This is a teenage coming out of age drama set in Spain during the 70's. Miguelito, a young man who has just left the hospital with a damaged kidney removed, had a crush with a beautiful girl, Luli, at the swimming pool. Miguelito aspires to become a poet, and he falls in love with Luli.
Together with his group of best friends, he experiments love, lust, pain and summer rain.
This was the second time Banderas directing a movie, after his 1999's Crazy in Alabama, where he casts Melanie Griffin aka Mrs Banderas as the leading actress. It's a bit draggy, and there doesn't seems to have much sex (which seriously i do not think it's worth the R21 rating) compared to some of the recent R21 flicks screening in Singapore.
In terms of the development of the story, it goes slow, yet not so steady. With almost everyone looking alike, it is hard to tell who plays the particular character. But what prevents this film from becoming a total failure is a good soundtrack to support the film. In fact, I've never had that comfortable feeling after listeing to the soundtrack of the film.
Overall, the movie is not so great, but it is not so bad either. Rating: 2.5/5
And while walking around The Heerns Shop, i've found Singapore's first Private Structure outlet!
The shop assistant was kind enough to offer me a further discount when he saw the namecard that i am holding (which i just took from the cashier counter). Well, the range is wider than what is offered at department stores in Singapore and KL. But i was informed that the Japan series was kinda old, so i was recommended with Hawaiian series. Nevertheless, Japan series are still a bestseller in the stores.
While chatting with Alen a while ago, he told me that he did mention to me a PS outlet will be opened in Singapore soon. He wished to visit PS in Heerens.
I will bring him to wherever he wants to visit when Alen is in Singapore.
Now playing: This Past Week - The Radio Department