This City Never Sleeps
Friday, December 31, 2004 @ The End marks another new beginning.
1, yi, un, one.

Yes, today is the last day of 2004, which marks the end of the sad and unplesant but memorable 2004.

This is what i did today:
Had to rush for the PCC presentation and it somekind of goes smoothly, but at the same time, couldnit say that it goes smoothly, cos the slides could not be opened. God, what the heck has happened to TP's lib? And god has been crying for the whole day, mabey for the victims died in the tsunami? Or is it just another day in this monsoon season? And told Lilian that hey rain for the whole day, and better still pour at nite, so there will be no countdown. And her reply: wah lan, so wicked! Haha, mabey feeling unbalanced as no countdown for me? but hey, it might rain anytime. in fact, it was raining 2hrs ago.

finished watching The Hours and of course, went straight to esplanade to borrow dvd. 2 sb classic, some kind of wonderful and rain man. while visiting hmv, pretty surprised to see that they are having $4.95 vcd sale again, with more exciting titles this time! mainly vcd's import from hk, and part of them are uncensored version. Bought Le Triplets De Belleville and most likely buying more tomorrow. Some of the titles on sale included: 5th Element, Legends of the Fall, Identity, Love Actually, Jerry Maguire, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Cider House Rule, Good Will Hunting, Thomas Crown Affair, Enemy at the Gates, Sleeping With the Enemy, Terminator 1 and 2, Training Day, Once Upon a Time in America (very short version. go for the dvd instead), Goodfellas, Big Fish, There's Something About Mary and more...too many titles to be recorded. going for more tomorrow, and at the same time, getting Shih Han's bdae present,cos i am going to shih han's bdae party before he goes for NS.

Had dinner with mum and mum told me: sis is bringing her boyfriend for dinner on sun. (!) what the......oh my god.djdfheifhaishwuen2ooeujriofhwod'aodsjQAIFDN;WERKNH;SFN;SDCFSD';FNH'nd.....
i dun even know what i'm typing about, cos i can't meet sis's bf, as i am going to shsih han's party. oh everyone is attached, Minghao going for a date, Jer had his sweet time with his gf, how any more attached? i am still single and available. yes, i am left on the shelves and there's an expiry date. When? I don't know.

Or mabey it's time i look back what i've done to prevent making the same old silly mistakes for the upcoming 2005?

Know that i shouldn't throw tantrums at Jer for no reason. no listening to sad fm when i am being placed in a new and raw environment. learn how to make new friends.know how to dress up. know how to socialise. know how to care for others. know how others work extra extra hard to keep up in times, while at the same time know how to slack.know how to watch my diet.learn how to behave myself, and no casual sex. learn how to save $$$ and spend $$$. learn how to enjoy Linkin Park and Nelly. learn how to watch good independent films. learn how unfair and ugly this world could be. learn how beautiful love could be. learn how nice meeting and old friends. learn how to be more independent. learn that there are people who cares for me. know that i am no longer lonely. know how to look for love. learn and know how to fight for my own rights.learn that love is around you and me. learn how to give a hand for the needys.


in all, this world is full of unlimited surprises. you will never know what will happen next. take it easy and learn to accept the facts. know that there are people who care and concern you, and show your graditite to them.

my deux duble zero cinq or 2005 resolution: learn my french well, buck up, lose more weight, enjoy life before NS.

et vous?

if u grow up, if i grow up, what would u be? (quoted from the song, If U Grow Up from BNSS's 2000 musical, The Dawn Chorus)

uncertainty is waiting for us. hope that the upcoming 365 days will be brighter and smoother.

to my friends who had show me concern in school and outside school, thank you. for the victim's family member in the tsunami, may god be with u always.

to my dearest jeremy, thanks for always by my side when i am in need.
to ross, pls do not make a sudden surprise again.
to my bro and sis and my grestest who are alwats by my side, thank you for giving me help when i need it.

a present for you below, and a happy 2005. all the best to you for the next 12 mths.


Lost My Faith - Performed by Seal. Taken from his 3rd album, Human Being

We both know
that the harder we try
can't understand it
we're so caught up in the reason why

station to station
and we couldn't even say their names
i've realised it
was just a game

i had lost my faith long ago

i can see
that if i
that if i stay close to to your side
that all of these pressures now
i know theywill subside

you know that if you ever need me
all you gotta do is fall
but i hear you say that
you got it all

i had lost my faith long ago (x2)

a strangers so it seems
i lie here here for your touch
and what i like to know
is why do i want you so much

you say that it's just a game
all through my life
i had waited for you

i need to know now
have you waited, too?
are you feeling what i'm feeling?

hey now
oh oh oh oh oh ah ah ah ahh ahh
bom baa baa baa daah

i had lost my faith long ago (x2)
oh, love
can't help listening to your heart

The End of 2004.

Goodbye, 2004.

Thursday, December 30, 2004 @ One more day to 2005

and here i am blogging as usual, but listening to Seal's Lost My Faith rite now. had my usual day in sch for HR and French. (and i passed my French test!) but just wonder if that's something worth cheering about, cos i just couldn't perk myself up for the arrival of 2005.

see, even ch 5 had cancel the transmission of tomorrow's nation's countdown live from sentosa at 11pm for the sake of the victims of the tsunami attack. To date, more than 80,000 people died in this heaven made catastrophe. so do u think people are still in the mood to celebrate? also, esplanade had cancel the fireworks show after 12am on their countdown in response to the government's call, that 7 singaporeans died in the tsunami attack. in fact, all fireworks has been cancel in response to the catastrophe.

the tsunami had straighten my though of unable to go for the countdown tomorrow: why celebrate while thousands are crying on the other side of the world? and yes, Seal's music came just in time. I've no faith with this world. What we see the moment we open the 1st page of the daily newspaper , or rather, the front page, was nothing except the number of deaths has been increasing. How about bad news? Bad news, bad news and more bad news.

