This City Never Sleeps
Friday, June 02, 2006 @ The Code That Yawns...
Dan Brown earns himself fame and tonnes of golden mountain by writng the novel, The Da Vinci Code. It is a phenomenom, where people are drawn into the world of symbology professor Robert Langdon, French cryptographer Sophie Neveau, the meanings behind Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing, sculptures and statues.

Ron Howard turn the print into the screen, and after running for 2 weeks, i finally step into the theatre to be in the part of the phenomenon. No no no, it's not that i am detest against such stuff, but you see, i was preparing my holiday to KL, and was wondering should i go watch it in KL, since it costs only RM12 for a weekend ticket to catch the uncut version there. And those who knows me well will know that i tend to be picky about the choice of movie theatre and the size of the hall. Yes, such factors will make or break your movie session, and i am not someone who is going to see my money goes down to the drain by choosing the wrong theatre, wrong hall, and a wrong film.

And it seems that watching a movie at GV Tampines is a bad choice. Regretted for choosing GV Tampines cos it is near, and i am going for a jogging session at East Coast later. So i want some rest before i totally exhausted my body. The hall is small, the screen is small, sound system is bad (can be compared with Yangtze soon, if GV do not buck up and still wants to charge $9.50 for torn seats and sub-standarded sound system.)

150mins of drama about the duo trying to find out the truth that could shake the faith of Christianity may sound exciting, given that you have a mix of American, British and French cast.
While Tom Hanks seems to be singing solo for the American side, Sir Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina and Paul Bettany presents a trio and Audrey Tautou and Jean Reno represents the French counterpart, the adaptation can either makes you go high or just simply makes you yawn. As for me, it makes me get excited for a while, and the rest of the time, yawn.

It is exciting to see the car chasing scene where for the first time, i am seeing Audrey Tautou leading the police a wild goose chase on the streets. And sometimes how i wish Tautou will learnt at least 50% of the skills from Uma Thurman (especially The Bride's 5 Point Hear Explode technique in QT's Kill Bill.)
As for Hanks, he leads his platoon mates to seek Private Ryan in the war, but somehow, his skill of defense has gone down to the drain as time passes. He could not really fight for himself when he was attacked.

Sad to say, no chemistry reaction took place on the US-French duo. Will Ron Howard see more people queueing up at the box office counter if he pairs Hanks and his former working partner Meg Ryan again?

Hanks and McKellen enjoys debating about the founding of Christianity, and in the end, it is history overloaded. To a non-Christian like me, it is information overloaded. To the Christians, they might not share the same view as the 2 genius. To most, they yak as if they have no tomorrow.

Alfred Molina and Jean Reno becomes the biggest sidekick in Da Vinci Code. Somehow, their apperance is just included for mabey, the sake of putting it? Paul Bettany seems to be the only person who makes the movie worth keeping your eyes wide open for 150mins. He plays Silas, a killer who works for the Opus Dei, where he tortures himself with whips on his back, so as to remind himself the pain Jesus suffer when Jesus was crucifixed on the cross. Obviously, it leads to the anger of the Opus Dei members around here, where they claimed that what Bettany did was crap. They did whip themselves in real life, but they do not whip to the extend that it bleeds, and they only do it once a week, not everyday.

Rob Marshall turns Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha into a bad show, and now Ron Howard cannot fully adapt Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code onto the big screen. All talented casts wasted. Oh yes, in Singapore, both movies were screen in both English and Mandarin subtitles, even though English is the main language used in both films.


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