This City Never Sleeps
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 @ The Death of a Little Man
Early last month, a 18 year old JC schoolboy throw himself down from a HDB block across Bedok Post Office. He suffers multiple injuries and died in the hospital 2 hours later, after his last struggle with the pain.

The reason that drove him to his suicide: he find his penis too small.

Source: The Straits Times, 19th Apr 2006.

My jaws almost dropped after reading the news. It makes me wonder: does a size of a dick matters? And does a small dick has an ability to drive one to end his life? My goodness. This is one of the most hilarious, ridiculous and weird reason that drives one to suicide.

But as we go deeper, we might find that the size of the penis is not the main cause of the suicide. Depression is more likely to be the reason that drove him to suicide. Think: a O Level top scorer who make it to a top JC here with excellent results and a colourful results for his non-acdamic achievement (and over here, he was a captain in his school rugby team.) who has a nice loving family and a caring girlfriend. He may not be able to cope the pressure for his preparation of A Levels, which carrys the expectation of the school, or mabey, the society as well.

Yet, he throw himself down just because he finds his penis small (even though it is considered normal for an Asian. He is a Chinese, fyi.), where he finds it pretty abnormal.

Now, who's the mastermind for the boy's suicide? Is it school pressure or his pressure of little manhood? If school pressure is the reason, i understand. Not many people can shoulder too much pressure at a go. It not only leads to the breakdown if the pressure drowns the person, but also kills the person. But if little manhood drives him to suicide...then,

I find it rather ridiculous. As a man myself, i know it is every men's dream to have a perfect thing to please their other half (be it gf, wife, mistress or boyfriend.), so do I. But, that shouldn't make one feel so depressed that he do not get what he expected. Hey man, does it matters whether you carrys a S size or a XXL? I don't think your girlfriend comes to you just because she wants pleasure physically. More rather, she wants care in emotion, where someone can hear what she wants to say, a shoulder for her to cry on, a other half to share her happiness. She do not come to you for the tools, but more rather, for her happiness!

God, just what on earth are the youths are thinking today...

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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