This City Never Sleeps
Monday, November 29, 2004 @ SICK
Sob sob... down with flu, fever and cough rite now, thanks to the horrible weather in this festive season.

And so, i finished Pedro Almodovar's Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. One of the few black comedies that helps to cured my flu, cos seriously, after taking the medicine, it puts me into a sleepy mode, but after watching Woman, yeah, i feel better.

Well put it this way, the Chinese says, small illness is a blessing. I don't think so. We are robbed of healthy body, and thus it takes away our enjoyment, time for personal stuff and whatsoever. In fact, i am just feeling that i had the ablity to float in the air. Haha, only if that's possible.

Saturday, November 27, 2004 @ On the verge...
Gues what i borrowed tdy? Pedro Almodovar's Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. OK, title was long enoug, but i gurantee ya, this is one of the films directed by Almodovar that's been spared by the censor's scissors. And also, the code 1 version of Godfather Pt2! It was ages since Godfather trilogy had a decent dvd to be lend out, but rather disappointing, Pt 1 was not allowed to be borowed due to the M18 rating.

And while doin usual window shoppe at HMV, i received a call from Yensie, my pri sch classmate regarding informing guys n gals for the upcomin gathering ar 4 Dec. While chit-chatting with her, saw some of the unexpected titles to be re-released on DVD, such as Woman on Top by Penelope Cruz, One Hour Photo by Robin Williams and finally, Working Girl by Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffin! Rather amazed why it was censored here, though it looks like a decent movie. With the 1st 2 being rated M18 and Working Girl rated NC16, soomehow i just wonder: should i buy the dvd of In America or Working Girl? Talking about the cast of Working Girl, not forgetting we have cast such as Sigourey Weaver, Joan Cusack (aka John Cusack's sister) Alec Baldwin and Kevin Spacey. Working Girl also reminds me of the theme song, Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh. Oh yeah, one of the few songs worth listening on the evening, especially on Fri nite.

@ Todo Sobre Mi Madre 2
Finished watching All About My Mother yesterday, and it was really impressive. Pedro Almodovar brings us the journey of a nurse who lost her son to a fatal accident to the big screen, with expected and unexpected results. Posted my comment on and go look for yaself.

Was wondering what to do yesterday, so just went to school's free access lab to print the cover for All About My Mother. Surprisingly and unsurprisingly, lab remains open during term break. And somehow i just really wish that 6th Dec will be here asap, cos i am dying of anxiety to go for lessons, but timetable is not out yet, so wait lor, or else what to do?

That just brought me to a dream i made few nites ago. It seems that i am making this dream everytime before schol reopens: i dream of my timetable, and French is included. That appears in my previous 2 dreams, but in the end, i do not get French.

Just wonder if that's an omen of i am not getting my French again?

Thursday, November 25, 2004 @ Todo Sobre Mi Madre
As the title suggest, it is All About My Mother in Spanish. Ordered the vcd at Yahoo! Auctions and after $6.50 on tues, i've received the vcd, but surprisingly, it was a self-burnt disc. (Feel a bit cheated, in the sense that it was not stated that it was a self-burnt disc.) Well anyway, self-burnt is always better than none, cos i am almost turning the whole S'pore upside down and search thru all Poh Kim's outlet to get the disc. And the results? No longer available.

Directed by the controverisal director Pedro Almodovar who was famous for homos and trans in his film, the melodrama (should i called it melo-drama or an award winning Spanish drama?) stars Cecilia Roth and Penelope Cruz, and unsurprisingly, few trans actress. Cecilia plays Manuela, who went to the theatre with her son, Estaban, watching a drama play to celebrate his birthday. While chasing an actress for her autograph, Estaban was run down by a car and unfortunately, died on his 17th birthday under the heavy rain. To fufill her son's last birthday wish, Manuela sets on a journey to look for her ex-husband aka Estaban's father. She met Agarado, her bestfriend who is now a transsexual prostitute on the way, and went to the church that helps homos and trans. They befriends Sister Rosa, a nun who wants to help the poors in the 3rd world country, but later to discover that she was pregnant and an HIV+. At the theatre, she finally met her old colleague, Huma, whom Estaban admires. Manuela takes the job of becoming her assistant, from handling all trival matters to helping and comforting Nina, an actress who was Huma's lover.

Seems like i need to go and print out the cover myself, but anyway, one good thing about this was i am given the original uncut, uncensored version. But sad to say, i had not started on disc 2. So, i can only judge myself for the movie after finishing the whole lot of it. Haha, hope that i could get hold to more films from Almodovar in future.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 @ Hell's Gate
OK, i am out of breath rite now, cos i am just sick of mum's grumbling on her loss on not buying the 4numbers that comes out to be the 1st for 4D. A lesson flearnt from life and Best Bet: When you constantly buy a number, it did not comes out. When you stop buying, it comes out in top 3.

