This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, February 06, 2005 @ Never grow old...
Sigh...CNY is here in a few day's time, and have i got what i want? A checklist of items that i need to get for myself for the upcoming CNY is here, and here they are:

A Billabong tees? Yes!
Converse Tee? Yes.
DVD of The Last Samurai by Tom Cruise? Hai. (Just bought it last nite from $$$ converters. A pity that it's a code 3. Code 1 would be better.)
Toe socks? Oui, but the usual length. (wanted an ankle length, but 2 expensive.)
Pants? No need this time, got plenty of hand me downs, brand new.
Sandals? Couldn't find any suitable ones. Teva is good, but too pricey.
Gatsby hairgel? Soon.
Stella Artois beer? Soon.
Heineken? Soon.

But i do spend on unnecessary stuff though:
Dirty Pretty Things starring Audrey Tautou. (Should i say it is necessary? cos i am eyeing for that long long time ago...)
I-Weekly, which comes with free A Very Long Engagement Notebook + tickets. (Audrey again, but she looks beautiful, and yeah, the notebook looks lovely.)
Coffee at Coffee Bean on wed.
extra makan within this week.

Sigh...poor management on $$$, so that's why. Anyway, will get a job during the break.

And the arrival of the year of rooster means one thing: i am growing old again...yes, i am turning 20 this year. I'm old...

Now, here comes the $1million question: how to look forever young? Most of the guys in our age wish to look young for many years, and that means they fool the public on their age with their looks.

Botox? Nah, there is risk. What if i get disfigured? And where do i get the $$$ for botox injections?

Exercise? Yes, but i will die from over-exhaustion soon.

Skincare product? Do the government provide skincare product at a discount rate? If there is, i will flock down to National Skin Centre immediately rite now.

Food? I only know that swallow's saliva aka bird nest is one of the good stuff to make one looks young. But swallow's saliva is expensive leh. Got anymore or not?

Sex? Another form of exercise, but i will run out of energy during the middle of the session.

Living in a neverland? I can only tell you that after i managed to catch Finding Neverland.

And here comes the latest news on movies: Wong Kar Wai is back with a movie, together with 2 directors, Steven Soderbergh of Ocean's 11 + 12, Traffic and Solaris and Italian director Michaelangelo Antonioni in 3 tales of erotic and desire: Eros.

Eros? Sounds like the Indian company that makes best-selling Bollywood films to me. But no, this Eros has nothing gotta do with Bollywood dreams. Like what i said just now, erotic and desire. Eventually they add up to form one thing: sex.

Story? Wong tells us a tale of a shanghai tailor who makes beautiful cheongsam for a prostitute whom he loves with. I mean, this tailor is in love with this hooker. But when his career starts taking up, she starts to fall. Chang Chen gets back his dialogue after his hardly any show performance in 2046. Gong Li is his woman of his dreams. Steven brings us a short drama on a man living in the 50's, whom has been making erotic dreams in his sleep. When he looked for his psychiatrist to solve his problem, we will slowly see what's going on. Rober Downey Jr is back after Berry-Cruz's failure, Gothika. Michaelangelo brings us a simple story: a couple in their 40's whom found themselves no longer loving each other. The husband had a one nite stand with a young girl. The girl meets the wife.

That simple for Michaelangelo's film, but Wong? What i heard ffrom those who had catched the film finds it boring. Steven? Witty is all they said.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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