This City Never Sleeps
Monday, September 11, 2006 @ Remember 9/11
World Trade Centre, taken in the 70's. I remembered i saw the two towers in Saturday Night Fever, where John Travolta and Karen Lynn Gorney were sharing their thoughts in a park, with the two towers behind them.

Today 5 years ago, a plane crashed onto the two towers in NYC. Plane exploded, towers collapsed like a stack of dominos piling high up to the sky. Thousands killed, millions cried.

And shocked the whole world with a surprise that no one had ever expected.

World Trade Centre survived from the Feb 1993 carpark explosion, that somehow gives the people a warning on terrorism. Never did they realised that WTC will only lived for another 8 years.

World Trade Centre before the crash.

Let's remain silent for a minute and pray for the souls lost in the catastrophe, and to their loved ones who stands strongly and survived in this disaster.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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