Returned back from hell today. Seriously, i almost died today while swimming. I was almost drowned in the 2m deep pool when i had a cramp, and somehow, no one even bother come to my rescue when i need help. The hunks and babes just stand on a side of the pool and chit chat away. As for the lifeguards? One was chatting away on the phone and another reading FHM. Well, just let me die, rather than putting me in a state of constant struggle in the pool, after seeing such a sad situation where everyone was selfish enough not to rescue a drowning man.

Despite the effort Warner Bros did to promote The Polar Express, the 1st CGI Animation from Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis, it seems that local theatres here has some kind of lost faith to the film, before Polar Express makes the general release here. While checking the theatres screening the anime, Shaw cineplext seems to place the film in a smaller theatre. Instead, bigger auditoriums were given for Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason. Just wonder if i should go for both. What i am trying to say here was Polar Express had the posters displayed in movie theatres for a year, and the results turns out to be so so. Wonder if Warner has learnt their lessons from MGM's Windtalkers, the war drama directed by John Woo starring Nicolas Cage?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 @ Perfect Imposters and New Piano Player
After meeting Shyam for dinner at Gutton's Sq (know the former open air hawker centre at Orchard Carpark located at Koek Rd?) on sun nite, we talked about the service industry in S'pore, whether service should be improved. Dinner was rather sinful: oyster omelette and fried carrot cake. Gosh, i wonder how much oil i had consumed in this case. And somehow, i just feel that the so called makan guru K.F Seetoh has not really lived up to his name of makan guru. It just taste normal and oily, and the price is unsurprisingly, out to cheat the diner's $$$. Mabey not going to patronise Gutton's Sq anymore. Anyway, Shyam said that Gutton Sq was mrant to attract the tourist.

Headed straight to HMV, and later, his request to Paragon's Gramophone. To our disappointment, the shop had closed the moment we reached there. So just went to the Market Place and get myself a bottle of chilled Volvic, and forgotton that an additional 15cents surcharge is added for chilled drinks.

Just today, i had spend most of my pocket $$$ on music cd's. Purchased Maksim's latest album, Variations Pt 1 and 2 (which i am listening to right now.) And somehow, i just feel that i should have bought the album later. Well, i was supposed to purchase Duran Duran's latest album, Astronaut's Special edition, which comes with an additional DVD and a booklet, compared to only the music cd alone. But after looking at the price (cost $18.90, which is definitely much much cheaper than hmv or graophone or others, compared to the solo album without the dvd at $15.50) and the budget, i decided to get it next week. While the fact is, i am dying of thirst for new cd's to listen to. Yes, i am getting tired of the albums i had with me rite now, even Georgie or Sting could not save me rite now. At the same time, i am wondering should i buy Ray Charle's Genius Loves Company. But after much struggle, i decided to go for Maksim, despite the fact that Ray Charle's is also selling at $16.50. More rather, i would reserve that for my X'mas.

Talking abt Maksim's Variations Pt 1 and 2, for those who expected a new twist after his 1st successful album The Piano Player, you might be disappointed with Variations. Know why is it called Pt 1 and 2? Simple, if you listen to it carefully. Pt 1 are fast tracks which brings his usual self and the style he had from his previous album, The Piano Player, and he caught the world's attention, thanks to his Piano Player. However, on part 2, it's all classical. It's more of a style of Beethoven or Tchaikovsky, rather than the new age or modern piano pieces. Forget to state here: know where i get the albums at such a low price? Visma trading at Chinatown, just below Yangtze cineplex. And when i told Jeremy last year there's where i bought my cd's, he gave me a puzzling look. When was the last time a teenager made a trip down to Chinatown? Surprisingly, when i was buying Maksim, a 14yr old boy's mother bought her son a copy of Eminem's Just Lose It there.

As usual, received today's 8Days, which features Renee Zelleweger on the cover (Yeah!), and comes with a free copy of 2005 calender, featuring Mediacorp celebrity had a cut and paste on Hollywood and Asiam blockbusters. Pretty upset with it, cos this shows how useless Mediacorp could be, in terms of putting up some decent pose for the calender. Rather than showing their creativity on how can Mediacorp surprises the readers with brand new post of, let's say, their drama series, blockbusters were chosen. And over here, i am going to identify some whose pose had really insulted my fav.celebrities:

