This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, January 01, 2005 @ Brand New Day
First of all, a Happy 2005!

Yes, another year has come, and so...mabey just adapting Bridget Jone's lifestyle?

Woke up pretty late, around 9.30am. Mabey to most of u all guys, 9.30am is nothing. But to me, i am used to waking up at 7am or so, cos i am a early bird. Or rather, i do not go to bed that late, like most of the TP's. Was chatting with Yensie and Peipei last nite while watching New Police Story. (sis asked her colleague to buy for her in JB when i said that i would buy it from JB, cos i insisted. and no time to go JB, so that y.) and stayed up till 1.25am or so. Had a nice chat and of course did not finished New Police Story. So continued this pm.

One of the few best action-packed thriller watched in 1st of 2005. Haha, 1st movies to be watched. And after that went to Ngee Ann City's Book Kinokuniya to get my French dictionary. While taking Bus No 7, saw my sec 3 and 4 form teacher Mr Ng K.K near Bras Basah complex. Can't greet him cos i am in th ebus, and he was outside the bus. Queue in the bookstore was pretty long, cos the 20% discount sale ends tomorrow, so everyone is trying to get something before the sale ends, i guess. Oh yeah, once again, met Jonathan and his gf at Borders, and we head towards HMV. He needs to get himself a new bag, while i bring home the vcd of Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Love Actually at 2 for $9.90 from HMV. Yeah, bring home the vcd that i long yearn for, though not as good as DVD. Well, c'mon, vcd is $4.95, and dvd is $23. dun ask for much lah. And while taking No 7 back, saw Sebastian around some eateries in Geylang.

Oh how wonderful this bus No 7 could be. I've met 2 people i know, but could not greet them. Simple: one in and one out.

Hmm... normal start for 2005. Well, i need to work on my CJP assignment, and i just completed that. Now, i need to continue with Comm Skills 2 for my psychological aspects. And tomorrow, Shih Han's bdae party. Sigh.... activities has eaten up lots of my time. And i am sitting down here listen to Julie, oh Julie, oh Julie, you're the rhythm of my life...

and i wonder how many pounds have i put on for the past few days? oh god, please give me time to exercise. OK, no school on Fri. So fri i will have to go for exercise. At least i need to do something before i go fat again.

While chatting with Yensie, she asked me when was my bdae, i told her it was 2nd April. A-ha! she told me that her's was on 1st, Poh Ling on 31st Mar and our long lost friend Xihao on 30th. 30th, 31st, 1st, 2nd. Xihao, Poh Ling, Yensie and me. And Yensie suggested a 4 in 1 celebration. Hey, i love it, but when? And how do we get Xihao? Mabey a guru wouldjust come out and guide us?

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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