This City Never Sleeps
Monday, May 30, 2005 @ Busy me
From today onwards, i am officially glad to announced that i will be busy like there's no tomorrow till the end of the semester. Hahaha...crazy me.

Events management and Media Relations will be taking place on Mon and Tue, while HR will be held on Tue and Fri. And while i am buzy for my projects, there's no Futurama to entertain me. Boohoo.....

Still not recovered from my flu, and it seems that cough has worsen. Had been coughing all day long today, and because of that, no cold food or drinks for me. But never mind, i gotten a new haircut today at a salon, instead of a barbershop. Well, i visited this salon named Vernica at Bedok Central, and i requested to have my hair done by a professional. Surprisingly, i am tended by a 30+ auntie who cut my hair. I am given 2 rates: $10 or $14. I choose the $10, cos i know the $14 would include a wash. I go for the $10 cut and after the cut, my hair was styled by the hairdresser. But when i take a closer look of my new hairstyle, i just feel that i looks like Ah Wang, the gong kia played by Roger Kwok in the recent end of Square Pegs on Ch8. Yeah, looks a little gong now, but i am going to style my hair tomorrow when going to sch. At least i want a Tom Cruise look or looks like Ethan Hawke, but just wonder if the hairstylist can do a good job.

And before that, i saw some cute male hairstylist at Vernica's rival, Cut and Curl, a hairstyling school who cuts for celebrity. Oh, really wished to have my hair cut by them. But never expect me to have my hair cut by David Gan, cos he charges a freaking $200+ for a normal haircut, and reservation need to be done in advance!

Whatever, i am going to sleep now, and i am going to do my projects tomorrow.

Sunday, May 29, 2005 @ Mary Allen Makes the Moment Count
That was a sad song from A-Ha, talking about lonely people, and that was the song playing on my new speaker now.

Forced to go down to Jurong Point today, cos that's where Jurong West Library was located, and i need to get a book there. It was so pathetic to see that the book that i need: Events Management is the only book in the whole NLB. aiyoh, so pathetic least my school library got 2 mah, but borrowed out lor...

Surprisingly, the library was located at Level 4, the office level, instead of the usual shopping area. To reach there, i have to walk by the stairs and go up to Level 4, where you can see the library rite in front of ya after you open the door. The size of the library was rather pathetic, about 1 1/2 basketball court big.

Talking about Jurong Point, i am quite a mountain turtle, cos this is the 1st visit to Jurong Point in my life, after it has operated for 10 years. The size is sightly bigger than your average neighbourhood shopping mall, but don't compare with Causeway Point, cos that was really huge, k? They have the major brands under one roof, and i quite like it, better than NTUC Hougang Mall, where i previously worked at. It was real horrible, small, not much big brands, expensive, limited choices and blah blah blah...Common brands such as Converse, Levi's, 77th Street etc...well they have it there. Oh yeah, the former Liberty Supermart is still operating there.

It may have everyting under the sun, but it is located at Jurong West, so it really puts me off going there, cos it is located far far away...

Saturday, May 28, 2005 @ Je suis malade....
I am now down under a flu, and it is quite bad. After i made myself hot Lemon coke, i am sweating profusely. Yeah, i am one of the weird oddballs who sweat like rain, but sweat helps one remove the toxin on the body rite? As for that hot lemon coke, it is a household remedy from HK, where u just add in few slices of lemon into a pot of 1 can of coke (Cola, i mean.) and bring it to the boil. Once it's boil, have it hot. Yeh, and you will sweat like hell, but not freaking hell. And i want to sweat like freaking hell.

Was out of the house almost for the whole day today. 1st of all, went to look for MA 2nd hand text at Bras Basah, but sad to say, they do not have it. Then, went to library@orchard at Takashimaya to borrow HR and Corp Comm books.

That's where i had a freaking experience. I was in the gents at L3 behind Books Kinokuniya, where i was waiting for a cubical. All of the cubicals was full, and apart from me, a guy in his early 40's looks, dyed with golden ash colored hair was waiting for cubicals as well. The guy was staring at me and i did not bother to look at him. If that's not enough, the guy came closer and take a good look at me. When one of the cubical was empty, he went in and gave me the look if i want to join him.

I turned back and when the handicapped cubical was empty, i rushed in.

Fuck, i realised what the guy wants. He was wondering if i am interested to have a jolly good time with him in the cubical. In the cubical, i was wondering, what happens if he follows me?

