Movie 1: Election 2
Time: Wed, 7.25pm
Venue: Jubilee, Ang Mo Kio Central.

I leave you guys to see what happens in the end. But seriously speaking, Koo did 2 things that irks me, and makes the movie an unforgettable classic. You get what i mean when i tell you this:
Sin 1: To save his skin, he killed his bestfriend, who is an undercover for the police. (Note: Koo himself is a police undercover too.) The handsome hunky looking bespectacle dude, unfortunately, was tied up and kept into a sack, and thrown into the middle of the sea. My god, what a waste of cute looking guys.
Sin 2: Koo killed Yam's assistant, chopped and make mincemeat out of him. He chopped the body (where the audience could see the parts coming off from the body), placed it into the mincemeat machine and viola, here comes the freshly made mincemeat. Eventually, the mincemeat enter the doggie's stomach for dinner. Aunties and ah sohs oohs and aahs and aiyohs throughout the scene.
Mabey the ah sohs should think twice before bringing their kids to queue up for free tickets to an adult movie in future.
Movie 2: The Sentinel
Time: Thurs, 11am
Venue: HP Hall, The Cathay

Just in case why it is named HP Hall, The Cathay Hall 2 is sponsored by Hewlett-Packard, your well known PC cum Printer coy. The aging Michael Douglas had an affair with Kim Basinger, who plays the 1st Lady of US in this action thriller, about Douglas, who works for the secret service for 25 years, was framed for a conspiracy of assisnating the US President.
Director Clark Johnson ( who brought you S.W.A.T ) fails to bring in any new surprises into the thriller. Douglas, after seeing him playing as a US President in The American President (1995) and Detective Nick Curran in Basic Instinct (1992), he rotate his role as police officer, business man and yada yada yada...
Now, he plays an agent in the secret service. Not much chemistry with co-actor Kiefer Sutherland, who plays an FBI agent who investigates the conspiracy.
It was so so to see 2 uncles solving the riddle to find the mastermind, but interesting to see Douglas and Basinger having an affair, despite their old age in the movie industry.
Movie 3: 16 Blocks
Time: Thurs, 1.05pm
Venue: Hall 4, The Cathay

Coompared to The Sentinel, 16 Blocks gives a harsher and more real look of the crooked cops in America. Slightly more violent and more gripping sequences than Sentinel. Filmed in the real time (where the story has to be told from a certain time to the deadline, no few hours later, no a night later, no 1 week later, no nothing.) and in the busy street of NYC, 16 Blocks is definitely digestable. However, Mos Def seems to take the limelight of Bruce Willis, where he have no problem throwing out 10 sentences in a chaotic hour. Willis, on the other hand, does not have much dialogue in it, except that he develops a beer belly specially for 16 Blocks.
Indeed, it kills a lot of my time so as to make life easier, but at the same time, i am making up my loss for NS right now. After seeing what will be playing in the theatres during my 2 weeks o confinment, these 3 are definitely much more better than what will be making into its way to the theatres.
And here is the score card:
Election 2: 7/10
16 Blocks: 7/10