This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ Showtime!
It's over, and it is finally over. The Funtastic Youth has come to an end with a big bang.

Ellyas aka Rabil look alike won the Mr Glamorous title by wearing a red long sleeve shirt with a white suit, showing off his muscular yet hairy chest, just like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Rashidah won the Most Original title with her creative and original answers to questions. Congrets to both. =)

At least the chances of me predicting both Ellyas and Rashidah will win is much more higher than buying toto. No money needed to throw into the sea where you won't be guranteed with returns.

As for the event itself? The attandance is expected, with some middle age patrons as the audience. The event ends earlier than expected. It ends at 5pm, instead of our initial 5.30pm, even though the event starts at 2.15pm, 15mins later than expected time. Being part of the backstage I/C, me, Shikin and Lilian runs the show together with Steph, Kat, Su and Jane.

While most movie DVD's shows you how's the movie like, the bonus features gives you a sneak peek on behind the scenes, where the tears, sweat, anger, frustration, laughter and care mixed together to make one nice and grand event. Yesterday, tables were set, necessary arrangements were done, and it took us 6 hours to finish whatsoever that we needed. However, it took only an hour to destroy everything by restoring things back to places.

9am: everyone were either chewing or stuffing their McMuffins into their mouth in the CC.
10am: set up cordons, wrap up whatever that is needed.
12noon: debrief helpers on what to do for backstage. shouted at the contestants not to leave anything on the prize table.
1pm: tix holder starts to flow in slowly, have their makan and mingle around. doing the last minute wrapping up. gobbles up lunch box, and shikin told me to take my time for lunch, even though i am late as i need to debrief my crew members
2.15pm: execution of event. me at backstage looking at the show, doing the necessary stuff.

in the middle of the event:
- sound system is not working, mike is not working, coverlook contestants screwed up their part...whatever shit that shouldn't be there appears.

4.45pm: class receving certificate of appreciation from Dr Lily Neo, the MP of Kim Seng/Chinatown. Wow, she's young and beautiful. And she's pretty and gorgorous...doesn't look like a 40's to me. More rather, a 30's.

5pm: The End. Debrief by Mrs Chan SK, our tutor. Point out the errors and right things done. Had a leg cramp in the end for sitting still too long.

5.30pm: clear whatsoever is needed in the hall.

7.30pm: everyone did not leave the CC empty handed. We took the remaining Nescafe coffeemix and the girls goes gaga over that one carton of coffee. Guess how much i took? Secret. =)
Adeline and Regina passed me a box of cake from the cake cutting session, and wished me all the best in future. And so i thanked my classmates for the help and assistant given for the past few months. So now, it's au revoir to Bukit Ho Swee CC.

Yao and i make our way to Tiong Bahru Plaza to visit the gents. Went to Harbour City Restaurant to get moontarts, where it was so famous, that they had been selling moontarts for years. As the no sugar white lotus seed paste moontarts are selling like hotcakes, that he only gotten 10 pc in a box of 12. The other 2 was replaced by Pure Lotus seed paste moontarts. He was granted a discount, while yesterday, i was given a free piece of moontarts for purchasing 2 pcs of moontarts.

Yao gotten his moontarts, while i gotten A Very Long Engagement on DVD at Video Ezy. Some sweet treats for myself after a hard day's work. As there's no more A Very Long on the mark down batch, i asked the sales assistant if there's anymore left. He took one from the rental shelves and after checking the disc, i purchased the 2 disc edition at $14.90. I had Audrey Tautou to sweeten my night by seeing her sexy figure totally nude in the romantic historical war drama, which was directed by her muse, Jean Pierre Jeunet. In French, of course.

And finally i can have a good sleep...sweet dreams to all. Thanks for the guidance and support we given to one another, and you guys had done a great job! =)

P.S: Never wake me up if the clock has not reached 11am tom. I want to get back my loss of sleep tonight.

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