This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, October 21, 2006 @ Happiness and the City
Bro gave me his Panasonic VS2 after he bought himself a Motorola Raza VX3. And i am really over the moon. :)

Even though VS2 is not really in vogue, i am satisfied. In fact, ever after since working as an RP in Bedok Camp, i find happiness from myself by not being in the trend, but going back to a life of simplicity. Having slices of peanut and red bean min chiang kuih on the streets of Orchard Road while walking towards Topman gives me the kind of happiness i've never experienced for long, compared to sipping grande vanilla latte on the road and yet thinking of not having enough money to survive.

You might have guessed correctly what am i trying to say over here: money.

During the days when i get my allowance from my mum, all i know is to spend them and save up a little. And though i do not have to work for money, happiness is simply not with me, since i know once i spend all of it, that's it. Especially when my peers in TP gotten themselves the latest gadgets or bags (either through work or receiving their $$$ from their parents, if they are rich.) and yet i am still using my red Deuter bag. Till today, i am still using that red Deuter bag, even though it is dirty and i have the thought of getting a Crumpler/Philosophy bag. I may get the bag, i may not. And just like how Carrie Bradshaw spend her money on branded shoes, i am not frugal when it comes to home videos, thus that explains why i don't really have much money in my pocket.

But, you need to draw a clear line between a want and a need. Want is what one desires. Need is what one really needs. Now, i really hoped that someone would enlightened me with controlling the 'wants' and fufill the 'needs'.

And did i mentioned that sometimes you can find happiness in sweet memories?? Some of the past that i had were too painful to be remembered. Thus i would rather savour the sweet memories of the past over and over again. Think gatherings,birthday celebration, graduation ceremonies, POP, the seminar and close encounter with Royston Tan, Tom Cruise and Faye Wong...

At least i tell myself, never indulge too much of it, for time will never rewind itself back. What to do to get back the happiness?? The answer is: it's in your hands. Go work for it, and if you work hard, you will see it for yourself. ;)

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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