This City Never Sleeps
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ First Movie Marathon For Free in My Life!
Sounds like a wet dream to all movie lovers, but the dream came true.

When the ad on Mediacorp Ch 5's Oscars Movie Marathon goes on air in Ch 5, it caught my attention and on the spot, I took part in the SMS contest. In the end, I received an email which gains entry for 2 to the exclusive event at The Cathay.

And so here are the 5 movies that were screened during the marathon:


Singapore premier. The NC16 drama directed by Ron Howard is a big screen adaptation on the 1974 TV interview between former US President Richard Nixon and British journalist/newscaster David Frost. During the 36 hours interview, 400 million US citizens learnt about the truth of the scandal behind the Watergate Incident, which leads to Nixon's resignation in 1973.

Being the first movie to be played in the marathon, I gave the movie a miss. Reason is simple: 2WO Loh, my former HQ CSM, flew over to Brunei for a 1 year overseas posting. I told myself: i have to give the first movie a miss than to see a superior who I could work with during my NS days a year later. Unfortunately, the highly anticipated interview session becomes the first victim to sacrifice for my last visit to WO Loh. (Why the hell David Fincher's Benjamin Button did not become the first movie to screen instead? )

So, after watching the first 10mins of Frost/Nixon (which unfortunately will only be released in S'poe theatres on 30th Apr instead of 12th Mar), i run out of the hall, get a cab and dashed over to Changi Airport T2.

Managed to meet WC, Shawn, Jasmond, WO Neo and not forgetting the most important character WO Loh and my juniors. Had coffee and sundae pie at BK before he leaves for his 10.55am flight. WO Loh steps into the departure hall at 10.15am (at the point of time Richard Nixon peels the shocking truth like an onion) and took a ride from my junior to SMU with WC, where he head to PS, and me back to The Cathay. Managed to caught the last 5 mins of the movie, which directly goes into 5 mins break, followed by the 2nd film.

Verdict: NA

Slumdog Millionaire

Danny Boyle's much hyped and celebrated movie is the 2nd best movie I watched in the marathon. The 2 hour's tale of a young man arrested for suspicion of fraud in India's Who Wants to be a Millionaire tell us the story of the boy's past 13 year's life, which leads to the answer of every single question. Boyle shocks and surprised the audience with very bare and naked truth, sans the typical dance and sing segment makes it a must watch movie of the year.

Rather disappointed with the distributor GV for not including English subtitles in the whole movie, where Hindi dialogue takes up 1/3 of the film. (Note: there will be no subtitles for some Hindi dialogues.) Is it very difficult for GV to throw in English and Mandarin subtitles throughout the whole movie, when it is possible for Sony Entertainment and Shaw Organization to do the same for Memoirs of a Geisha, The Da Vinci Code and Eastern Promises? (Note: The Da Vinci Code consists of a mixture of English and French, and Eastern Promises comes with a mixture of English and Russian.)

Lunch comes in after Slumdog Millionarie. After lunch, I had a good nap in the 3rd movie.

Verdict: 4/5 Stars

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The 3rd movie in the history of Oscars which holds the record of 13 nominations, after Gone With the Wind (1938) and Titanic (1997). Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett again together after Babel (2006), which receives 10 Oscars nomination. When Brad and Cate pairs up together, nothing can go wrong. A sure winner, or at least, nominees of some movie awards. David Fincher is doing what Ang Lee did for Lust Caution, where he churns out a short story into a super over detailed and long winded movie.

Had a nap during the movie as this is the 2nd time I am watching it. Not very fantastic though.

Verdict: 3.5/5 stars

Another 5 minutes break, which I got myself a sandwich and a drink, before going for the next movie.

The Wrestler

Darren Aronofsky's fourth movie. The tale of Mickey Rourke's comeback as a old wrestler getting back his fame and glory is a original and raw tale, where Rourke is a mirror reflection of Randy 'The Ram' Robinson. Marisa Tomei has a hot figure, where she bares it all, and gains her a nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Not forgetting that Rourke gained a nomination for Best Actor.

Raw, bloody, very true. The rise of the fallen star has never looked so realistic.

The screening of The Wrestler is a replacement of Stephen Daldry's The Reader, which was nominated for Best Picture. The reason for replacement is due to GV's agreement with The Weinstein Company, the worldwide distributor of The Reader, where it will only be screened in GV Cineplex. As there are confilct of interest in the screening, where it is held at The Cathay, Cathay kindly provided us with The Wrestler, which I catch it last Friday.

My verdict: I would prefer Mediacorp Ch 5 to have the screening of The Reader rather than The Wrestler. Reason: We are catching the screenings of 5 movies which are nominated for Best Picture. As far as it is concern, we should be watching movies that are nominated for Best Picture, irregardless of the distributor or any of conflict of interest.

Verdict: 3.5/5

Dinner at Starbucks, which follows by the last movie.


The best movie I watched in the marathon. Gay director Gus Van Sant tells the story of Harvey Milk, the gay senator of San Francisco, who is fighting for the rights of the homosexuals and the minorities, where they should be treated equally. His success in establishing the acts to protect and recognize homosexuals leads to his death, where he was murdered by his colleague, senator Dan White.

It is amazing to see the old gangster Sean Penn reprising Harvey Milk, with Josh Brolin as Dan White. Easy to follow, not confusing, a inspirational tale of the human spirit is the movie that truly deserves to bring home some awards. It will be a shame for the penalists to let them bring home any awards. And thanks to this screening, I get a chance to see drink the really delicious Milk which I should have drunk long ago. I opt for the tea session in Red Cliff 2 instead.

Verdict: 4.5/5

To sweeten my day, I get to bring home the poster of Milk!

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