Jan: Fann Wong pretending to be Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty. A so-so looking actress replaced a veteran comedian.
Feb: Tay Ping Hui fails to show his charm by pretending to be Jack Black in School of Rock.
Mar: Insult No1. Phyllis Quek insulted Uma Thurman's The Bride and Michelle Chong maked Daryl Hannah a bitch in QT's Kill Bill. Hey, Uma is one of my actress, okay? And while Uma could come out with additional Paycheck and upcoming Be Cool with John Travolta, where the heck has Phyllis gone to? Any new shows from her? Michelle, on the other hand, simply looks plian ugly by being the imposter of Elle Driver.
Apr:Dennis Keller trying to look sexy by being Angelina Jolie in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.
May: Insult No 2: Sharon Au PRETENDING to be Maggie Cheung in Wong Kar Wai's 2046. Sorry, Sharon's look can never replace Maggie. A badly criticised comedian whose acting is always the same can never replace the top Cannes actress.
Jun: Julian Hee and Belinda Lee trying to do the kiss b/w Tobey Maguire and Kristen Dunst in Spiderman. omg!
Jul: Utt and Gurmit Singh turned Steven Spielberg's Catch Me If You Can upside down, by impersonalting Leonardo and Hanks.
Aug: Jamie Yeo spoiliing the image of newcomer Diane Kruger by being Helen of Troy.
Sep: Another failure. Christopher Lee impersonating Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribean. Sorry, but Johnny had the look. No matter how hard Chris is trying to be, he can never replace Johnny.
Oct: Who the heck is Otelli Edwards pretending to be Jennifer Garner who was blowing the bubble gum in 13 Going 30?
Nov: Pure insult: Lum May Yee plays the role of Lee Mik Su the Bitch (well, Lee is a bitch or rather, a whore anyway. She acted in plenty of B-graded Korean porn in the 80's which had several re-runs at Yangtze, in fact, one of her old film had a re-run rite now.) , wth is Timothy Nga who thinks he can replace Bae Yong Jun who plays the asshole, and with Yvonne Lim playing the pathetic victim being screwed up by Bae in Korean Sex Scandal Vol 1.
Dec: Fiona Xie and Moses Lim took the kiddie's role of Princess Fiona and Shrek in, know what is the show. Somehow, it looks really disgusting.

Does Mediacorp has anymore such creativity? Are we going to see Allan Wu, Li Nanxing and Edmund Chen playing Sean Penn, Tim Robbins and Kevin Bacon in Mystic River? Or how about getting some adults posing as Harry, Ron and Hermoine in Harry Potter?

Saturday, November 20, 2004 @ Service
While using the computer last nite, i done two things: 1) Meet up Jian Xing, my pri sch classmate and had him added into my friendster circle. 2) Buy the vcd of Pedro Almodovar's All About My Mother. Technology is really amazing. I meet up old friends, and get the movie i want after searching thousands of Poh Kim outlets in S'pore, and they do not have it. And thanks to the pills i consumed last nite, i had a sleepless nite, so i finished the vcd of White from Julie Delpy, which was directed by K.K.

Besides S'pore Idol having a big issue where the tomboy Olinda has been kicked out and whether S'pore should have a casino, another issue that leads to a strong debate here was the standard of service in Retail industry. Standard of service in S'pore has dropped from No 11 last yr to No 21 this year. Well, i am not surprised. Not many S'poreans seems to take pride in their service related profession, especially when it comes to servicing people. In the industry where mechanical can never replace human being, S'poreans just simply provide a slip-shot work, thanks to the nature of serving the people, cannot put down their pride, low pay and bone breaking work. Those working in the service industry would definitely agree, especially for post such as sales assistant and service crew. Shawn and i worked in cafes as crews, and definitely we know that this is not a 9-5 job in a bed of rose environment, despite the fact that the working conditions is much more better than the rest, where training is provided for all rookies. Somehow, too much greenhorns who do not know what are they selling definitely pulls the reputation of the company and eventually, the whole country down. Not forgetting those who simply do not give a damn on the customers, racist, staff who judge customers by preference of products and/or dressing.

One example that happens today: I was at McDonald's Marina Square, wanting to get myelf a caramel sundae. Two counters are open. While one was serving a customer, another was counting the $$$. Despite the fact that i am standing in front of the counter like a moron for a min, another staff came and they pushed their duties of serving me around to each other. And of course, i am not going to sstand there like a idiot. I left Mc and vow never going to patronise from them anymore. Starbucks Tampines Mall also makes me think twice before buying a latte and a muffin from them. Months back, while doing my HRM revision, i ordered a hot cocoa and muffin, and requested the stuff to clear up the cups the previous group left. After reminding them for 3 times without any response, i took all the mugs to the counter, and one of the stuff show me a sulky look. Only on the 4th request, they came to clear the mess. Another time, i wanted a steam low fat milk, and they gave me a full milk. The taste is different, and i wanted a exchange, by hook or by crook. And unsurprisingly, they gave me low fat milk without apology.

Mabey u all guys just think that i am someone who has nothing better to do but to pick up the faults. Hey, i'm not. What i said was just only a tip of an iceberg, and don't forget that there are more nasty than this. But hey, i am not someone who totally pick up on faults. There are good services here too.

One most basic example: Cash Converters Bedok, just a stone throw away from Bedok library. There is this Malay sales assisatant who just looks like Roslan knows that i am looking for DVD's everytime i wnet there. Today, without making a request from him, he was kind enough to open the shelves for me. After saying a kind thank you and received a kind and warm reply of you're welcome, i wonder: should i say Terima Kasih or Merci (pronounced as Me-ssi in French.) when he do the same thing next time? Anyway, when he told me that he wanted the vcd of Starsky and Hutch, i am thinking of giving it to him, but should i ? Not forgetting the uncles and aunties from the former Blue Max Parkway Parade. Yeah, excellent after sales service of chit-chatting.

