This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, July 16, 2005 @ Big City Small Affair
One more part...and MR will be completed. Yay.

Just few days ago, finished watching Leon Lai and Faye Wong's Leaving Me Loving You. Kinda short, about a couple who just broke up when they found out that they have no love for each other. He's a doctor, she's a event management consultant. No quarrels, no fights, no tiffs, just a plain broke up.

A corporate event brought them together again. He rethinks on how the brokeup could be avoided, and is trying ways to patch thing's up together.

Not much surprise in the show: a simple 'i am sorry' pulls them back again.

As the titie suggested: big city, small affair. This is just one of the simple and plain love story i ever seen. I would say, it is much more watchable than those commercial romantic drama. As the title suggested, this is a small romantic drama set in Shanghai, the metropolitan which still preserve a touch of tradition.

In life, how many couples could broke up and patch up just like them?

We never know. It's the party involved that knows the best. They will know how does it taste like to broke up.

To those who suffer from a broken relationship but could still lead a normal life, and treat it as nothing has happen before, i admier the kind of person. They are able to let go, and that's all i have to say.

To those who suffer a broke up but they think they are some queen who wants to do things according to their ways (that means they want other ppl to give in to them), i despise them. Broke up doesn't mean that that's the end of the world. Life still need to move on. Why act as if you are a childish kid who never want to grow up?

To those who suffer a broken relationship and choose to die, shame on you. Your mum brought you up to this world with , and you die for someone who no longer loves you. What's that? Do you know that you are a sinner for dying over a broke up relationship? You yet to repay your parent's care for you, and you made the other party carrying the name of murderer, where you killed yourself over them?

Breaking up is a phase one has to go through in our life. Take it as a lesson learnt in a breakup. The world will not stop turning around just because you had a break up, cos there are so many people outside for you to choose from to accompany you on the journey of life.

Life has to go on after a break up. No use crying over a fail relationship.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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