Now what's greatly needed was nothing but food, medicines and old clothes. Yes, the basic needs of human beings. Asked ma to pack up some old clothes so that sis could bring it to Marriott to donate it to the charitables, in aid of the Sri Lanka victims's family. And of course i will be doing my part in donating $$$ to the Red Cross within TP, to help the victims having some $$$ to tide the crisis. and to my dear readers, pls do your part in helping the victim's family and themselves in donating food, old clothes and old blankets, medicine and $$$ to help them tide over the crisis. and please pass the word around. ur kindness will be rewarded in future. Pls Pls Pls!!! For the Tp's guys n gals, Red Cross will be collecting the above tomorrow during sch hours, so please do your part in helping them!!!

and it looks very unlikely that i will be going for We Don't Live Here Anymore at Orchard, cos i am simply not in the mood to go for it.

latest update: number of deaths due to the tsunami has rise to 114,000. scary rite? it is, and it's another good reason why i am not in the mood for countdown. in fact, M'sia had cancelled all the countdown events tomorrow nite. it will be replaced by prayer sessions. more than the usual muslim prayer session that u seen on M'sia's tv on 7pm+, where programme being cut suddenly, and u see a mosque with arabic words. no, it will be an event for all religion and races, where all will be together praying for the victims. so the scenario where sean connery and catherin zeta jones swinging in between Petronas Twin Towers with fireworks just besides them in Entrapment will not take place tomorrow nite live in the two towers. know one thing? my hometown was affected by the tsunami, but luckily, only vibrations were felt. no wave swept into my kampong. but what abt gurney drive in Penang? i was there 364 days ago, and 364 days later, gone for good.

back to the countdown. so i will not be seeing how people cheer for the arrival of 2005 on tv live tomorrow nite. ch 5, the only channel which will have a live telecast of countdown has decided not to aired the programme. somehow, i feel rather happy, cos seriously, back to the same old thing again : no one's in the mood to celebrate rite now. if u still want to continue with celebration tomorrow, go ahead, no one will call u a heartless cad, but pls think of the people who died and the people who cried due to the tsunami in s'pore and the other side of the world.

Seal came just at the rite time, and let's hope that his song could heal every broken and lonely heart's wound.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 @ New Year...and the sad story

OK, Katja is now safe and sound, and thus the class focus was her on how she survived the tsunami. And without any haste, we continue with our work.

Happened to bound into Jeremy in library after the embarassing French class, where Raymond, Ian and i had to read out the french translation which was full of grammatical errors. Of course, u can't expect us to speak bombastic French within 3 wks rite? Help Jer with his corp comm, and in the end he took home my footscap paper, which contains my PCC notes. And of course i am getting it back from him tom, if not, there will be a good show on NYE.

Talking about NYE, Khenglin and Minghao couldn't make it. talked to K.L thru msn last nite, and i told him, i am destinated unable to go for any countdown in my life. Those whom can accompany are Sean Connery, Robrt De Niro and Kevin Costner. K.L gives me a ??? look. This is what i am trying to say: Ch i will had their last repeat telecast cum last transmission of movies, which is The Untouchables, an 1987 mafia crime saga directed by Brian De Palma. After the repeat telecast of 1.30am news, Ch i will cease transmission for good. Sigh... be a couch potato at home. Ah....Ch 5 brings me Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in Interview With the Vampire at 12.15am after Taufik and Sly and Olinda and more in Nation's Countdown. But it's useless rite? Cos i've watched it umpteen times. I can gurantee you, the programme is really like shit. DVD suits my needs better.

Had the thought of watching Naomi Watt's We Don't Live Here Anymore on NYE, so as to have a sad round up of 2004. The title sounds sad rite? 2004 is a pretty sad and tough year, but of course, full of surprises. Just wondering if this is what we called the NYE blues? Was pretty sad last yr that couldn't be in the same class with Jer and Cindy and Louisa and more. Now, it was the project that puts me in such a mood. So We Don't Live Here Anymore sounds perfect. The title itself sounds melancholy,but the plot turns out to be another...what should i say? with the plot surrounds 2 best friends who are married found out that their spouse falls in love with their best friend. (which means guy A from couple A had an affair with woman B from couple B, and vice-versa.) Though they knew it, they do not blame each other, as they themselves feel guilty about it. Mabey by keeping quiet could make them feel better? Only they themselve knows. And goes for Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle on New Year's Day, after hearing how popular and how good it is and at the same time, get my French dictionary.

Well, i am not alone. Jer, who looks like an party animal to me and who went to a countdown last yr, is not going for any countdown this year. He told me that he needs to cheong all his 6 projects. Should i say that i am not alone? Cos i simply do not want Seal's very sad song to do an round off for 2004. This is what i mean: Ch 5 will have a repeat telecast of Entrapment which stars (again) Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones. The theme song was Lost My Faith, a song performed by Seal which was extracted from Human Being, his 3rd album released in 1998. (If you listens to Seal's old song, most of them are sad songs...which makes one feeling low. But somehow the mtv of Lost My Faith looks rather odd, with Seal playing the scenes of Entrapment.)

What should i do? Get myself a decaf coffee at Starbucks or Coffee Club express or having a cheesecake at NYDC cafe, seeing people goes by, celebrating the arrival of 2005? Hey, that sounds so lonely man. Yes, but at least i do not have to face the sad tv programmes on 5 and u. U will be running thru a programme on their past achievements and blah blah blah...and that was boring.

mabey it's just like what Seal sang, mabey i've lost my faith long ago...anybody out there feels the same rite now?

Welcome to the Lonely Partygoer's club, and let's welcome the lonely countdown of 2005. Beers and chips included.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 @ Good News No 2!!!


Yeah, and we were really relieved that Katja is back to Singapore, safe and sound. Now all we have to do is to wait, cos she was suffering a flu, thanks to the tsunami.

OK, and i am kind of enjoying my attachment with Kelly Services. Asked James where to go for countdown, and he suggested IndoChine. When he told me about Zouk and i should go there with my friends, i replied that no Zouk for me, cos there are plenty of gays there. So suggested Chinablack (and Minghao was wondering if he would like to go to Chinablack for countdown) and Jame's reply was: too many bengs there. Chinablack is a nightspot full of chao ah bengs. So Indochine is the best place, where the music was classy and...i can only tell u that Indochine was too expensive for us.

Too many bengs at Chinablack, loads of good-looking gays at Zouk (and we, especially Khenglin n Minghao are 2 homo-phobias.). So IndoChine or Orchard street party?

In return, i asked James how is he going to spend his countdown, and he do not know where to go. So suggested : want to go to Bedok theatre for countdown? Watch Veer-Zaara or Swades or Raincoat and wait for the arrival of 2005...and u should know how does it goes in the end.

Monday, December 27, 2004 @ Good News Pt 1!
Latest update: 1 Singaporean killed in Phuket due to the tsunami, 4 S'poreans reported missing. Still no news of Katja.

Good news: Jet Li and his wife Nina Li Chi were found in Maldives. They were reported safe and sound, left unharmed. The false alarm created by Shin Min had put most of us in a fix. Reason for their missing: electrical supplies were cut off due to the disruption of the tsunami, which causes power failure in certain areas. Communication were cut off, and thus the false alarm.

