This City Never Sleeps
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 @ Tales of Three Wives
Once upon a time, there is a merchant who owns a chocolate factory. He had 3 wives who stayed with him for years.

The 1st wife oversees the operation of the factory, and ensures that the quality of the chocolate and other chocolte products are produced up to par. Think Wonka's Chocolate factory, minus all of those wonders Wonka created.

The 2nd wife runs a bakery, that manufactures nothing but chocolate related confectionary. No, no. You don't have those lovely pralines displayed on the shelves. Yes, yes. You get your usual fare of brownies (all sorts of brownies. Cranberry, cheese, strawberry, blueberry, peanut butter flavoured...), breads, doughnuts, scones, cakes, cream cakes, birthday cakes...anything you named it from a normal bakery, you have it.

The 3 rd wife runs a Cafe. She sells coffee and tea, and that lovely hot chocolate. She gets her supply of pastries from the 2nd wife's bakery. Though you get Starbucks standard of coffee, the selling point of the cafe is not the little wonder of essences extract from steam and boiling water. The cafe is well known for its hot chocolate. (Nah, not Milo please...)

What is the mircale behind every cup of hot chocolate? She gets her supply of bricks of chocolate from the factory. She cuts a large chunk from the block, put it into a pan, turn on the heat, the chocolate melts. Add milk into the melted chocolate, and a dash of cinnamon and nugmet, place it to a boil. Viola, here comes that cup of miracle. No whipped cream needed, and you get a cup of hot, semi-sweet, creamy and thick, yet it comes with a touch of spiciness.

And this is what draws the crowd to the cafe.

In life, the 3 wife do not stay together with the merchant. Instead, the merchant stays with one of the on alternate days. The 3 wifes would do anything to maintained the heart of the merchant. You guessed it?? It seems that the 3 wives gets along well in business. But afterall, that is the business world ethics. The 3 wives did not get along well in love life. They would do anything to retain the heart of their hubby. Aren't they desperate? Nah, this is not an extract from Desperate Housewives. Never watched any single episode before.

The hubby would be served with different kinds of chocolate goodies from the 1st and 2nd wife, except from the 3rd wife. She serves him hot chocolate eveerytime he reaches her home.

One day, the merchant was diagnosed with the last stage of lung cancer. On his deathbed, he asked his 3 wifes to come to him and bid him farewell before he died. Soon after the merchant passed away, his lawyer came to announce the merchant's will, which he declared long before he died. The will says the 1st and 2nd wife will receive 50% of his total inheritance, on top of their factory and bakery. The 3rd wife ges nothing but her cafe.

Shortly after his death, the merchant's 1st and 2nd wife has green eye on the 3rd wife's cafe. They try all ways to force her to sell the cafe, but she wouldn't give in. Eventually, the 1st and 2nd wife filed a lawsuit against the 3rd wife, forcing her to give up her cafe.

One night, the merchant appears in the 3rd wifes dream. He gave her some advice, and told her to heed his advice. He told her she would not go wrong if she heeds his advice. The very next day, she gave up the cafe to the 1st and 2nd wife, unconditionally. She packed her stuff and left the country.

A year has passed.
The business in the chocolate factory has failed terribly, as there has been several complains filed against the chocolate factory for selling chocolates manufactured from contaminated cocoa beans. As the 1st wife has been doing nothing but giving away money as compensations, more and more complained and demanded compensation. Eventually, the factory goes bust due to financial mismanagement.
The business in the bakery has affected too due to chain reaction. The bakes could not tell that the chocolates were contaminated. Thus, the bakery has seen dropped in sales drastically. The opening of a new bakery right across the bakery accerates the bakery owned by the 2nd wife to wind up the bakery.
What happened to the 3rd wife? Is she doing fine?
I am not going to tell you. You judge yourself. You continue the story. Hahahahahahahahahaha.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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