This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, January 29, 2005 @ Indecent Proposal
Thought that could go to Chinatown with mum and dad tonite, but something just cropped up, so we can only go tomorrow. Whatever. Went to the guy and found out that i had gained 3 kg for the past few days. (What the heck!!!) Thanks to the consumptions of a few coffee buns from Rotiboy, i gained 3 kg. And now i had to shed this 3 kg. Sigh...all efforts to shed that 3 kg killed by Rotiboy. Anyway, the buns from JB taste quite disappointing. While the buns over here are much more softer and less oily, the buns there doesn't taste as soft as the ones here, and of course, a thick chunk of butter in the bread. And that explains why i gain 3kg. (to Renee Zelleweger, if you want to gain weight for Bridget Jones 3, forget about stuffing Dunkin Donuts and making friends with Ben and Jerry. Here comes Rotiboy from M'sia, and after consumption of Mexican coffee buns for a week, you are on the way to become Bridget Jones : FAT.)

And met Jamie in swimming complex. Didn't realised that the sports club booked the competition pool for an event, and everyone is free to sign up. Disappointed him by booking in for Biz sch, and choose not to swim, cos i will drown if no help is needed.

Another few more days to Chinese New Year, and it is time for clearing unwanted stuff and junks. So i cleared my desk and the VCD shelves and cupboards. In the end, i bring the following to $$$ Converters for $$$:

Koma (aka Jiu Min, the lousy psycho thriller by Angelica Lee Sin Jie and Karena Lam), Fleeing By Night (Taiwanese arthouse gay drama by Rene Liu), Mujhse Shhadi Karogi (sorry but Julie is the highlight now.), two films from John Travolta (Saturday Night Fever and General's Daughter. Will upgrade Sat Nite Fever to an uncensored version soon.), Starsky and Hutch by Owen and Ben, Swept Away by Maddie aka Madonna and last but not least, one of the B-flicks which is my fav, Indecent Proposal. Altogether i earn $8 from it.

And you may think: why am i selling Indecent Proposal away? Simple. I am upgrading the film as well. I am upgrading both Sat Nite and Indecent to vcd's import from HK from HMV, where they are now selling at $4.95 each. Most importantly: they are now re-rated to M18 for uncensored version.

But what is the thing i am going to talk about? You may asked.

This is the funniest part i ever seen in some of the histories of movies: A thought-provoking plot which becomes a lousy show. In case you do not get me, this is the story of a couple named David and Diana Murphy (played by Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore) who was in a heavy debt due to recession. They took their last $5000 borrowed from David's dad and they went straight to Las Vegas, hoping that they could win big.

But luck fails the couple. They lost the $5k on gambling table. And here comes John Gage (by the forever handsome Robert Redford), a billionaire who came to the couple's rescue. Attracted by the beauty of Diana, John make an offer to the couple: $1million, 1 nite, no questions asked. And they accepted the proposal.

This proposal changes the lifes of the couple forever. Now, they are going thru a journey of recovery, and at the same time, looking for who they loved.

Now, here comes the $1 million question: why is it that with such a thought-provoking theme could ended up becoming a lousy film? I've yet to watched the uncensored version, but after watching the movie few years back on vcd, this is my 2 cents worth of comments:

1) a good plot, but it sounds inrealistic in real life. Would anyone take up such a offer by offering one's spouse to another interested party for sex? In my view, such things do happen, especially for a desperate couple. Common in US? dunno. In Asia? Common sight, especially in developing countries such as M'sia and Thailand.

2) Will the suffering party forgive her/his partner for doing so? Up to individual.

3) Falling in love with the man who have a nite of passion for $1 million over the man who spends his 24/7 for the past few years with the wife. Can this be real? If this is real, i am not surprised. We are now living in a fast-food lifestyle where everything goes so fast, that relationships could not even hold a candle today, compared to the past. I mean, not much relationship could stay as long, compared to the past. In the past, no one would betrayed or sell each other out for $$$, but in tdy's situation, this is possible.

Anyway, i can only give a full conclusion after watching the uncut version.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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