Only if most would provide such a nice job. If not, S'pore can forget about getting a higher grade for service in future.

Friday, November 19, 2004 @ Storm
The weather rite now is pretty windy, with clouds filling up the sky. Just like the storm the fishermens and the resident lived in Newfoundland, Canada. That was the background for the movie The Shipping News from Kevin Spacey and Julianne Moore. In fact, the wooden house that Kevin lives in resembles me of the wooden house i lived in M'sia, except that we had coloured glasses on the top of the door, and the window panes are those foldable ones. If you had watched the film, somewhere around the end, the house collapsed in a storm in the end. And what happends was, Kevin's daughter woke up from the bed, just to see how the hose collapsed. Loves this movie, mainly because of the background, the plot, and the music. Sad to say, the original soundtrack is hardly available at any record stores.

Goes for the usual swimming session in school and just finish watching SWAT on DVD. After watching SWAT, i couldn't really figure out why is it that it is my friend's favourite. B'cos Colin Farrell looks charming and Samuel L.Jackson looks old, but cool in SWAT? I mean, this is an okay movie to me, or more rather, this movie is okay to me (correction here), but it looks like i would rather stick to White, the 2nd chapter of Krysztof Kieslowski's 3 colors trilogy. Not forgetting his most famous drama series, Decalogue. Well, i don't find the DVD's here, what they have was A short film about Killing and Love here. Haha, i am not alone. Charles could not find the DVD of The Wonder Years here, though that was his fav. TV show.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 @ False Alarm
Goes for the 6.40pm show of Before Sunset just now at Orchard, and it was a false alarm. Yes, false alarm.

Cathay did not update the schedule for next week, and i just thought that Before Sunset would come to an end today, but after checking the schedule, Goddamn it. It will run for another week and comes with a few more shows. Just wonder where has the efficiency of these cineplext gone to. And unsurprisingly, it was a full house tonite, despite the fact that the standard has fall. And when outside the theatre states that they are now screening Ladder 49 (it's actually the previous show before B.S) rite beside Hall 8, i took a peek at ....hehe. 5X2 at Hall 7. Expecting to see some sex scene (5x2 was rated R21 for sexual content), what i see was only a few pathetic audience, and the screen shows a dark background, where the actress said to the actor in English: Anyway, thanks for the cigarettes. (It should be in French, that's why.)

Somehow, the standard of efficiency of these cineplex has fallen back to the times where we had big canvas screen, tickets were marked with china marker on seating paln and tix, stalls selling kacang putihs, filthy toilets and wooden seats with big numbers on the back. If you had been thru the times, or watched a movie at Empress, you get what i mean. Now, with tix selling at $8.50 on weekends, big movie organisations such as GV ripped off the patron's freedom of choosing their own seat, auditoriums getting pathetically smaller and smaller (GV Marina Hall 1 and 2 seats only 67-70 patrons.) sigh... At least we know one thing: the choices of movies is getting wider and wider. But sometimes i really wonder do we deserve to pay $8.50 on weekends and get a nasty experience in the end? Bah. That explains why i hardly goes for movies on weekends.

Sometimes i prefer going for DVD's at home on weekends, and yes, i've been spending the past few boring weekends on DVD's. At least DVD's fails to disappoint me. Xian...

And yeah finally, Bridget Jone's is back! More kinky, more saucy, fatter, more lunatic than ever!

Monday, November 15, 2004 @ Sting, where are thou?
Luckily heaven did not cry for the whole day. It weeps in the lovely evening, which i really enjoyed it. I was in Marina Area today, and why am i there? Cornflakes, coffee, muffin, inspiration, Sting. Well, i am looking for some of the old albums from Sting and the Police, thanks to The Concise : Sting i am reading now. And somehow, the results were disappointing.

The book was printed in 1996, the year he released Mercury Falling, and it was so sad the songs included came from his previous album, such as Dreams of the Blue Turtles, Bring On the Night, ...Nothing likes the Sun, Ten Summoner's Tales and his previous album with Police, such as Synchronicity, Zenyatta Mondatta, Reggatta de Blanc and Ghost in the Machine. As ya know, unlike some Taiwanese boy bands who has the cheek and wants to release those that so called 'collections' where they only released 2 albums. I called them CRAP. Yes, they are trash. To people like us who are over-exposed to Western cultures, they are noting but trash. To such bands such as Police, or rock bands such as Linkin Park, they deserve to release collections minimum after 4 albums had been released. (Now i am not there to say they are whatsoever. Though i am not a fan of LP, they do have certain standards there. ) And it was such a sad story that Police and Wham! break up years ago.