Now, we have not heard any news regarding Katja and her friends, and yet China is still more interested in thinking ways to dealt with Taiwan if Taiwan insisted independence. This is a very selfish and very anti-social attitude. As most countries such as Singapore, Japan and Australia are doing their best to help the refugees in the countries suffered in the tsunami. While Japan and Australia send troops to help the victims and Singaporeans are raising funds for these countries, China seems to show interest in only how to prevent Taiwan from independence.

Just wondering if China could just put this issue down for a while, and help their neighbouring countries in need?

@ When disaster strikes...and no news of our friends...
Went to school for comm skills 2 with e girls, and the gals were quite worried for Katja. Mr Slessor had contacted the International Student department and they are trying to contact any of the foreign students who were trapped in Phuket. All resorts in Phuket were swept into the sea.

We do not have any news regarding Katja and her friends, and just hope that she will give us a call whenever possible.

If that's not the worst, international celebrity and my fav actor Jet Li goes missing in Maldives. (He was reported to be swallowed by the sea.)It was on the headlines on Shi Min hours ago, and so far no news about him and other movie producers who were on Maldives for work and vacation were heard. Maldives were badly damaged by the tidal waves and up to date, 43 people were killed. 63 were reported missing. It is very likely (in fact, it is very high) that the missing in action people might fall into the deathlist.

Penang was not spared form the disaster too. The most famous Gurney Drive hawker centre which was just rite infront of the sea was swept by the wave too. Mothers failed to save their kids where they were unable to pull their child away from the wave. Children lost their parents.

Oh my god, when does this catastrophe is coming to an end? Katja and Jet Li were now under the list of M.I.A. We can't afford to lose a good friend cum a great team member, neither do we wish to see heaven taking away another celebrity. God has taken away Ray Charles, James Wong, Christopher Reeve, Janet Leigh and Ronald Reagen. If god want to take another celebrity away, can u pls take 5566 or F4 or those so called teen idol away? They couldn't even shine on international spot, yet they just want to become famous with their looks.

God, pls give us a piece of good news. We want to hear both of them left unharmed.

@ When disaster strikes...

An earthquake in Indonesia causes tidalwave in the Indian Ocean. Countries around Indoniesia and Indian Ocean were affected. To date, 11600+ died, thousands swept into the sea and no news about them. Countries affected included Thailand, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia and not forgetting Phuket and Phi Phi.

Katja was spending her x'mas with her friends in Phuket, and 32 people died, left 500 injured. My hometown feels the vibration, but no one was hurt. On the shores of Perak, on the other hand, 3 girls were drowned after being swept by the sea.

Now here comes the worry: Katja did not give us any call from Phuket, and Mr Nah called me this am to check with me if Katja ever called. Everyone, including my team members, are now the cat on hot bricks.

Hey, is there anymore news on the survivors and victims in Phuket? And Katja, if u or ur friends happened to read this, pls give us a call. We do not want any of u or ur friends to get hurt. We want you back.

Sunday, December 26, 2004 @ The Day after Xmas
Turn 9 180 degrees, clockwise or anti-clockwise.

X'mas...whatt a lovely yet simple xmas i had yesterday. Was mugging on my corp comm notes and sis was there pestering me to play with her Doreamon Uno card. Played with her and the pizzaman came. Had Canadian pizza for lunch yesterday, with Hawaiian n Creamy Chicken pizza for lunch.

While bro and sis was out for their own xmas programme yesterday, i had one too. Went to S'pore Art Museum to visit Botero's art exhibition. If u do not know what the heck i am talking about, give u some background info. Botero's fullname is Fernando Botero, a Columbian artist famous for his over-sized human being potraits and sculptures. If u take a look at his pics, u will see all the people in his drawings are fat. Yes, that's what i mean by over-sized. Want to take more photos, but was stopped by security there. Hey! Botero onced said, Art is for the public, not exclusively for some people. Why no pics allowed? That's plain stupid. And of course, my mood was kind of ruined. But never mind, i will go there again when free, cos e exhibition ends on 27 Feb.

And went straight to Plaza Sing for a walk, then went straight to Cafe Cartel to used up my voucher. Brings home their most famous St Louis Ribs and had a cup of Oreo frappe. Couldn't say that we were having a feast, but at least, we make this a lovely dinner.

Definitely going back there in future, if i had $$$.

Happy Boxing Day!

Friday, December 24, 2004 @ Merry Merry X'mas!!!

It's x'mas eve tdy, n all around S'pore was filled with the air of X'mas, except chinatown.

Let's talk about TP first. Everyone was carrying bags of x'mas presents to sch. Well i supposed that's for their loved ones, but i didn't bring it along, cos my friends are scattered around the whole TP, and how do i know whether they have class tdy? Only if they gathered around one place, then it is possible for me to bring some gifts or at least a X'mas log for them. Met Angela, Chee Wee, Raymond, Natalie, Ian and Paul before seeing my PCC gp member and Mdm Meenachi. And after meeting for 1/2hr, gotta roush home to finish my 400 Blows.

Next, library. Bedok Library was the place where i mugged my Corp Comm, before making the way to library@esplanade for the usual dvd loan. Borrowed The Hours (!), Entrapement, The Contract aka Mai Shen Qi by the Hui brothers, who was well known their hilarious comedy in the 70's in HK, and last but not least, Barocco, an French thriller starring Gerard Depardieu and Isabelle Adjani. Can't stay anymore longer as the library closes at 5pm. So headed straight down to Chinatown for my X'mas present, and u know what is it by now. The ost of Before Sunset.

Somehow, just feel that the songs in Before Sunrise were rather old. Just 4 ya general info, this album is a combination soundtrack of 2 movies, namely Before Sunrise and Sunset. Cos no soundtrack were released for Sunrise 9 yrs ago, so everything was crammed into this 11 track soundtrack. Cost me $16.50 to get it from the Chinatown wet market, cos e shop aka Visma trading do not have e stock. Actually preferred Visma, as it has more choices, though shop is small and crammy. One advantage about buying cds from Chinatown besides the price: lotsa good makan in the area. At the wet market, after my cd shopping (if i buy from there), u can just take their very old esclator to level 2 for good food. If u go there by day, u can savour Er Gu Tan Shui aka 2nd aunt's Dessert. Ya know, their sesame and peanut paste just taste like heaven. If Er Gu is closed, visit 521 Dessert (is it 521? i couldn't remember.) Equally good. If u would like to have dinner, go for the claypot chicken rice. Cooked using charcoal, it gurantees u a good meal, so long as u do not mind paying $5 for a serving of 2, and don't mind waiting for minimum 1/2hr. And of course lotsa other goodies lah, but their hygiene is definitely questionable. As for Visma, there are 2 snack stalls selling fishball, siew mai, yam/carrot cake, deep friend sausage and pineapple drink. A decent snack with a drink might simply cost u slightly around $2+, depend on what u eat. Had a siew mai there, though it's pretty expensive, but not bad. Or mabey like to try California Lemon's, e 1st company that i worked for. (Wonder why they relocated to the singboard owned by Yangtze cineplex. If u do not know what e heck i am talking abt, go there and while getting yourself a lemonade, do look up: u will see the poster of Antonio Banderas hugging Angelina Jolie in Original Sin)

