongue pierced?I can go pierce my ear, but never my tongue.

43. Whose is the funniest person you know?I let you guess...

44. Do you like funny or serious people better?A Bit of both to spice up my life.

46. Did you eat a cookie today?I think i rather have bread. Oh yes, had an apple strudel after a swim.

47. Do you use cuss words in other languages?No need to curse. My words hurts.

48. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?Common sense tells you the answer.

49. When was the last time you said 'i love you' and meant it?The magic word is too dangerous for me to use.

51. Is your cell usually on vibrate or ring?Both, loud and hard.

52. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend?I am greedy. I want both.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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