Thanks to the age of these albums, they are as good as extinct in this world. So, their albums could be pretty expensive, if you had the luck to find it. Needless to say, Sting has passed the age 50 exit. So that explains the failure of their luck of looking for their album.

After having X'mas blend and chocolate muffin at Starbucks Millenium Walk, went to GV Marina and surprisingly, they are still running Clean. And the giant poster of Clean featuring Maggie Cheung and her bad hair days is still there. Nice poster, but don't think we can get it that easily.

Back to Carrefour hypermanrt and buy a box of chocolate cornflakes. Hehe, that's pretty funny. Never heard or seen a cornflakes in chocolate flavour and it contains chocolate chips. Best of all, it was made in France!

And i know, tomorrow is just another boring day ahead of me, and of course, the usual gym or swimming. Sigh...

Sunday, November 14, 2004 @ 5x2
Today is the nth day i am having my sweet holiday. Why nth? I lost count on it, and i wonder if i'm really make useful of the holidaes. And somehow, the holidaes were freakin' bored, and at the same time, a bit shitty.

Feels that i am no better living like a pig, cos it is always the same old routine: visit the gym, surf net, sleep, watch dvd's, visit theatres for movies, window shoppin'. Gosh, am really sick of it. As for why not goin out with friends, simple: everyone need to work. I seems to be the only free rider here talking craps. Somehow, just feels that i want to go to school for lesson asap. When the school re-opens on the 6th next mth, i am just so happy about it, cos i am attach to school work again! But somehow, when i saw other freinds from my circle who is doin the same, i just feel that we are a bunch of maggots, or worst still, no better than the 2 kranky gals in Absolutely Fabulous.

Now, i want something that's really thrilling and worth doing it, before school re-opens. How about 5x2? That's the French R21 movie that i had a sneak peep at Cineleisure Orchard on Tues. Well, no one was at the entrance of the hall, so just open the door and took a peek for 5 sec. 5X2 discuss the 5 stages of love life between a couple. From knowing each other, fallin' in love, getting married, have a child and finally, divorce. Everything was presented in a concentrated extract of 90min. How exciting it would be if i am gonna have to go thru the passage of 5x2 for the next few days before school reopens...

@ Here comes the monsoon and the rain...
For the past few days, heaven has been crying and crying and crying, which is simply annoying. Well, monsoon was meant to dramatise the situation, but i see it as a monsoon: i feel good drench in the rain yesterday.

When i was at library@esplanade borrowing my usual dvd yesterday, NLB had put up the poster of Bridget Jones: Edge of Reasons. They are giving away free screening tix in a lucky draw, and to participate, borrow 8 items. Thanks to their rule, i am forced to borrow 4 books from there to took part in the contest. Guess what? I didn't know that they had plenty of hidden treasures there. I found the following book : The Concise on 2 celebrity: Sting and Phil Collins. And thanks to the 8 item-to-took-part-the-contest, i found the lyrics to some of the old songs from Sting! Now i make myself look like some geek who was into music. And should i say i borrow the book at the rite time, since Sting will be here on Jan 10 for his Sacred Love tour? A-ha, not forgetting books on the lao hiao Elton John and the bitch he offended, Madonna. And know what, i borrowed a book on this German pop band in the 70's and 80's, known as Kraftwerk. I bet most of ya had not even heard of them before, rite? Seriously, i do not know much about them, but somehow it drives me to download their song. With their music mostly surrounded technology, the gang of 4 simply looks too mechanic. And if you are thinking of getting their albums here, i can only tell u to try your luck at HMV, cos it's no longer available in major cd stores. (And holy shit! I missed my Baghban on 12.30pm!)

After getting all my stuff, head straight down to Starbucks for their X'mas blend as their coffee of the day. Somehow the stuff at Paragon do not even know whether they made X'mas blend. It taste more like Verona, their COD. Anyway, just had a lovely tea break there, with a cup of X'mas blend or Verona (who cares. Verona goes down well with my chocolate muffin), i was reading at the lyrics of Sting's old song on the book, and just then, Gramophone @Paragon was playing Zhang Yimou's extended version of his comedy, Hero, that killed Tom Cruise's Collateral on top 10 box office hit in US on Aug. And there was nothing much on the extended version, except that the attack of the Zhao kingdom was slightly longer, with some drama mama sequence in that part.

Rain doesnn't seemed to stop the moment i stepped out Paragon. The moment i stepped out HMV after going there, the rain falls and stops the moment i step into Cineleisure Orchard. Goes straight to Plaza Singapura after that.

And disaster strikes...

Rain pours like hell, and i am almost totally drenched. Just don't like this weather, cos 1) it has drenched my hair and hairstyle, 2) Sting gets wet b'cos of the rain.

The rain rite now just goes on and on and on and on.....

Saturday, November 13, 2004 @ The tip of an iceberg...
No, not talking abt me climbing a mountain or whatsoever, am referring to the amount of vcd's and dvds i've have at home. This makes up 1/10000000 of the total amount of movies made for the past century.