Went straight to Far East looking for Shahrin to had my dog tag chain changed, cos i want a longer chain. And just visited Cindy's blog, and she couldn't locate Lips or Cheeks. Well it's ok, cos u may want to try harder next time, as the location was rather bad. It was hidden somewhere inside. For Cheeks, look up for this small kopitiam selling chicken rice, and rite infront is Cheeks. Lips may be slightly a problem. Turn right when u step out of Cheeks, and walk straight. U will see a video rental store pasting posters of TVB 80's drama series. On the adjacent, it's Lips. Look out for celebs figures wearing those leather clothings. Couldn't see Shahrin, so went to Lips and check up the price. After checking the price, i just feel that i would rather get myself another dog tag. It will now make me own 2 dog tags n a chain. Make it like any other street teens wearing it. :P

Went straight to Lido, and saw the poster of Pedro Almodovar's La Mala Educacion!!!!!! Sigh...why cheer? i can't watched it anyway. It's been rated R21 with cuts for Mature theme. (To all the gay pals n sistas, u will definitely love this show.) For ya info, it will be one of the R21 flicks screen during the Chinese New Year period. Mabey Shaw will be fighting with Overseas for their quality B-Korean porn during CNY period? La Mala Educacion opens on 27 Jan.

While taking No 7 home, i send my X'mas greeting to my friends, with those whom i remebered, i send as much as possible. And i do get replies in the end, with some asking who am i. Well, definitely need to update them. Simple: this is the season where love is in the air. It's time to call up the old freinds, asking how are they.

When's the last time u set down and had a proper chat with ya old friends? Living in a hectic and fast moving society where fast and efficiency dominates (or rather drives us gaga) us, we simply had no time to sit down and have a nice chit chat. What do i mean by sitting down and have a nice chit chat? Mabey happened to bump each other and chat for a short while, exchange contacts. Better still, do what Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy did in Before Sunset: sit down and have a cup of coffee. If u want to go to the extend of taking a tour boat and going to a park, that would be better! Best of all, a gathering. Let's party and talk about life...but do we have the time? Only when calls were made, reminders were send to everyone. OK, mabey this might work. Sometimes it might just really be sweet to know how each other was doing by talking for a while.

However, the world pressure: school and work simply squeeze out our time for work and studies. Sometimes whe we meet each other was just nothing more than a standard Hi and bye when bump on each other. Hey, do that to people who u meet often. For long lost friends, mabey a few mins of conversation would be ideal? The whole story do not simply ends with a standard hi and bye bye..if that's so, we old friends are nothing more than strangers. Sometimes, it might be kinda disheartening to hear your old friends asking who are u when u send ur season's greeting to them, but when u tell them who are u, and it reminds them of u, they might send u a reply of, 'oh! u r so and so...hey, how's life?' To this stage, all disappointments will simply just fly off. And when they give u a reply, wishing u all e best, u will feel even better, at least u know there are people in this world who knows your existence. You are not alone in this world, and u won't sing lonely lonely x'mas, like one of the songs performed by Eason Chan.

Oh yeah, i just wonder how many times i've listened to Je T'aime Tant from Julie Delpy on the player...anyway, hope u all enjoy this lovely season, and don't forget to send a greeting to ur loved ones! When's the last time u send a greeting to ur old friends?

Merry Merry X'mas
Shen Dan Kuai Le!
Selamat Hari Kristmas!
Joyeux Noel!

Thursday, December 23, 2004 @ .............

Had a pretty boring French class tdy. No, in fact, no classes at all. Made to watched this French comedy entitled Tanguy at LT 49 in Eng sch. Stupid show. One of the few idiotic show ever watched.

Went to Tampines Mall and Century Sq to see what CD to get for myself as X'mas present. Now there's a change in a plan: i'm getting the movie soundtrack of Before Sunset instead.

And finally, Tom Cruise's latest production with Steven Spielberg, War of the Worlds, will reach us soon! 3 cheers!

bah...nothing much to write, just need to vomit out my words.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 @ milking $$$ from $$$ cows.

feels that tp was trying to milk money from us by making us learning PBL. This means one thing: we do not have to stay for the 3 full hours for lesson. We go and look for the necessary book, look out for the content ourselves, write it out and pass it to your group members. And after compling the report, go straight for the test or exams.

After all sort of holidays removed and so on, we were left with only 3 months to study. $1950 for 3 months. Wow, much more expensive than membership of clubs. and turn mouldy for 4 months. sigh...

Somehow, i do really like the idea of doing PBL for all subjects. Hey, i do not fully enjoyed the lesson. I only had 1hr of comm skills 2, 1.5hr of corp comm n less than 2hr of hr per wk. French is the only lesson that uses its time wisely. If this goes on, i would rather say, give us discounts. We pay full price and gotten an greatly discounted services in the end... :P

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 @ surviving x'mas

today is Chinese's Winter Solistic, or known as Dog Zhi in Mandarin. Yeah, the day we the Chinese eat Tangyuan or glutonous rice ball. It symbolises harmony within family. And of course, an warm up of pigging up good food before X'mas.

And so i had deep fried spring rolls n Pak Chiam Gai (steam chicken) for dinner. Had that every year, as it is one of the important dishes to us, not forgetting having Kampong Kok's garlic chilli sauce to go along as well. If u do not know what is that chilli sauce, well, that's from Kampong Kok, a small kampong in Perak, famous for their chilli sauce. We love it so much that every year, we will buy dozens of bottles for consumption. Oh yeah, that reminds me that i brought spring rolls with chilli sauce for Jeremy and his gf.

few more days to xmas, and Mrs Tirzah wishes us Merry X'mas. Thanks Mrs Tirzah, Merry X'mas too.

so how to spend the x'mas? before another round of pigging out, i have to go swimming first. Few more rounds and i will pull my weight down to 75kg. Next, ask dad to bring me to JB for shopping, to get e vcd of New Police Story, some accessoires, if possible, and get a new tee for countdown. Mabey it's either Op, Billabong or Quiksilver. :P

But before that, gotta go to HMV to get the dvd of In America, before the price goes back to $29.95. Kinda touched by the film (though i never watched it b4) and almost cried when watching the trailer.