Mabey i should bring a knife along when going out, so that if same thing happens, they would ended up like the males victims in Almodovar's Matador: stabbed to death, or castrate them. (Oh yeah, supposed to go for Matador with Shahrin tdy at Yangtze, but he just couldn't make it...what a pity.)

It has been a week since sch reopens, but nothing much happens. But by the time the real action comes, then be prepared to kill or be killed.

Friday, May 27, 2005 @ Balloons
It's just like back to the days when i was still a little child, who likes to play with balloons.

In Business Day, a day where all Dip in Biz students play an ice breaker game b/w the juniors and the seniors (our batch), where we get to know each other, and play 2 games: passing water bomb using trash bags (rather lame. 2 ppl holding the trash bags and passed to the next pair, and the next pair passed to the following pair. One rule; try not to let the bomb fell into the ground or fall on someone else, or be prepared to get wet.) and press balloons and placed it on ya chest, with other side of balloon on other party's back, and form a 'caterpillar.' Try not to burst balloon or once burst, everything going back to square one.

I was given a orange balloon, and it did not burst in the game. I burst it at the end of the game.

This moening, while at the library, i was browsing through the video catalogue and one of the new titles TP purchased was this 1956 French short film which was featured at the ending scene of Vanilla Sky, where it appears in Tom Cruise's reflection where he jumped down from the building: The Red Balloon. The story is about a red balloon with a mind of it's own follows a little boy around the street of Paris. The plot is simple, and it is short and sweet.

While watching episode of The Critics just now, it features the main character, Jay Sheerman, who brought his son for a show, entitled The Red Balloon. He thought that was a good film, but when the show started, he had a rude shock: He was watching The Red Balloon 2: Revenge of the Balloon. He found himself watching a show that stinks.


Remembered that when i was still a child, one of the toys that keeps me happy for a long time was balloons. Whenever i have a balloon that could fly (those kind of helium balloons), i would be very, very happy, and i could play with it till the balloon burst, or it has lost it's texture.

But now, it seems kiddish to walk around with a balloon. So, i began to lose interest with balloons. Now, it seems kiddish whenever we have to play with balloons. Hmm...

Am i losing the innocence of a child?

Thursday, May 26, 2005 @ Futuramatised
Hooked on Futurama, the cartoons catered to teenss and adults, created wonderfully by Matt Groening, the man behind the yellow skin family that has been with us for 16 seasons (Gimme a Duff man!!) Yeah, within the group of Planet Express crew, we have Fry, a delivery boy from the 20th century, living with a group of people (or rather, robots and aliens?) from Planet Express. That includes Leela, the one eye alien who looks like a human being, Bender, the money lover robot, Professor (who was actually Fry's great great great great great.......grandson), Amy, a cute little Chinese girl and Hermes, an Indian father. Ah, not forgetting, Zoidberg, the 1/2 squid 1/2 lobster creature, who eats everything. (my fav =))

This is one of the few great sitcoms or rather, animations, great for people like us. Having a futuristic comical look on how 30th cntury would looks like: cars without wheels (it flies), everyone can live on space by building a home on pieces of floating land, entering the world of internet itself, just like visiting the neither world.

How about having a Nappster? No typo error here, i am talking about Napster in the yr 3002.Want a celebrity to be with you for 24/7? Just download and saved it on a robot, and you can have them to accompany you all day long...Want a pizza that fizz? grind flies inot powder and add them into the dough, and you get fizzy pizzas. More...

Let me get hold on season 2-5 1st.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 @ And the war goes on?
Catched Star Wars Ep 3 : Revenge of the Sith at GV Marina with Shyam on Sat. Go for the 7.30pm show, and as usual, the show begins at 7.50pm. Before the show, we go for the popcorns and surprised to found out that GV are selling caramel popcorns. But, caramel popcorns are more expensive than the normal sweet popcorns. So, i let Shyam used my $5 popcorn combo special coupon to get his sweet popcorn, and i get a free Vanilla Coke from the angpow draw when i watched The Sea Inside ages ago.

In the theatre, he had some of my popcorn, and we find the popcorn rather bland, while those that are nice, pop with a crispy caramel shells makes up only abt 45% of the regular size popcorn. I tell him: i am not going to buy caramel popcorn from GV anymore. I would rather have caramel popcorn from Bedok theatre, which now cost us $4 for a big bag (instead of the usual big bucket. Oh, how i missed the days of munching big bucket of caramel popcorns while watching movies at Bedok or Princess.)

