This City Never Sleeps
Friday, January 14, 2005 @ Deseo
Ah....finally HR report and C.S 2 report is over, and our beloved Mdm Meenachi and Ms Tirzah gives us more time to do our peer teaching notes cum our newsletter. While the newsletter deadline has been extended to next week (which i've no prob, cos i has only 1 paperon the exam week, which is HR), our peer teaching notes for PCC has been extended to school opening week. Yeah yeah!

And finally i had some spare time to breathe. So went to Princess to catch Deseo, an M18 Spanish drama starring Cecilia Roth from All About My Mother. In case u all guys do not know what the heck i am talkin about, this is what happens: Despite the fact that we had Aviator, Kinsey and Alfie opening in theatres, Princess is screening none of it. So they bring in Deseo or Desire in English to screen in the theatres. As expected, the audience treat it as if they are watching a B-Porn in Yangtze. (Deseo was rated M18 for nudity and some explicit sex scenes.) Only 5 audiences were in the theatre for the 1.15pm show, and a old couple was talking when the cast is talking. When the main actress appears naked, everyone remain silent. For those who had taken Modern World History before (people like me), Deseo would be fairly easy to understand. Set in Madrid in 1945 (the period before WW2 ends), Elvira, whose husband Julio, was imprisoned for being a Bolshevik, was employed to work as a maid for Pablo, a German who lives in Madrid. After seeing each other often, they soon falls in love and ya know, what are they doin. However, this leads to jealousy of Alina (Cecilia's most unmemorable role), a bisexual who is Pablo's lover cum a spy where both works for their Fuhrer aka Adolf Hitler. She was attracted to Elvira's beauty, but hates her later when Elvira fully entered Pablo's life. At the same time, Pablo and Alina are working together to ensure that the German Nazi would live long. Things gets more complicated when Elvira decided to leave her ill-stricken mother, Julio and her communist-supporting sister, Raquel. Raquel fall out with Elvira and Julio was worrying about Elvira. When Julio has managed to get hold of information that Pablo was a spy, he attemp to take Elvira out of Pablo, but was killed in the end. The whole movie end abruptly with a drama mama sequence where Pablo and Elvira was standing beside a cliff facing the sea, and was struggling with a gun. The shot was fired and both fell into the sea and died.

FIN, which means the end. And while wqtching Deso, Yensie called. She was pretty surprised to hear that i am watching a Spanish film.

Well some friends just find me weird why do i enjoy watching such kind of films. Well, 2 reasons to support this: 1) Getting tired of watching commercial films. Though i will still be watching commercial fims, but sometimes i need European dramas to balance. 2) Sexual content are only necessary when the director and scriptwriter finds it necessary. If not, try not to. Don't u think it is funny to see sexual scenes in a foreign family drama? And when was the last time Princess screens a European film?

For the past few days, i've met people whom i've not seen for a long long time. On tues, greet Jamie from bus 69, where he was at the station and i am at the top of the bus. In the afternoon, met Lily Lim, my C.S1 tutor. On wed, met Zhongxiao in Biz Park after we had not met for 7 years (cos he did not turn up for the gathering.) in noon, and Jer again in the pm. Not forgetting Shawn whom i've not met after several months in the evening! :-) Yesterday, Jer, Rajes, Jason and Peishin in Eng sch, where i was having my French mid-sem test with Raymond together. This noon after my swimming session, met Charles, Joe, Cindy and a very tired looking Sue in the library. And i thought she was angry with me for not hadling a good job in HR report. Well, a misunderstanding. She was surprised to see me, and of course, smile again.

A summary of me for the past 96 hours.

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