This City Never Sleeps
Tuesday, February 01, 2005 @ Monster
If you wonder why i am using the title Monster, this is why: just feels that the Americans are monsters, which shows no respect to human rights and respects of human race. This is the 2 things that irks me a lot, especially being a Malaysian and a Chinese.

Malaysian has granted amnesty to Indonesian illegal immigrants and they will not be prosecuted. They will be deported home without any punishments taken on them. They are transported back to Indonesia for free, and before that, they are allowed to buy things that they want before making their trip back to Indonesia. However, the American human rights associations afraid that the M'sian police will abuse the illegal immigrants when deporting them back. The response: M'sia government has closed two eyes for this group of illegal immigrants. They do not have to go to jail, and they are free to buy things there and goes home without paying a single cent.

Being a M'sian, i do agree that M'sian officials might abuse their powers, but that applies to the minority. Take a look at the religious officials in M'sia who arrested young Muslim females who wears skimpy clothes and no tudung on their head. They deserved to be labelled 'no human rights' officials, as these extremist are abusing their power, and claimed that they are doing this under the name of god. Crimes they did? Let 30 odd females squeezed in a small filthy lockup room, no toilet breaks and let them pee on their pants, verbally abuse them by calling them whores and indecent females.

It was kept in the dark until last sat, where it was on the spotlight of the newspapers that such happenings has taken place. In the end, the government steps in to investigate and what about the American human rights associations? None of them said a word.

The 2nd news not only affects me greatly, but to all the Chinese as well. Jet Li is on headlines again. This time, the Chinese feels really insulted with the movie posters of his new film, Unleashed (or previously knowed as Danny the Dog) with Morgan Freeman. The posters features Jet wearing a doggy chain and uses his fist to stop a leg from stepping his face.

Now, let me apply what i've learned from CJP on the poster: the idea of the poster is to present ideas in a short and sweet, and easily understandable way, so that the public could get the idea. Now, let me tell you the story of Unleashed: Jet plays Danny, a Chinese who was kidnappedby a group of American mafia gangs, and he was ripped off from basic human rights: no education, breed like a dog, train to kill. In the end, Danny has the skills to fight much more better than Ong Bak and the never heard before Korean guy in the so called best selling Korean film, Fighter in the Wind, but has the IQ of only a 7 year old boy. When the gang makes loads of $$$ out of Danny, the gang leader met with an accident and goes blind. Danny runs away from the gang and met a blind old pianist Sam (played by Morgan Freeman who looks like the late Ray Charles in Unleashed). Sam and his daughter Victria takes in Danny and after knowing what has happened to Danny, both of them teaches Danny how to live like a human being. But when Danny carries secrets the other gangs wants to know, Danny becomes a man wanted. Danny must be killed, and he must fight back.

And this explains why the Chinese is very angry with Rouge Pictures (the film company which makes Unleashed, Seed of Chucky and Assault on Precinct 13 with Ethan Hawke and Laurence Fishburne. It is a new company which was owned by Focus Features, where their big boss was Universal Pictures. ) for printing out such a poster. Very simple: the Chinese were treated like a dog in this movie, where the Chinese dignity has been treated like shit by the Americans. Chinese has been treated like dogs in the film, and Jet Li was...well, for Chinese who grows up with his film (including me), he has been a figure of a Chinese national hero to most of us. But it was tampered in US, and unsurprisingly, the Chinese feels insulted. This is just like having a national hero being treated like shit in a foreign land.

Insulting a national hero of a particular race is equally as good as insulting ALL the people of that particular race. See how big the reactions could be when Jet Li has being treated like a dog in Unleashed?

Back to the human right issues regarding Unleashed. Do the American human rights association say anything about this? Do they criticised the film shows no respect for human rights, and man were treated like a dog? No. No single human right association members stands up and talk to Rouge Pictures about the poster. It was the Chinese living in America who stands up and fight back.

In a nutshell, these so called 'Americans' criticise an inhuman act done by the non-Americans, but says nothing when the non-American were abused.

Just wondering if these so called human rights association sees any human rights for the other races.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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