Yes, the 4 Golden Girls are back and more fabulous! After Carrie meeting her Mr Big in Paris in 2004, they decided to continue their life and sex back to New York City. Together with Samantha and her celebrity boyfriend Smith cohabiting, with Charlotte happily married to Harry and their Chinese adopted daughter Lily, and Miranda living with Steve and their son Brady in Brooklyn, the 4 BFFs (Best Friends Forever) decided to hit back to NYC to continue their life.
And this is what i get before catching the movie in cinema twice:
I got the OST which comes with a free notebook, the novel + L'Officiel the French fashion magazine which throws in 2 movie pass to SATC, luggage tag and COVET by Sarah Jessica Parker. And not forgetting the number of SATC DVDs that i had, together with the numerous numbers of episode that i've not watched.
After watching SATC at GV Grand and Cathay Cine Orchard, i draw up a conclusion: SATC is a must for fans. If you wanted some chick flick with brains and values, this is the show for you. Why? I'm not going to say it here. See it for yourself. :)