With most of the vcd's left unwatched consist of mandarin films, i just realised that i am piling loads of trashy films at home, but do not want to sell it to Cash Converters, cos their rate was damn bloody low! (Ya know, that rite now, they pay $1 for English vcd, 50cents for mandarin films, and yet it was so expensive outside.)And the reason why there are loads of trashy films is b'cos it cost only $6 to get one, especially when it was on sale while the film was running in theatres. At the rate of $8.50/pax for a weekend show, one would definitely go for $6 which last them a long long time, since it is fresh from the oven, theatres i mean.

And this is what happens: piles of vcd taking up the place. And i don't know how much $$$ i spend on it, cos i am not someone who will scrimp on vcd's, cds and dvd's. If possible, i don't mind a 2nd hand at low price, but make sure condidtion is acceptable lah (and in fact, thanks to $$$ converters in Bedok Central, i pile up loads of good movies at low price, and also trashy films. So far i' ve bought the following from them:
Midnight in the Garden of gd and evil, risky business,28 Days Later, Gd times, bed times, Jiang Hu, Stuck on You, Malena, Matrix Revolutions, Hero, Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life, Fanfan La Tulipe, Mosoon Wedding, Lost in Translation, Mujhse Shaadi Karogi and on wed, Starsky and Hutch.

So i learnt my lesson here: do not buy any Mandarin movie vcd here, cos it was so expensive, that an English film is definitely worth buying than a Mandarin film. B'cos of that, don't expect movies like Twin Effect to appear in my library. Another lesson learnt: read review before buying it, do not buy it on impulse. And so, u will find loads of films that u will find it boring to ya, cos hat might suit my taste.

Should i do a once and for all clear up, and clear unwanted vcd's to my friends? Interested takers?

Thursday, November 11, 2004 @ Friendster pics and u and mi!
Just wonder how long i have been in the friendster circle. From the time i sign up together with Shawn, that was like...about more than 8mths, perhaps?

Somehow, negative reviews about Friendster has been around for a long long time. I had few friends who just being left out from my circle without a valid reason. And i don't know the answer. That's pretty irritating, cos my friend just goes missing and that it!

And after looking at most of the accounts, i can tell ya, looking at the profile pics is the most interesting in the whole thingy on knowin' someone, and adding someone into ya own circle.

Pics speakes a thousand words than describing yourself. By allocating 6 frames to slot in ya pics, you have won 1/2 the battle in knowing someone, and want others to know you. But, how you slot in ya pics plays a part in your personality. Seen some people who slot in their pics, same old thing, over and over again, and some, prancing around. Some slot in other pics where he/she is not in there, to make it mysterious. While some puts in pics of themselves in a ..........

Nah, i can't be any better. One thing to describe my photo album: bu lun bu lei., or what the Chinese said can't be any better.

@ Like a Virgin
This simply suggested my first experience to go and 'chong', like what most teens and adults did. I was a Zouk for the 1st time in my life (and yes, i am a greehorn in the clubbing scene whgo loses his virginity of 'never been to clubbing before'), and mabey to those who had never been to nite clubs, discos or pubs (by rite i should be in Zouk long long time ago, in fact it was around April, after my finals with Shawn. We were supposed to go 2gether, cos he wants to do so, but somehow we don't see each other, and ya know the story. I am not a party animal who fools around in the clubbing scene, cos i've not found the rite person to go with me. Mabey i am the sort who prefers latte over vodka on the rocks, bright environment full of fresh brew coffee over dark and smokes contains tar and nicotine.) this is what u gotta see:

1st of all, plenty of gays visit the club. Gays are party animals, and unsurprisingly, they are the biggest contributor of the revenues of these clubs. So i suppose such environment is very condusive to meet their 'sistas' and go round and fuck at each other rite? In fact, they tend to dress either tight short sleeve tees that shows their muscular bod or sleeveless singlets (not those ah pek types. They ensure that they will not ended up as a laughing stock among their 'sistas'.) to show their identity. So i supposed those guys who hang up in pairs ordressed in such a way are gays, rite? Not quite right.

2nd, q-cutting is like what the chinese called 'jia chan bian fan', or so common that... i can't say ya know this time. I need someone to go down to either Zouk or Mohd Sultan for a few times, before giving you a 101 tales of clubbing and pubbing.

3rd, go there as early as possible. I was there at 8pm, and the queue was quite ok, but by the time i walked out of Zouk at 9.50pm (cos this party was so damn boring), you can expect the q to go that long....all the way to the Kim Seng river. Besides the q, there's another reason: entrance fee. If you want to pay $15 including drinks, go there before 9pm or 10 (depending on the event). Go there later and not only you will get yaself stuck in the queue, but also you gotta pay extra $13 aka total of $28 to enjoy the stuff.