And the so called Digital format at GV Marina is rather disappointing. First of all, even thought the movie is presented in digital, the whole colour seems rather dull and image looks bluury, compared to the DLP screen at Eng Wah. Yeah, at least Eng Wah presents digi films in crystal sharp images, compared to GV, where they used Christie Digi films. Cine Orchard is using DLP as well, but seats were totally sold out, and i do not have any chance of watching any digi movies at Orchard, cos movies presented in dig format are mostly kiddie's films, or shows i am not really interested.

The whole movie do contains some kind of disappointment, but because it is directly liked to Lucas's 1st Star Wars trilogy, so disappointment is expected. As expected, Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, after have his right hand and 2 legs striked off by his sifu Obi Wan at the end, and was burned severly by the hot lavas in planet Mustafar, a lava planet. Padme Amidala dies after gaving birth to Luke and Leia, which marks the 2 important characters for Ep 4-6. Mace Windu was the first Jedi to be killed, following the rest of the Jedi's, except Yoda, Obi Wan and Bail Organa, a senator cum 1st chairman and viceroy of Alderaan, cum Princess Leia's adopted father. Chancellor Palpatine leads Anakin to the dark side and makes him Darth Vader.

OK, George Lucas can now retire with honor, for making such a splendid classic for 30 years.

For the first time among the double trilogies, this is the only episode that 1) rated PG-13 instead of the usual PG, 2) to come with an consumer advisory in Singapore for violence. Yeah, but somehow, when compared with Collateral from Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx, it seems that Collaterla was kinda overated to NC16. And in Malaysia, Star Wars Ep 3 was competing with its made in M'sia competitor Scenario XX, a dumb Malay show imitating Star Wars. I am not surprised if Scenairo flops really badly.

Now, another trilogy comes to an end...and i just wonder, is there anymore blockbusters worth waiting coming soon? I do not mean separate movies such as Mr and Mrs Smith, War of the Worlds (where Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning are hiding from the invasion of alines, with Spielberg directing the non-Futurama style attack.), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory etc...what's next? Harry Potter? I don't know.

Alien, Matrix, Godfather, LOTR, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, and now, Star Wars. What's next to worth waiting for?

Mabey the war will stop for good from now onwards. But how about the dircetors? Any news of Wachoski Bros, Coppola, P.Jackson, Spielberg, Zemeckis, Lucas, and the rest...where r u?

Monday, May 23, 2005 @ 8 sides of life leads to: A new day has come...or is it so?
From tomorrow onwards, i will be a year older in TP. Yeah, i am turning Yr 3 tomorrow. And i was told that i will be having less time to enjoy myself. So, i am trying to enjoy myself as much as possible. Because, if i do not enjoy myself much now, i dun think i will have time to enjoy myself from now till graduation.

So, i rushed Dekalog series like mad. And sad to say, i could only complete Dekalog 1-8, and there goes my Dekalog 9 and 10. So, mabey writing down Dekalog here could help me get back my memories. If that's so, i am senile, and in fact, i feel so rite now.

Dekalog 1 - A boy and his father discover the wonders of physics, and he wanted to know more, but never did he know that curiosity is going to kill the cat.

2 - a pregnant wife whose hubby is dying from cancer wants to know the condition of her hubby from her hubb's doctor cum her neighbour, so as to decide whether if she should keep her baby. If her hubby dies, she would keep the baby. If her hubby survives, she will have to go for an abortion, cos the child's father is someone else. The doctor has to decide the fate of the child.

3 - a woman tricked her ex-lover into accompanying her for the whole night on X'mas eve by lying to him that her alcoholic husband was drunk, and goes missing.

4 - a drama student who lives with her father for 20 odd yrs found a letter for her from her da, where it was to be opened after his death. She opens it and found another letter, which was written by her mother, who died 5 days after gaving brth to her. She realised that her father was not her real father, and an unusual love story begins.

5 - which was made into a Short Film About Killing with additional 20 odd mins of scenes. A young lawyer is defending a gangster who was charged of rob and murdering a cabbie. The gangster was sentenced to death. From her, we see 2 different kinds of murder here: legal and illegal.

6 - which was also made into a Short Film About Love. A simple love story of a 19 yr old teenage boy spying at a 30 something female artist living in the opposite block. He finds any chance to get close to her, and eventually falling in love together, with an unexpected ending on the couple.