After all the stuff, it's time to get my meal at Cafe Cartel, getting some takeaways to go along with Canadian Pizza.

And that's how i spend my X'mas. Gotta save some energy for Countdown...

Sunday, December 19, 2004 @ Eat Drink Man Woman Food and Sex

The title is definitely related to what i am going to say. Just finished watching Ang Lee's 1994 award winning classic, Eat Drink Man Woman, or Yin Shi Nan Nu in Mandarin. The following 'Food and Sex' is actually Shi Se Xin Ye, which menas food and sex. Learn a quote from the late veteran actor Lan Hsiung, who plays Chu, a master chef cum the father of 3 marriage-in- problem daughter. He says: Eat Drink Man Woman, basic human desires. Yes, Maslow Hierachy of needs will tell u that food, drinks, shelter, clothings and sex are basic human needs rite?

For those who had never watched Eat about, here are some intro: Like what i said just now, Chu had 3 daughters: Jia Jen, Jia Chien and Jia Ning. Jen is a chemistry teacher in her 30's. Being a devoted Christian, she never stepped into the love garden looking for the man she loves after her bf breaks her heart 9 yrs back. Chien is a managing director of an airline company who finds it hard to communicate with Chu. Ning is a university student who unfortunately falls in love with her bestfriend's bf, Guo Lun. Somehow, this is not an easy dish to prepare. Main ingredient 1: Jia Jen finds attraction with Coah Chai, a volleyball coach. After several secret love letter incident, Jen finds new meaning in life and get married without Chu's consent. Main ingredient 2: Chien desperately wants to move out of the house, so she bought an apartment with her life savings, until she realised that the half-built apartment was sealed by the police, as the company in charge of building the apartment runs away with the $$$. Given a chance to work as a Managing director in Amsterdam, she works with Li Kai, her appointed assistant, who turns out to be the man who breaks Jen's heart. At the same time, she found out that her bf was a two timer. Main ingredient 3: Ning get's pregnant by Guo Lun and moves out of her house.

Marinate the 3 main ingredients with love, confusion, friendship, sadness and sex. Throw them together into a wok and add in the 4th main ingredient: Chu declares his love with Jin Rong, Jen's high school classmate cum bestfriend. Rong's mother, old Mrs Liang thought that she falls in love with Chu, and wished that Chu would get married with her. She calls Chu an dirty old man after he declares to everyone that he is taking Jin Rong as his wife.

Finally, place everything in a plate, and garnish with a touch of warmth between Chu and Chien. Serve hot. From preparation to finish cooking, it takes 2hr to do so. What you sample is a rather time consuming delicacy prepared by Ang Lee.

One of the best film watched, cos there arr food, there's love and so on...But seriously how many movies were there all together which talks about food? Last year, watchd Ms Loo's recommendation, Babette's Feast, which is also about preparing a feast. But compared to Eat's serving of 10 people where only 4 people dine, Babette's Feast focuses on how good the food are, not the size of serving. Authentic 19th century French cuisine were served for 12 people. And the 11 old folks + an invited aristocrate had a night of fine dining, where they would remembered it for life. If it sounds boring to you, let Penelope Cruz spice up your meal with Woman on Top, which has been rated M18 for sexual content. Had a taste of Brazilian food with 2 men fighting over Penelope to spice up the dishes.

How about a serving of dessets? Juliette Binoche teams up with Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom in Chocolat, together with Johnny Depp. OK, everyone knows what is this about. It's about French chocolat. Now, let's try Mexican chocolate: Like Water for Chocolate. Related to chocolate, but it was made in a forgotten small town in Mexico. Pedro and Tita were a couple who wants to get married, but Tita's mother, a former cook, insisted Tita's sister to get married first, and had Tita to stay beside her, so as to take care of her. Plot is that simple. Yeah, and unable to give you more detail, cos 1) I've never watched it before, 2) it's an adult movie.

Oh yeah, x'mas is coming soon. 2 things to be done for this season: 1) getting mum to buy turkey from Canadian Pizza, 2) get myself 2 Heeren's voucher at discounted price, so as to buy the dvd of In America at special prize. Go down to Heeren's tomorrow, and get In America on Fri. :)

Saturday, December 18, 2004 @ between sunshine and rain...

go for my usual swimming today and pulled my weight back to 76kg. :) and pretty surprising to met Jeremy n his friends, as they have certain events going on.

To tackle the problems for my corp comm, headed straight down to Toa Payoh Library to borrow the necessary book. Being a student, u know that once the tutors encourage us to refer the recommended books, the books would have fly off the shelves even before we do anything on it. Yeah, and that's how horrible it could be. So i went to the various library in Spore to borrow my book. Went to Sengkang, then Toa Payoh. Where's next?

Due to the season, it rains the moment i get off the bus. God, might as well get drenched in the rain. And i am glad to get myself drenched in the rain...

And went to esplanade for my usual dosage of dvd's. This time round, i have to borrow French films for my French general knowledge, and brings home the classic, The 400 Blows. About a rebellous boy who runs away from home for freedom, steal a typewriter from his dad's workplace to sell, so as to get his $$$ for his freedom. Later on, he learns that freedom comes with a price, and he would not get it that easily as expected.

Sigh...gotta work on that corp comm now. so sianz...

Friday, December 17, 2004 @ 14 days later...
14 days later marks the end of the stormy and colourful 2004. Not really that stormy, compared to 2003. Asked Kheng Lin and Minghao if they would like to go for any countdown, and they are fine with it. Now it's only the no of people and the countdown that we are going that needs to be finalised.

Had my french test tdy and somekind of unexpected. No 1/2 marks given, and i just feel that i am going to do badly...well never mind. Look forward to 23's tut at LT49, where we will be watching an French adult comedy, Tanguy. (Pronounced as Ton-gi)

Now, thing's seems to be rusing off very quickly for my schoolwork. Gotta finish Principles of Corp Comm tut notes by 27th and teach everyone how to do it. least got a chance to say merry x'mas to Mdm Meenachi for tat 1/2hr meeting. : )

Now here's e biggest problem: how to do comm skills 2 peer teaching notes? So hard to do man...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 @ Before Sunset
Recycling the same old title again.

