Number 11-1-11 can serves various purposes.
In a condo with various units, it can simply means Blk 11, unit no 1-11.
Look it in a symmetrical view, and you will see the numbers appearing parallel to each other.
Add a 0 in the middle segment and you will get 11-01-11, which are numbers you can buy for TOTO, Mark 6 or any other lottery which requires a number to place your bet.
It serves as a car plate number in some countries.
Translate them into morse code and you will get . _ _ _ . _ _ _ -. _ _ _-. _ _ _ . _ _ _
In a soccer match, it means a team of 11 players vs another team of 11 players with one ball.
Most importantly, this post was written on 11th Jan 2011.
Happy 11-1-11. :)
(The lists are not exhaustive. I welcome more creative minds to add in more ideas that you can come out with.)