7 - A mother, daughter, granddaughter and daughter's boyfriend. Mother has always wanted another child after giving birth to daughter, but do not want to give birth to any child. When her dauhter gets pregnant by her boyfriend, the mother has acknowledging her granddaughter like her own child, and wants her granddaughter to call her mummy. Doom falls when her daughter took the child away, and wants her to reasonable agree terms.

8 - A Jewish lecturer met her good friend, a female Polish teacher in her late 60's. The teacher found out the reason why she (Jewish lecturer) wants to get close to her: to know the truth about WW2, where the teacher could have saved her, who was a young little girl from the Gestapo then.

9 and 10 ???

Thursday, May 19, 2005 @ Star Wars VS Matador
And after years of waiting, Star Wars Ep 3 : Revenge of the Sith finally opens today!

Bought the tix for the 7.30pm show at GV Marina for digital format (pretty pissed off that tix 4 digital format at Cine Orchard has sold out.) and that's where we will have the final showdown!

And also, after several days of waiting, my timetable is out. Rather disappointed, as friday is the busiest and longest day...9am to 5pm. Haha...9-5. Wed is 2-4. Mon n thurs 9-12. Tues is 9-4 xiao bo...why not mon 9-5 leh? cos fri 3-5 is that tut for magt accting. sob sob...

next week, 3 movies opens in various theatres, which are: Monster-in-Law, Madagascar and surprisingly, at Yangtze only, Matador by Pedro Almodovar! Made in 1986, the erotic sex thriller where the home video is not available widely, features Antonio Banderas in his early days. About a retired bullfighter or known as matador in Spanish who mets a beautiful, yet dangerous female lawyer. The lawyer hates men so much that whenever both meet up for sex and reaches orgasm, she took her hairpin and had the poor fella stabbed to death.

Now, it's a game of survival to both the matador and the lawyer...going for it next week. =)

p.s: oh yeah, know one thing about this 3 movies? the title starts with M. Yes, the letter M. Ma and Mo.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 @ I am not so lucky...
Well if you had read this am's Straits Times, you get what i mean: Kylie Minogue's ShowGirl Tour in Singapore has been cancelled. Reason: She has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Kylie has been diagnosed with early stage of breast cancer, and because of that, she has to cancelled the ShowGirl Tour in Singapore, Bangkok and HK.

It was such a surprised to hear that she had breast cancer, even though she was in such a pink health. When i read the report further, it was stated that she is 37, the age where breast cancer strikes on females. If you had seen the poster, it states that the concert will be held at National Stadium from the usual Singapore Indoor Stadium on 17th June, as it was totally booked for the PCK Musical that i find it really stupid. So, the posters states: ShowGirl will be held as usual, RAIN OR SHINE. But now, Kylie has to cancel the tour due to breast cancer.

I am not so lucky to hear the review on the tour, but the most unluckiest fellas would be those who snapped up the $178 tix and the $248 VIP seats.

Take care, my girl. May u have a speedy recovery and god bless. =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 @ Inside 8 Days
When 8 Days changed their releasing date to Monday for the sake of changing it, i am pretty unhappy with it. First of all, they changed the releasing day just to compete with their rival SPH's U Weekly. Now, they are going to change it again. 8 Days will now be released every Thurs. Why? To compete with U Weekly again, as U Weekly has changed their releasing day to Friday.

Because of that, me and my sis, who subscribed 8 Days,now gets our magazine on Tues. In the past, it's Tue, cos it's a day earlier (initially released on Wed). Now, it's still Tue, cos the fucking company who was in charge of sending the mag do not want to send it earlier, or at least, try to reach us by Mon afternoon. In future, Wed? I don't know.

And everytime i am looking forward to Tue, cos that's where i can get my dosage of fashion, entertainment, food and freebies, which marks the early start of weekends. Now, weekends are starting later...

Now opening Issue 763: 4 Covers of 8 Days for Star Wars Ep 3. We had: Anakin Skywalker, Princess Amidala, Yoda (the issue i received and the character i admire most in Star Wars) and Princess Leia. Where is Obi Wan Kenobi?