Well, nothing much for the past few days. Installed MSN messenger on sun, and had a short conversation with Eugene. Only on mon then i realised how stupid i was not to install an MSN msenger long long time ago. Chatted with Rajes, Minghao n Kheng Lin on various stuff and asked the boys if they would like to go for countdown this yr, cos kl and i had never being to a countdown b4. It's with Katja, Lilian and Charles on sch n private affairs. Sorry, no one's entitled to listen to whatever we say for tdy only.

Went to Sengkang community library at Compass Point today to borrow HR txbk, thanks to the active participation of students who borrowed all the necesary books away. Pretty disappiinted with Compass Point. Size was rather small, slightly smaller and shorter than Tampines Mall. Somehow i just feel that it was somekind of similar with NTUC Hougang Mall. God, that place was like shit. 4get it.

And headed straight to Orchard as i have time. Went to HMV to look for Before Sunset's soundtrack, but guess what? Happen to saw A-Ha's latest album! Yeah yeah yeah! But don't be too happy. That's not an new album. It's a collection of their popular hits for the past 20yrs, and that of xourse includes Take On Me. By looking at the cover of the album, could tell that all the 3 adventurous boys has now become adventurous man. Morten Harket, Magne Furulhomen and Paul Wakktar Savoy no longer looks young. (Wait, the title of the album is known as Singles 1984-2004, and it will only be on sale in US from next sun onwards.) and oh yes, i am going to buy it, cos some of the tracks are remix version! But i have to get Before Sunset 1st, if not, i will ended up go and get the album tested in all cd outlets and that sounds very stingy.

On the way to Hotle Phoenix The Cake Shop, i was looking at what was available there and someone just called me, telling me to look behind. Heheh, none other than Yensie, my pri sch mate who orgainse the gathering. And surprisingly she is working there. Haha, just another short talk before sunset. If u had watched Before Sunset before, u get what i mean.

But sad to say, Before Sunset did not receive any Golden Globe 05 nominations... the list of nominees are out and once again, Uma receives her 2nd nomination in Best Actress. And the movie represent her? Kill Bill Vol 2. If u still remember, she was nominated last yr with Kill Bill Vol 1. Haha, she receives 2 nominations by the same film for the 2 consecutive yrs. Also on the list includes Cate Blanchette, with The Aviator gain her an nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Oh yeah, if ya know, she was nominated for Best Actress as well, with Joel Schumacher's Veronica Guerin help her getting an nomination, but lost to Charlize Theron in the end. Scarlette Johanson was once again nominated for her role in A Love Song for Bobby Long. And once again, Nicole Kidman is back to the list, with Birth as her weapon for the Golden Globe. After playing the infamous lesbian in Boy's Don't Cry, Hilary Swank makes her return to the list with Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby. Oh yeah, Congrets to Clint Eastwood. He was nominated again this year with additional 4 nominations: Best Director and Best Picture, Morgan Freeman with best supporting actor and Best original score. OK, one of the good film worth waiting after Mystic River.

And next congrets to Jamie Foxx, the former foul mouth actor who receives 2 nominations: Best supporting actor (in Michael Mann's Collateral with Tom Cruise), Best actor in a comedy/musical (playing the late jazz legend Ray Charles in Taylor Hackford's Ray). As for best picture, it's unlikely that all will reach the local theatres by this yr: The Aviator (20 Jan), Closer (highly recommended adult drama featuring Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Clive Own and Natalie Portman. General release here soon.), Hotel Rwanda (no info), Kinsey (an A graded sex drama starring Liam Neeson, where it discuss male and sexuality before and after marriage.) and Million Dollar Baby. As for Best Picture in a comedy/musical, one animation was nominated. Charles and most of teen's fav: Incredibles. The rest are proper movies, which includes Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carrrey's out of his world comedy with Kate Winslet), Ray, Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera and Sideways.

The Best foreign film category this year is a great yeah! and a great boo.... The Motorcycle Diaries and The Sea Inside represents Brazil and Spain, despite the fact that both are Spanish films. 2 French dramas: The Choir Boys and upcoming highly anticipated A Very Long Engagement! 3 Cheers to Audrey Tautout and Jean Pierre Jeunet! Viva La Audrey Tautou! the great boo was...Zhang Yimou's shitty swordfighting film, House of Flying Dggers. A disgrace to the Chinese. Just don't get it why the foreign critics would treat a piece of shit as a piece of jewel. Oh yeah, that Lao Mou Zi is making a swordfighting film again, and is even inviting Jackie Chan to act in the shit, and Jackie kindly agreed.

Mabey its time Lao Mou Zi go back to his previous professon: a factory worker.

Sunday, December 12, 2004 @ Bring on the Night
That was the title of the album from Sting. No, nothing to talk about Sting (I can't even go for his concert on 10 Jan anyway, cos i need to be early for attachment.), but more rather went to Lido for Blade Trinity with Shyam, and yeah, a letdown. Though i've not watched Blade and Blade 2 before, but i could tell Blade Trinity was really bad.

Just wonder if the show is a supernatural action packed thriller or comedy? Loads of stupid jokes, and Chinese were portrayed as monsters. (Oh my, i think i am going to tell ya that Nike's latest Chamber of Fear ad has been banned in China due to 'insult of nation's integrity.') Seriously, i believed that Wesley Snipes could come out with a better film, rather than such kind of stupid film that not only waste New Line's $$$, but also audiences $$$.

Somehow, it was not very ideal for Lido to screen Blade 3 in Lido hall 3. No 1: The size of the screen. Not really ideal for a newly released thriller, unless it was on the 2nd wk run. 2: The interior design of Lido 3, which used to be the former Lido Classic. The upcomin' Phantom of the Opera would be more ideal to have a screening there, compared to Blade 3. Lido 1 and 2 has been reserved for National Treasure and Alexander. God, why not Blade?

Mabey i should have go for Look at Me, the French drama now having a run at Cineleisure Orchard. No 1: I just feel that films such as Blade no longer suits my taste. 2: I can pull up my participation grades for French. Oh yeah btw, Before Sunset is having a re-run again at Cineleisure Orchard again! But don't think will go for it again, cos the Code 1 DVD is now on sale, and soon, the vcd. Next, i could meet Audrey Tautou on the big screen again! One of her old film, I Want to Be Famous, opens in theatres next week.

While taking MRT home around 11pm+, happen to saw my Bro at the train, and we went straight home together. Just realised that he goes for Blade 3 too, and he agreed with me, the show sucks. Oh yeah, i told myself, unless necessary, i will not go for such stupid show again.

Mabey i have o go to Books Kinokuniya to get French dictionary next week, and now, just look forward to tomorrow's meeting with Katijah, Stephanie, Sue, Lilian and Katja in sch.

