This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, January 22, 2005 @ What to do in case of Fire, Julie?
It was supposed to be a nice Hari Raya Haji holiday for most of us. But not really for my area, if u had read the papers or watched the news.

A fire broke out at Blk 527 Bedok North St 3, which was the block besides where i live. The fire broke out around 1.30am on fri on a malay kedai runcit (or provision shop) catches fire and the fire spreads to the upper levels. 1 Bangladesh worker fell to his death when he attemp to jump down from the 4th storey. 22 residents send to the hospital for breathing the smoke. I woke up around 4am+ to the washroom and hear some vrooming noise, and just wonder what the heck has happen. Sounds like the garbage collector clearing the garbage on the collection station.

The morning i woke up, ma told me there's a big fire, and the moment you open the door from the main washroom, you can see how badly the damage done by the fire. The 3 levels from the 2nd story was burnt badly, and unsurprisngly, the Indian kedai runcit which was just beside the malay kedai runcit could not run their business.

Lesson learnt from this fire? Never jump down if a fire broke up, unless jmping down is the only way to escape. :P

Went to Queensway shoppe to get Teva sandals, but after comparing the price the, just feel kind of disappointed. No discounts compared to other shoes. So just walk around there trying to get myself a tees or a skull cap. Saw a Stussy skull cap or what we usually called beenies or beanies. : ) and after trying it, just find it too short. So, went straight to Orchard to look for more. The result: couldn't find any suitable ones. Enrique Iglesias owes a few and some do look cool, but do i find it here? Nah. So in the end, i bought myself a Billabong tees at Thunderbirds in Heerens.
$32.90 and i get myself a brown tees, and walked here and there.

After this am's usual swim, went to $$$ coverters to check up for any good titles, and bought myself the most unlikey pair of movies: Passion of the Christ and Julie, the hindi sex drama. This is what happens when u choose to watch the film by selecting the song title: steamy sex scenes. Of course, what can you expect from a model who calls herself a prostitute?

And i thought : Hey, people don't sell movies such as Passion of the Christ to 2nd hand dealers rite? But i bought one there. Y?

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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