I'm 21 liao.
21: The official age to fight in the war (though i'm not enlisted yet. But i wish to get in ASAP.)
The official age to watch R21 films (and i refer to both arty fare such as Brokeback Mountain and racy film, such as Alapaap, the crappy Pinas porn watched on Sun at Yangtze.)
The official age to vote for your new government and the party whom you wish to run in your constitute.
And so i had:

This lovely Rocky Road cake waiting for me.
And i had:
Lawrence, Jess and Yaoming to have that piece of cake with me.
Now, i realised that i am no longer that young, but somewhere far far away, Paul said that i still look young.
Oh thanks Paul for your comment of me still looking young.
21 21 21...Welcome to Club 21. Now, i am applying for my membership to Club 22. ;)