Unlimited surprised as i go further: Jet Li's latest kick ass drama that upsets most Chinese Unleashed will be having a special screening at Tampines Mall Open Plaza. Make a purchase of $30 at any stall and win the tix which co stars Morgan Freeman. Allan Wu can look very cool by leaving long hair and get his hair done by David Gan, Glenda Chong's hairstyle done by David looks like Lucy Liu's O-Ren Ishii in Kill Bill (before O-Ren had that long hair which ties up inot a bun), How much does our $9.50 tix to Star Wars can be broken into several parts, with 32cents to keep Hayden Christensen's makeup look good without melting down, a dollar to prove that Yoda did not fart in the show, 18cents to keep George Lucas awake with Starbucks, gives us a 4/5 stars rating for Inside Deep Throat, the 1972 cheap porn that spins $600million and stirs up controversy in the 70's, reminds us that Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg and Dakota Fanning is seeking refuge at our neighbourhood theatres on 29th June when aliens invaded earth with War of the Worlds, how Crystal Jade Kitchen is setting up a new dessert outlet in Scotts to compete with their HK rival Hui Lau San, why NTUC named their latest club DXO (and there's another advantage to become a union member: u enjoy cheaper rate and discounts on drinks if u r a NTUC member. Yeah, apart from your usual discounts for groceries and dental health care.) with formal Cultural Club DJ Boy George aka Liao Hiao to spin the disc as their major event. (No interview with the man who needs to apply an license for putting on make ups when performing in 1990 at S'pore. Yeah, he's gay.) Continue with Ch 8 coming up with an 100 episode soap drama Potrait of my Heart, with Lee i Kei aka Shan Yi from a Kindered Spirits, the 1000+ HK drama as the lead, and Adrian Pang's 2nd drama in Mandarin, 8 Days do not even bother to introduce the TV premier of Ron Howard's Oscar winning A Beautiful Mind and Francois Ozon's Swimming Pool, the beatuiful and sexy Eng/French thriller.

All this and more, in your latest copy of 8 Day's NOW!

An that's their tagline. Seriously, i wonder if 8 Days can do a better job on some other issues, such as more detailed intro of new and upcoming programmes. Rather than yakking about Denise Keller's infection with dengue while shooting Eye for a Guy 2, a lame and direct imitation of The Bachelorette, please, is it at least to give us a brief intro of how Francois Ozon created his very own unique suspense in Swimming Pool, or how Juliette Binoche created that wonderful and oh so sinful hot chocolate in Lasse Hallstrom's Chocolat?

P.S: Surprisingly, Dreamwork's upcoming animation Madagascar has been rated PG with consumer advisory: some coarse language. Haha, kiddie's animation with vulgarities.

Monday, May 16, 2005 @ A Tale of Lust
Was in JB yesterday am for usual shopping again, and found out that Yensie was having her appointment on Sat at JB. Haha...

Dad wants me to go t0 the usual barber, and this time round, i am not going to let some barbers who knows nothing about haircutting fashion to ruin my hair. So i say NO several times, before he let me off to City Sq alone. Knows that he's the sort who would rush things over, i grab the time well to buy what i want to buy. Bought newspaper, Mexican coffee buns from Rotiboy and 2 pirated DVD's: Kill Bill Vol 1 and Colour Blossoms.

Initially, it should be Irreversible and Colour Blossoms. But, i run round the whole shopping centre and they told me that Irreversible was out of stock. Wow, that was pretty amazing. Malaysians are interested in the French rape drama. The reason why i bought Kill Bill was : the DVD that my cousin gave it to me was functioning badly aka not working. Can't get to watch the part where The Bride tells the audience the story of O-Ren Ishi in Jap anime. This time round, the dvd that i bought managed to run smoothly, and surprisingly, it comes with French subtitles.

And as for Colour Blossoms, the erotic fantasy tale seems to be lingering round my head. It's hard for me to forget the music, the cast, and the SM. It is really amazing how the director Yon Fan blend the traditional Malay song Bengawan Solo with sex (and if u watch it b4, u get what i mean. Teresa Cheung bared her breast to Carl Ng at the door.)

Oh... lust is on my mind now.

Sunday, May 15, 2005 @ Kiesloski and me
Was a pretty hectic day yesterday, cos i am running to and fro from home to Parkway. Was in the afternoon to buy some porcelain plates, cups n bowl from Courts. Not in one pieces or 2, i bought a set of total 15 pieces, which i have to bring it home immediately, cos no one would be so dumb enough to carry that 15 porcelains and do window shopping in shoppes rite?