Friday, December 10, 2004 @ The Night We Called It a Day
I supposed that most TP students know that Dick Lee is coming down to TP on 15 Dec at 12pm for a performance cum a talk rite? Mr Nah, my HR tutor, has been promoting this and do not mind shift his class an hour later.

Now, the Mad Chinaman is not coming due to some unforseeing circumstances. Unforseeing circumstances? Can the Simon Cowell imposter pls give us a good explanation on why u r not comin? If we found out that you are giving a talk for other P's instead of TP, ok, go and die. Screw u, Mad Chinaman, no, the Simon Cowell imposter.

Some kind of similar situation to the movie, The Night We Called it a Day. For those who do not know what the heck i am talkin about, The Night is a movie based on a 70's incident, where the Australians boycotted the jazz legend Frank Sintara, when he was suppose to perform in Australia. The show was cancelled and he make some sarcarstic remarks on the Australians, and thus boycotted by the Aussies.

Pretty fatigue for the past few days, well, got so many things to do. But cheer up myself with 2 things: 1) Had a group of nice girls in the 3 project gp: comm skills 2, hr and corp comm. 2) Befriends this gentlemen name Eugene from Ngee Ann Poly in a chatroom, and thus become freinds online, though not met each other yet. Both of us take French and i am still a greenhorn. Haha, to me, try not to be too engross on being a Frenchman, cos i do not want to be named another Mad Chinaman. Rather than Chinaman, i became a Mad Frenchman.

And now i am enoying Lisa Stansfield's In All the Right Places, the theme song for Indecent Proposal and A-Ha's The Company Man. Listenign to The Company Man somehow makes me interlink with Robert Altman's The Company. Anyone watches The Company before?

Oh yeah, i was supposed to meet Shyam for Blade Trinity at Lido, but the plan was put off thanks to the sudden announcement of attending another boring NE Forum talk. And while sending Zhixiong and his gf off, i took 23 and stops at Bedok Resevoir rd to take 87 or 60. While taking 87, happened to saw a guy who just looks like Tianhao, my pri sch mate. He look at me, i look at him, and just wonder if we ever know each other. Until he drops off at Blk 540 something, i saw him took out his Nokia 7610 and i just realised that was him! OMG, Just met him in the gathering and less than 144hrs later, i do not recognise him.

I realised that if i do something about my memory, then i am as good as being a fossil.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 @ Being a Frenchman for a day...
Should i address ya as Bonsoir or Bonne nuit? Messieurs-dames, bonsoir.

Moi first day of French goes pretty well, as i make lots of friends there. And somehow it sounds hilarious to pronounce in French. Oh well, i have a French test next week. fast.

Starbucks thank their customers for their years of support by giving away free drinks at all outlets. And i had 2. Mocha at Parkway Parade, and Creme Burlee Latte at Marin Parade cc. Sounds kiasu rite? Not like the auntie who tell her kids to go and queue over and over again. And this auntie was sitting besides me while i was doing my French revision in the CC. Thanks to the test next week, i practice my French greeting to the staff such as Merci and Au revoir. Heheh, an oddball.

And sounds like Kheng Lin will give me a good lecture for writing to him in French when i asked him for the pics. On the gatherin, he told me:'Hey Taiwei, can u stop speaking English with a very heavy French accent? And speak like a local pls?' Heheh, KL, I can't.

Anyway, today was just like any other ordinary day, with loads of surprises.

Bonne nuit, Messieurs-Dame.

Monday, December 06, 2004 @ The return
School re-opens today, and i wouldn't say it goes like a breeze. The idiotic 69 was once again late, so i am late for my 1st RHRA (Relationships n Human Resource Administration) and Magt ER lecture. Thank goodness i have Mr Nah as my tutor for both subjects. Yeah, a kind n nice tutor for 2 subjects.

5 mins after i settled down in the LT, Mr Nah told us that 46 HR students will be going for job attachements with Kelly Services. What? So fast? That was pretty fast n unexpected, cos you gonna go for it either this or next sem.

And i am one of the 46 lucky fellas chosen to go for 12 wks of job attachments. So i have to give up my precious time of tue am for attachments. In exchange, we do not have to turn up for most RHRA and MER lec.

Next, i just feel that i've been living like an idiot. When asked Sharlene, my classmate, that what is LCFR, she told me that was French.

WTH? I had gotten something that i long yearn for, and i do not realised it, until tdy. Anyway, i am looking forward to my French this Wed am. Yeah!!!

While checking Yahoo! Movies for the upcoimg films, i had found that Clint Eastwood and Al Pacino will be releasing their new films soon. Eastwood directs and stars in Million Dollar Baby, a film on how a ex-boxer found true and forbidden love with Hilary Swank. Morgan Freeman took the support role too. As for Pacino, my all time favourite, will be playing in William Shakespear's Merchant of Venice. Oh yeah, just wonder when will they be here?

Sunday, December 05, 2004 @ I should be so lucky that on a night like this...
Last night was a memorable event for most of the 6A'S, B'S N C'S, especially me, cos i was in the BTPS gatherin. Only 24+ turns up, but at least it beats none. Oh yeah, lotsa hugs n laughs, cos it was ages since we last met each other. And yes, i should feel so lucky that most, in fact all, survive.

Held in Kheng Lin's house 2gether with the help of Yensie and Poh Ling, not 4getting my bro, Minghao and all kind souls who help out in it, i would say it was a night of fun and laughter, and of course, we really enjoyed our food. I've learned one thing: Kheng Lin has the ability to drink bottles of wine. Wow, just wonder when's the last time i had a good drink, and i just thought that i had quit drinking, just like Bridget Jones. And i acted like Bridget Jones yesterday, pathetic, dying for a woman (and sorry, i do not need a inflatable balloon doll for sex.) and fat.

Know one thing? Fat girls became beauties from heaven, fat boys slim down. Hehe, but most were old. At least i feel so. (OMG, now i am feeling i am just like Bridget Jones again.) Well, only 2 teachers were there last nite, Mrs Tay (aka Kheng Lin's mum, who taught us science in Pri 3) and Mrs Humphries. They are old and are enjoying life now. As for the rest of the trs? Something else holds them up. Those who looks the same remains almost the same. Sigh...

Bom Yeorul Gyo Gyo Bom.

7 yrs flies. Add another few phrases of Bom Yeorul Gyo Gyo Bom and we will all boys become Old Boy, minus the Korean style incest and psychotic revenge.

