This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, March 20, 2005 @ Cos time destroys everything
And that is the tagline for Irreversible. Yes, watched the French rape drama with Lawrence at Yangtze tonite.

Some research was done before watching Irreversible, so i told him try not to eat before show, cos you will feel nausea, giddy and headache if you are watching Irreversible. And seriously, the effected created does not really work in the 4 screen grindhouse cineplex. Why?

1st of all, the director Gasper Noe arranged the film to screen backwards, which means you will see the end credits rolling backwards 1st. As when you are seeing the credits, the credits will go waywards, which means it will go towards the left, and slowly, it will turn and turn and turn and turn and turn...yes, everything will go round and round and fact, the whole movie has been going round and round and round...
2ndly, the sound has been set to the frequency of 28 Hz for the background noise for the first 30mins, which is the noise produced in an earthquake. The sound could not be heard, so one would feel nausea, vertigo and sickness, which is why this is specially created for the film. In fact, i am feeling kinda giddy rite now.

But this applys only if Dolby 5.1 or DTS has been used. I am not too sure whether it has been used, cos it sounds like stereo to me. Anyway, the end credits was hard to explain, so you have to experience it yourself.

Opens with 2 men talking to one another, the older naked man said to his friend: Time destroys everything. The next scene, Marcus and Pierre, a bf and a friend of their gf/bestfriend Alex (Monica Bellucci) was arrested by the police. The next scene, Marcus and Pierre marched towards Rectum, an gay SM club to look for La Tenia, and it was loads of fucking and screwing among the gays, and the next thing we know, Marcus took a fire extinguisher and smashed La Tenia's head several times. We go further down and we will know why what leads to the murder and revenge:

Alex was on her way home, and she walked on an underpass. La Tenia was beating up a hooker and Alex saw the whole beating. She trys to run but La Tenia catches her and you should know by now what happens: Alex was anally raped by La Tenia, and her face was kicked and smashed on the ground.

We go further down and it was about how Alex, Marcus and Pierre talk to each other about sex, and at the end of the film (which is the opening), Alex have sex with Marcus, and she was pregnant. She imagines herself having a chld, and she was reading a book under an sunny garden, with children running around. It turns and turns and turns and the screen goes blank. It shows on the screen: Time Destroys Everything.

The moment the screen goes blank, the projector goes blank, and the music continues to play. The audience left and Lawrence asked me about the film. Well, it was a film that was worth discussing. 1st of all, i've never watched a film that runs backwards. Worst of all, it is a French film. So when the end credits was shown, Lawrence asked me what's that? and all i can tell him was that was the end credits, cos the words and letters have been placed in opposite directions. As for why the film is runing backwards, i can only tell you that this is a special way a movie is presented, where the story is told backards. You know the ending 1st, and towards the end, you know the start at the end of the film.

If i'm not wrong, Gasper Noe wants to tell his audience the message that time destroys everything, by using the film to run backwards. Anyway, for ya info, the movie contains strong violence, sexual content and vulgarities. If you want to know the mystery behind Noe's direction of the thriller, be prepared that you are going to see something that is full of blood, gore, nude and gay sex. If you are the sort who do not wish to hear fuck, shit, faggot and whatsoever, or you don't even want to se a woman getting raped, then please step out of the red tunnel and Rectum.

Anyway, Lawrence and i really enjoyed this 95min psycho drama. It was a Japanese meal at Cineleisure Orchard after the gross red feast of 9min fuck. We don't feel sick, but we feel hungry. Oh man, gross does not really exist in our dictionary after the psycho drama.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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