This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, January 29, 2006 @ Kung Hei Kung Hei Fatt Tai Choi !!!
Here comes the year of the cute doggie. Hello doggie !!! Oh yeah, i should get some goodies for doggie as well. Hee.

As usual, people will flock to cinemas to catch any CNY hits in theatres. This year, we have a very exciting and rare showdown between Jet Li vs Jack Neo.

Its been ages since Jet Li kick ass in CNY hits, while Jack Neo has been talking about the same old problems Singaporeans face. Ass kicking VS Preaching. Haha.

Was chatting with Elias few days back and was asking him if he wants to catch Fearless by Jet Li, and he mistook as Jack Neo's I Not Stupid Too.

His response: arh? Jack arh? no lah. Not goin to pay $9.50 to watch locals where you can see it for free on TV.
Me: I am referring to Jet Li...
Elias: oh...mabey lah, but not going for Jack Neo.

Feel like going to conduct a survey among the youths, who will you suport this CNY: Jet or Jack?

The answer: no definite answer. Some prefer Jet kick their ass, while some prefer Jack to cook a food for thought.

My verdict: i go for Jet, cos i am willing to pay $9.50 to see Jet wave his parang, his sword, sticks and his fist that kills. I am not going to pay $9.50 to listen to Jack's force preaching on how to handle your kids. Mabey Almodovar's food for thought is more delicious with no force of gulping down your throat?

Asked Farhan to go for the 3.15pm show of Fearless at Lido, and have a good chat with him, since i've not met him for years.

Overall verdict: If you choose Jet's martial art swan song over Jack's preaching drama with a bunch of overgrown bengs and the Shop n Save ah soh aka Xiang Yun, you make the smart choice.

Not going to use the term such as exciting, breath taking, magnificinet... only 5 words to describe Fearless: Every fist hits the flesh (adapt that from the Chinese idiom, quan quan dao rou.) Jet Li has finally produced an A grade drama for the audience, where apart from the usual kick ass scenes, he has also included in his Buddhism thoughts and ideas from his one year break. I can only say, go and watch it yourself.

Oh yeah, what you see in this pic is the showdown between Jet Li and Shidou Nakamura. Just in case you do not know who the heck is Shidou, still remeber or at least heard of Be With You, the 2004 Jap box office hit about a man who had an 6 weeks encounter with his dead wife? That's him.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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