And this is a good period to bury all long long hatches that cobwebs had grown all over. Everyone become friends again. Timothy, if u read this part, u know what i mean. Wink.

And yeah, another few more phrases of Bom Yeorul and i will become Bridget Jones.

Wonder if i should include the following for my blog in future:
alcohol units: no of friends: no of weird thoughts: times of weird acts/behv: no of cigs: calories: weight:

And when i walked on the streets of Orchard Rd tdy, i told myself, i am no longer lonely. Freinds is just around me, all i need was to pay close attention. Pretty surprising to meet Jeremy and his gf walking on the streets of Orchard, while on my way to Times Centrepoint. Hey, he dyed his hair just like Katie Holmes in Pieces of April (And i bought Pieces of April at $$$ Converters tdy. Yippee!!!)

Hey BJ, all you need is a Mark Darcy, not a Daniel Cleaver. And for me, i would rather be a bit of both Mark Darcy and Daniel Cleaver. All i need was Bridget Jones.

Friday, December 03, 2004 @ Bad hair days.....
Simply tells the state i am at rite now. I am not really someone who likes to comb hair all day long at home, and thus the result of Maggie Cheung's hairstyle in Clean. Well, i just stay at home all day long and thus saves up the trouble of combing my hair.

Borrowed Cranberries's Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, their last released album before any of their new albums. Just wonder why i am so foolish to miss such a good album when i was in Sec 5...Really loved the song that i am listening rite now, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee. It time i need more cd's now, cos Maksim had failed to last for 2 weeks. And 2morrow, the day has come. BTPS gathering. Throw up the msg of meeting majorities at Bedok Int. so as to go 2gether, and 2 mins after i released the info, Fredy called. Finally, one called, and sad to say, that was the last. I've yet to received more response by now.

And of course, nothing to do at home, so watched The New One Armed Swordsman, the last chapter of the One Armed Swordsman trilogy, and learned one thing: Quentin Tarantino uses the ending for his Kill Bill Vol 1 ending. The one vs several showdown and the exchange of blows between The Bride and Go Go Yubari. Wow, anyway, if u had a chance to catch most of the SB classics, it is too easy for you to see traces of elements from QT's Kill Bill.

Oh yeah, know one thing? Plenty of S'porean Chinese could not speak proper Chinese, and think that Chinese is too hectic to learn. Seen too much of this people around here. As a Chinese, my word of wisdom to Chinese who do not want to/know how to speak Chinses: THEY SHOULD JOLLY WELL GO AND DIE! Yes, i am serious about it. One who does not know how to speak it's native language are as good as foreigners. When China opens its doors to all countries, most feels that there's a need to learn Mandarin, so as to make $$$. At the same time, they could learn more about the culture of Chinese.

Lets us talk about Culture. How many people knows about their native cultures? With more people finding a better life in foreign land, they throw away their cultures. And language is one of them. This applies to those who migrate to foreign lands from their own native lands just to enjoy life. And thus, lesser people knows much about their culture.

To be continued...

@ Same Bridget, Silly new diary.
And after months of bombarding from the media, Taufik won the Spore Idol title. Well, though i detest Spore Idol, cos i am not the sort who watched Spore or any other Idol (i am 2 old 4 tat), i would still hope that Taufik will be Spore Idol, rather than Sly. Sly looks like an Taiwanese pop idol wannabe or a ordinary chao ah beng. Personally, i would rather wish to see Olinda being Spore's 1st Idol. Those idiotic judges such as the 30 yr old Spore Pop icon who wish to be the next Simon Colwell, but ended up being the greatest S.C imposter Dick Lee and Blah blah blah....

And somehow, my 6 sense does not really work. (should i say that that my 6 sense is not true?) This can be proven by watching Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason in Empress today. And i can now tell you that i've been to every single auditorium of Empress theatre. Watched BJ2 at Empress hall 2 and i can tell ya, don't be surprised that you can find a beroken seat easily. In fact, there are quite a few seats that have been left broken. This means that if you gonna seat on it, you will fall from the seat for sure, as the seats were either slide towards the left, or rite, or back, or front. And know one thing? One of the seats had been removed in the middle of the role. Unsurprisingly, only 4 audiences were there for the 12.30pm B slapstick comedy. Theatre is rather small, but they do have a few Beijing opera mask hanging up on the theatres as a decoration. Geez. I don't see them in Hall 1 or 3, but why 2? Hall 1 has been reserved for Alexander and i reserve Alexander for Lido, so BJ2 take over.

Being the 1st person to enter hall 2, only birds were there chirping throughout the whole show. No music, only one trailer and let's begin! Similar starting to BJ Diary, go for the usual family gatheriing, and BJ meets Mark Darcy, her dream guy. And she fascinates herself that she is getting married with him. Cost of fanciful imagination of her relationnship with Mark? Several disruptions in Mark's meetings, including telling him and the important guest 'how it feels for a nice shag.' The nightmare: Sit Up Britain (the TV station BJ works for. She resigns her job in a publishing company just to prove her boss cum her ex, Daniel Cleaver that she can leave without him.) employs Daniel as a TV host for a travel programme. And ya know what's expected, if you had watched BJ Diary. If that's not the worst, BJ feels that Mark is not good enough for her, and several misunderstanding that Mark is in love with his colleague. So she asked for a break-up, and flies to Thailand with Daniel for shooting a TV programme. But after the big ho-ha's, she left Thailand and ended up arrested for drug trafficking she did not do. So will she be saved by Mark, the barrister, or Dainel, the man who dragged her to Thailand?

Directed by Beeban Kidron (who directed trans and homo's fav, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, a comedy about 3 drags.), it filled the film with slapstick laughter, rather than the authentic BJ Diary. Might be somekind of funny, but somekind of lost touch from the best selling prequel.

Sigh...doubt there will be a 3rd, though Renee is my fav actress.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 @ Sick....again
I am still not totally recovered from my illness. Sigh... can't go out to gym, no swimming, and now, no movies outside.

Somehow my sixth sense is telling me that Empress will be operating for the last day today, so if i am perfectly fine, i should be going for a move there. Anyway, i should be going for the 2.30pm show for Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason rite now. I SHOULD BE IN THE BUS RITE NOW. But the weather is real fucking wet wet wet. I do not want to miss the upcomin' BTPS gathering on this Sat, so between health and BJ, i guess ya jolly well know what i have to choose.

The reason my sixth sense tells me that Empress will be operating for the last day is b'cos Empress do not have any sneak preview for the upcoming new shows from tomorrow: Alexander, After the Sunset, X'mas with the Kranks. Plus my previous early 'signs' showned at Empress, you get the answer.

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