This City Never Sleeps
Thursday, October 13, 2005 @ quack quack quack quack quack....
I bought a smoked duck from Cold Storage PP today, immediately after work.

And i thought: the smoked duck is shiny and juicy when i purchased them around 7pm, fresh from the gourmet counter. Apparently, i am wrong.

By the time i reached CS Gourmet counter, i found only 2 birds of big fat duck with skinny bones at the end of the drumstick, lying on the tray. The duck is fat, but the skin is dry. Also, the duck is warm (ard 60 degree c), not the fresh piping hot duck, straight from the oven.

The lovely scent of the smoked duck is there, but it's not really worth my $9.90, even though i told the counter staff to packed a beautiful looking duck into the warmer bag.

I thought: if there's no OT, no traffic jam, no red least i could see more ducks at the counter.

Talking about OT, it seems that everyone is working OT, including me. I am working OT for 15min today, even though you may say, that 15min does not really considered as OT.

Yeah, i agree.

Everyone in my department seems to be working as if there's no tomorrow when the bell rings at 5.53pm. Some choose to stay to continue their work, while some took their flexi time instead of OT pay. (Cos' we are working in a Japanese firm, and that's their culture. ^-^)

However, i was wondering: why is it so that i could finish my work so early? Compared to Jan and Jeremy (Jan is a poor thing. She would be hit by OT almost everyday right now.) who has to create endless report and repair endless computers, my report seems to come to an end before 5.53pm, excpet for today, where it took me to complete my work at 6.15pm.

Kong CC, my supervisor, says: i have to brief you on what is this all about. If not, you have nothing to do.

It seems that my workload is so light, that Kong and I are discussing next week's work on Fri afternoon.

In the end, i am always the first of the trio to leave PRDS.

I was wondering: how about the rest of my classmates?

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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