Had a bottle of Tiger beer on the spot at the club, and just wonder: any other better drinks? There are, but brings loads of $$$. I did, but i spend it on Starbucks instead. To me, i did not throw up like those clubbers did, or get a hangover. Cos that 330ml bottle of 5% alcohol made in spore beer won't kill me. Yeah, gimme few more Tiger or vodka and i will ended up like those clubbers who throw up on the streets, and take a piss at the backdoor.

Somehow, it was not really that exciting to go and gulp down a Tiger. Walked all the way to Great World City and want to get myself a bottle of chilled vodka or Stella Artois or Venom. But no. Headed straight to the bus-stop and stop at Lucky Plaza. Had a hot cocoa at Starbucks cos i couldn't affort to unable to home after few beers down and sleep on the streets, and either ended up getting robbed or fucked by some assholes.

One thing about visiting Zouk: see the people, know how is it like, and after a bottle of beer down, i had a neutral reaction and just wanna have sex. But once again, just wonder: am i really that cut out for being a swinger?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 @ The day i met Ms Loo with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy
To the BNSS student, you might know what is this about. No? This is what happen:

After leaving Cineleisure Orchard at 1.45pm for the 12.20pm show of Before Sunset, i met Ms Loo at Movenpick Marche at the Heerens! Gosh! That was how long ago since i last met Ms Loo, and that was a pretty nice experience. While waiting for the drama club juniors finish their shopping at HMV, she bought her lunch there, and we just met, just like how Ethan and Julie met in Sunset. Had a short chitchat and soon, will meet up for coffee.

As for Before Sunset, Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy has once again perform miracles on the sequel to the 95 romantic drama, Before Sunrise. Sad to say, it was too short and sweet. Definitely not worth your $8.50 on weekends for a 80min drama. Try watch it on the weekdays, if you want to stretch your $$$, just like me. But overall, it makes a good dating movie. To all couples, go watch it, if you want to have a good date. My rating: 9/10

And went to World of Sports Paragon to get my TYR trunks at $18. Check up at major department stores for Arena and Speedo trunks, but it's either there's no suitable design or designs is always the same. So goes for TYR. Anyway, S'pore adventuror Khoo Swee Chiao goes for it, rite?

Monday, November 08, 2004 @ To go or not to?
Was in the school gym today and just wonder if the FatBlaster works that well. Gain back to 79kg, but shows signs of loss of inches. Wonder if it applies to what the box said: also helps in bodybuilding. Mabey, it toughtens my arms and thigh muscles, but what abt the chest? A bit. Belly? 4get it. But somehow i do feel energertic when running, and has the feeling that i could lift up heavier weight slightly easier, compared to the past.

Mabey it's time i should go for a swim, cos i just wonder when's the last time i have a good swim. So tomorrow going to town to check up for some nice swimming trunks, and before/after getting the trunks, going for Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy's Before Sunset. Mabey i can go for the show two times, since i got 2 passes. But still waiting for 8 Days to send me the vcd of Before Sunrise, the 1995 prequel to the 80min romantic drama.

And yeah, Ethan Hawke do have a cool hairstyle and the long face look. In Before Sunset, i am getting the same hairstyle as him. While watching his old film, Gattaca, with the pretty hot babe who kills in Kill Bill aka his ex-wife Uma Thurman, one word to describe his looks: smart.

OK, enough about Ethan Hawke. Now, here comes Duran Duran and Ray Charles. Whose album should i go for? While I've talked abt Ray in the previous blog, here comes Duran Duran with their new album, Astronaut. Tried a few tracks just now and ok, but not really that fantastic for the last few.

And one last thing: Sting is back to S'pore next world for his Sacred Love World tour. Should i go?

Saturday, November 06, 2004 @ Graduation Night
After return from Farhan's blog, he wrote that he dressed in a very smart suit for his graduation nite. Yeah, BNSS's graduation nite was kinda pathetic. From the time when Thomas Ong rules BNSS, the graduates had their prom at a hotel in Orchard, just besides Lido. (Not Mariott) Prom king and queen were born every year, making it a memorable event for the graduates.

When Mrs Yap took over, the school cut the budget. Had it in school every year instead. The juniors told me that every year is getting worse and worse. Could see that, cos i had the priviledge to take my O's twice, so i am entitled to go for prom twice. 1st yr was mabey, a disaster? I sing like Bridget Jones and food was ok. Promised my tr that i will do well, but everything falls, and i had to start from scratch again. Yeah, 1st 3 mths of 2002 was a nightmare. Surviving from the 3mths long nightmare makes me what i am today. The next 8 mths? Fighting with the O's, know my true friends, and once again, go for the prom. But this time round, i am given the priviledge to make my speech for the 5A's. (5A guys and gals, thank you.) And when i know this is the last year i am spending with my friends, i tend to buy something to leave as a beautiful memory .

1st year was Sting's Dream of the Blue Turtles, his 1st solo album. Listening to songs such as If You Love Somebody Set Them Free, Russians and Fortress Around Your Heart reminds me of the good o'days with people like Roslan and his drama club guys n gals, Yongbin and gangs and so forth.

