This City Never Sleeps
Monday, November 26, 2007 @ Drowned
This is the story of 5 Singapore dragonboaters representing Singapore for the dragonboating competiton in Phonm Penh for the SEA Games 2007.

They left Singapore happily for the competition, hoping that they could bring pride to the country.

The 5 cheerful and enegetic youth, whom seems to have a charming smile and a bright future, decided to row the boat after the competiton with the remaining 17 teammates in the sea on Saturday, 24th Nov 2007.

However, the boat overturned when a strong wave came towards them, and all fell into the sea. 17 were rescued, but not the 5 youths mentioned earlier.

A search team was called for immediately, and the family members of the 5 youths were informed about the incident 20 hours later.

In the end, the bodies of the 5 youths were found at the river on Sunday evening.

News shocked everyone in Singapore.

Their loved ones cried.

The bodies will reached Singapore tonight.

The End of the Story.

The moral of the story: complacency leads to irreversible damages and unthinkable consequences.

When people decided to take short cuts in doing things, usually there will be 2 endings: either things goes smoothly, or it simply leads to a disaster. Here, the short cuts refers to not wearing live jackets when rowing the boat. And this is something that could have been avoided.

Sometimes in life, when would people listen to the advice they learnt since they were a kid and apply them in life?

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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