The went to the same places again to browse thru the videos at Video Ezy, and finally, they are marking down several new used videos at a go. Includes: Finding Neverland, Exorcist the Beginning, Collateral, Corp A Corps, Mystic River, some lame Korean movies and for DVD's, Kill Bill Vol 2 (Gaa! broke now...if not, buy it immediately.)

As i thought that i can kiss Polish director cum movie master Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colours Trilogy goodbye in Singapore, i did not expect that the follwing 4 hours at town would bring me closer, or more rather, an encounter with Kiesloski's works.

Ist of all, Laserflair has bring in Three Colors Trilogy, after it was banned here for an uncut version for years. Namely Blue, White and Red, the trilogy comes in 3 separate copies instead of a boxset. Oh yeah, i am dying for it, and it is here finally. At least i do not have to buy a set at a go, which burns a big hole immediately on my wallet. Well, i can't afford that $32.90 per piece rite now, cos it is out of qn for me to buy rite now.

2ndly, borrow DVD's as usual, but doing it rite now after bro bought a new DVD player, and one of the titles are the old works of Kiesloski's most famous classics before his 3 Colors: Decalogue (Dekalog in Polish) Series. It is amazing to find The Decalog series here, as it is not avialbe in Singapore. After reading the sypnosis of the 10 episode drama series, it interest me, and now, it is overe here.

Using The Ten Commandments as the surrounding of the story, each commandment makes up an episode. And i wonder if i should agree with US film critic Kenneth Turan, that it is nothing less than a priviledge to watch Decalog, if u had a chance to see it.

Well, i am going to enjoy my priviledge now.

Saturday, May 14, 2005 @ Let's say arrrhhh.......
Open your mouth, and say arrrhhhhh.......

This am, while reading Straits Times Life session, a column discussed the documentay drama that will now be having a sneak tdy, and have a showdown with Star Wars Ep 3 next week: Inside Deep Throat.

What's that?

Inside Deep Throat is a documentary that goes deep into the 1972 movie, Deep Throat, which stirs up a storm in US.

What is Deep Throat?

This is a movie. Of cos lah, i talk about movies in my blog. But this is no ordinary theme movie. This is a porn movie, or what the elderly's called, dirty movie.

The low budget movie, which was made in 1972, costs only $25,000 to make. But the movie is such a great money spinner, that it spins $600 million overall. If you have seen the poster on the papers, it states: The government do not want you to see it. It was banned in 23 states, it spins $600million bucks n it was the most profitable film in motion picture history.

Been the most provocative film in the movie history, the X-rated porn which stars the late porn actress Linda Lovelace has not only become a money spinner, but it also leads to much debate among the conservatives and the liberals in US. The conservatives says (if you watched the trailer in the opening) : we are letting this immoral people having their ways in our country. The conservatives protested: down with obscenity. They boycott theatres that screens Deep Throat, they tear down the posters, the remove the signboards, they protest. Protest, protest and more protest. The liberals rebutted: everyone has their right to see what they want, wthout having the government interferring what they want to see. An old lady who watches Deep Throat says: 'I Like It. I want to see a dirty picture and that's hat i saw. I do not want someone to come and tell me that you can't see a dirty picture.'

What the heck is Deep Throat about? It's all about having explicit sex, with woman enjoying sex so much, that it proves to the world that woman can enjoy sex equally as much as the man does. The movie comes with explicit sex scene, such as blowjobs n unlimited nudity. Unsurprisingly, the conservatives pressurize the government to ban Deep Throat, and the liberals are fighting for their rights to allow anyone who wants to watch Deep Throat at their wish to do so.

Inside Deep Throat goes behind the low budget porn that not only mades box office counters hears so much ka-chings several times, but also why 1) people want to watch porn but cannot watch porn, 2) why the conservatives wants to ban it, and 3rdly, to S'pore only, the censors wants to cut off part of the scenes in the documentary. So, you can forget about watching the juicy bits of Deep Throat over here.

And that brought me to another issues: porn is no longer exclusive to the guys only. Girls starts to enjoy porn.

While surfing Yahoo! Msg boards just now, there are girls who claims that they enjoy watching porn, and likes to start a kinky orgy session while watching porn. It's not surprising to hear such things such as girls likes to enjoy porn. Ever after the invasion of internet into every household, everyone can get online easily, and that includes porn. So long as you do not have a filtering system in your com, the world is at your hands. And for some teenagers, they seek sex online. More and more teens begin to look for sexual encounters online, and once clicked on, they meet up and you know what is it all about.