2nd yr was nothing but two movie postcards: Vanilla Sky and Minority Report, both from Tom Cruise. From these tow postcards i learnt one thing from it: I do not need expensive stuff to keep such a good memory. Most importantly, it must be meaningful to you. Why Vanilla Sky? Living with the 5A's makes me learnt how to look things on the bright side. Just like a piece of Vanilla Sky, it smells like heaven, looks bright, makes you feel on cloud no 9. Rather than drowning in the abyss of sadness, why not pull myself up to live in cloud 9?

At that time, i told myself, never go straight home after the proms. Learn how to enjoy life. Go out. 1st yr just went to Tamp central. 2nd year goes further down: Esplanade to enjoy the scenery of the beautiful river at night.

Now, i can just simply go anywhere i want, including clubbing and pubbing. Be it Zouk or gay clubs such as Taboo, i am free to go where i want. But the feeling is no longer there. Just want someone to go with me. Wonder: when i am going to find the right person? When will they appear?

@ The truth about the pictures
What should i say? Once and again, this is just like making a Woody Allen style movie, always full of question marks and so much thingy about life...

Anyway, this is much more complicated than my previous blog. But i know one thing: I can published pics anytime i want, with any pics that i want to post. One problem: how to post my pics? It is ridiculous that i post my pics everyday onto different blogs, rite? Cos i am not a celebrity who deseves such a priviledge of keep on posting his/her pics until everyone gets so sick of it.

After installing Hello! by Picara, i just realised that i neeeeeeeeddddddd more time to get the hands on, if not, no pics. Ya can only see the pics on friendster.

Very soon i am going to close my old blog, and how do i start with a new...

get kinda mixed up rite now, so pls pardon me with all the whatsoever and stuff, cos i need time to settled down to start a new blog.

@ Ray Charles
Returned back from the usual visit to esplanade to borrow Pirates of the Carribean, Gattaca and Enter the Phoenix, the gay comedy from the most unlikely gay couple in the silver screen: Daniel Wu and Eason Chan. For sure, Eason had the look of the playboy who flirts with woman. Gays here prefer Allan Wu over Eason. And that's for sure, cos Allan has the look, both face and bod, compared to Eason. But take note: Allan is now the father of a few month old baby girl, so if he becomes the next male celebrity to be TOTALLY controlled by his darling, Li-Lin, haha, we have S'pore's Jet Li and his ex-model cum actress wife, Nina Li Chi. Simple: He went straight hoe after work, fear of getting a torture by his wife, despite the fact that he's a international kung-fu star. Another most unlikely gay couple: George Michael and Elton John. George still morns over the loss of his bf and loads of misfortunes, especially a burglar broke into his mansion in Britain, took away jewels left by his late mother. Elton is just another flamboyant lao hiao who creates nothing but fashion disaster. Pair them up and you get daily fresh gossips frequently on major tabloid, featuring Britain's most unlikely gay couple.

And went to Great World City today for a walk, after missing there for quite sometime. Seriously, that was how long ago i last went there. At the same time, i need to locate Zouk as well, cos i am invited to a party there next Wed. Walked straight to That CD Shop at basement after having a slice of sinful chocolate mudpie at Coffee Bean n Tea Leaves, and tested out the album from the famous Jazz singer, Ray Charles. This album was his latest album, named Genius Loves Company, featuring him performing duo with Elton, Diana Krall, Norah Jones and BB King and more. Who's Ray Charles? Definitely not Charles, my sec 5 good freind from BNSS who somehow has different taste on music. Well, i am not too sure about him too, but i know, he was a jazz singer well known in the 70's and released several albums successfully, despite the fact that he was struggling with his drug habit. If i'm not wrong, he shares similar fame with singers such as BB King and so forth.

What makes me listening to his album? Sorry seems to be the hardest word with Elton. One of the best songs to listen during a lonely night and weekend nights, if you are staying at home without any programmes to entertain you. But hey, know one thing? This songs goes well with wine too. If you are someone who enjoys a glass of shiraz or whiskey on rocks on a weekend night, why not buy his album and chill out yourself? Mabey it works on people like me, who was so pathetic that i hardly go out with my friends after the finals. Guys and gals were either working or just hooked up on some other stuff. I wanna get a job, but it seems hard to do so, cos i am off in the wrong period. So movies, gym workout and more movies. Very soon i am going to turn rusty.

Mabey the best week is this week, where i met Yong Bin twice and asked him out for a cuppa. OK, he says. Next, Rajes. Bsily preparing her Deepavali rite now, if possible, we would meet up one day to meet up as a group. Looking foward to that day. 3hr45mins ago, Jonathan from my socio class. Yakked for few mins and ciao everyone. Just wonder when does such lifestyle comes to an end? Don't tell me after school re-opens.

Friday, November 05, 2004 @ The Opening
Should i say something formal to mark the opening of the new blogspot? Well my previous blogpage doesn't really work that well, so i am changing to blogspot.

Welcome to my new homepage!

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