This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, March 12, 2005 @ Social Butterfly
This is the nickname my KS supervisor James given to me. Why social butterfly?

This is the scenario: took the cert and was ahving refreshments, and then met Mrs See, my yr 2 sem 1 HR tutor. I say hi to her and James said, 'you are just like a social butterfly.'

Ok, i wonder if i should laugh or cry or complain. Social butterfly.

Social butterfly...sounds like PRO, and i do not mean public relations officer in any firms or so on. I am referring to niteclub hostness or wu xiao jie in mandarin. Social butterfly can be linked to this= jiao ji hua aka social flower aka high class PRO.

Introducing PRO: A tagalog porn that will be re-screen over and over again exclusively at Yangtze cineplex. Story of3 PRO's working in nite club looking for sex. The story is that simple, and now i am associated with some thing like niteclub hostness...

Went to IT Fair at Suntec COnvenction Hall yesterday, and not surprisingly, it draw a BIG BIG crowd to the fair. Over there, Creative technology sets up a big booth selling their latest Creative Zen. Tried their MP3's and really hated myself why do i have no $$$ at this time? If not, i would have bring home an MP3 then. Sob sob sob.... Well, their MP3 was not bad, but there are some that is run by battries, which i do not really like. I prefer those that was chargable, and of course, able to store loads of songs. So, i must get min a 512MB , or better still, a Zen mini that stores 4, 5 or 6 GB.

But where the heck is Apple? I want to try out iPod, man.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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