This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, November 06, 2004 @ Graduation Night
After return from Farhan's blog, he wrote that he dressed in a very smart suit for his graduation nite. Yeah, BNSS's graduation nite was kinda pathetic. From the time when Thomas Ong rules BNSS, the graduates had their prom at a hotel in Orchard, just besides Lido. (Not Mariott) Prom king and queen were born every year, making it a memorable event for the graduates.

When Mrs Yap took over, the school cut the budget. Had it in school every year instead. The juniors told me that every year is getting worse and worse. Could see that, cos i had the priviledge to take my O's twice, so i am entitled to go for prom twice. 1st yr was mabey, a disaster? I sing like Bridget Jones and food was ok. Promised my tr that i will do well, but everything falls, and i had to start from scratch again. Yeah, 1st 3 mths of 2002 was a nightmare. Surviving from the 3mths long nightmare makes me what i am today. The next 8 mths? Fighting with the O's, know my true friends, and once again, go for the prom. But this time round, i am given the priviledge to make my speech for the 5A's. (5A guys and gals, thank you.) And when i know this is the last year i am spending with my friends, i tend to buy something to leave as a beautiful memory .

1st year was Sting's Dream of the Blue Turtles, his 1st solo album. Listening to songs such as If You Love Somebody Set Them Free, Russians and Fortress Around Your Heart reminds me of the good o'days with people like Roslan and his drama club guys n gals, Yongbin and gangs and so forth.

2nd yr was nothing but two movie postcards: Vanilla Sky and Minority Report, both from Tom Cruise. From these tow postcards i learnt one thing from it: I do not need expensive stuff to keep such a good memory. Most importantly, it must be meaningful to you. Why Vanilla Sky? Living with the 5A's makes me learnt how to look things on the bright side. Just like a piece of Vanilla Sky, it smells like heaven, looks bright, makes you feel on cloud no 9. Rather than drowning in the abyss of sadness, why not pull myself up to live in cloud 9?

At that time, i told myself, never go straight home after the proms. Learn how to enjoy life. Go out. 1st yr just went to Tamp central. 2nd year goes further down: Esplanade to enjoy the scenery of the beautiful river at night.

Now, i can just simply go anywhere i want, including clubbing and pubbing. Be it Zouk or gay clubs such as Taboo, i am free to go where i want. But the feeling is no longer there. Just want someone to go with me. Wonder: when i am going to find the right person? When will they appear?

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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