Mabey to some who finds it difficult to seek online sex partner or not wanting to have sex, they turn porn as a substitute. Does porn acts as a substitute for sex? In my view, porn can be a substitute for sex, but also porn cannot act as a substitute for sex. One gets sexually active, and they could not find a sex partner online, neither they would go for prostitution. So, they use porn as a substitute to satisfy themselves. But look on the other side, especially married couples. Sex is one of the elements to keep a marriage alive. Without sex, a marriage can hardly survive. I am saying this is because based on Maslow's hierachy of needs, food+clothings+shelter+sex makes up the basic human needs. Before one can go to the next level, which is safe and secure environment, the needs of 1st level needs to be satisfy. How can one feels safe, in terms of marriage, if none of the needs in the 1st level to be fufilled?

Now back to the issue. Girls enjoying watching porn. They watch it out of curiosity? For pleasure? For excitement? Beats me, cos i am a guy, not a gal.

Friday, May 13, 2005 @ The mirror has two faces
Starring Fann Wong, Thomas Ong, Qi YuWu, Yvonne Lim n Nick Shen, not Barbara Streisland and Jeff Bridges. If you understand what the heck i am talking about, it's about the stupid drama series Beautiful Illussions aka Jung Zhong Ren, with Fann playing a lady in her 20's who pretend to have schizophenic and falls in love with 2 long lost bro (by Thomas and YuWu), so as to fall in love, and turn the 2 bros against eah other for revenge. Reason for revenge: Thomas murdered Fann's dad 17yrs ago.

Another really dumb show playing on TV rite now. Like what the audiences criticize, Fann shows no improvement in her acting. Thomas should not take such a trash for his return, and YuWu, Yvonne and Nick had their talent wasted in this really dumb drama series. Just like Head in the Clouds, some of the sequence or happenings just happened. Eg: YuWu just died in a car accident, without showing what has caused the accident. We do not even get the chance to see what has the car hit on.

Fann tries to play a woman with split personality using the same mirror but failed.

It was so dumb, that i would rather see Barbara and Jeff worrying about using sex appeal to salvage a marriage in the mirror that pairs the boring couple together. Barbara creates a so so results with Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro in Meet the Fockers, even though she plays Ben Stiiler's mum. But hey, Mirror was her last movies before Fockers, k? Fann? We do not even know where the heck she goes after her last drama series or Shanghai Knights.

Now, waiting for Jane Fonda in her upcoming Monster in Law with J.Lo, her 15yrs break after Stanley and Iris with Robert De Niro.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 @ Nipponization
Been nipponized in a more interesting way today. Had curry udon and went to Liang Court, the place for the Japanese this afternoon.

1st of all, i had my curry udon at Carrefour hypermart Suntec. Want to get some French dessert, but went to the snack bar after a walk. Their so called curry udon was a small bowl of udon boiled in boiling water, with a scoop of Japanese curry pour over the udon. $3 for a petite serving. Udon is nice, but easily breakable. Curry? Gravy is great, but the chicken bit sucks. Taste like Yeo's curry chicken, hard and small. = (

2ndly, went to Liang Court to visit Books Kinokuniya for a look, so as to write something in the request letter for a placement in the upcomin attachment. The thought of the visit to Liang Court: not the right time to go there now, cos this is the time Liang Court is undergoing a major upgrade, so it is pretty empty right now, except for Meidi-Ya, Books K n Starbucks?

Happen to saw the Japanese video shop located at the former Daimaru supermart. Now stationed outside Meidi-Ya Supermart, that was the shop where you can rent the latest Jap drama in their orignal language, but without subtitles. Remember: that's catered to the Japs. But that makes up only part of the total collection. Their main collection: Hollywood films with Japanese subtitles! And surprisingly, none of them comes in DVD format. All presented in VHS format, and just wonder: why are they watching VHS rite now, while the Japs has advanced to DVD's?

Some of their latest titles: (been out for a period, actually.) Collateral, Taking Lives, Human Stain, Kill Bill Vol 2, Lost in Translation, Taegukgi. In english with Jap subtitles. One of the few interesting 'sights' to be taken note of?

Meidi-Ya supermart remains about the same as the former Daimaru, but now it comes with a kiddy's corner, playing Japanese cartoons in japanese. Now playing: DORAEMON THE WONDER CAT! =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 @ New Born Friend
Found another friend from Bedok Town primary. Mr Foo Siang Wei, yes, he knock on my door and asked me if i am a student from btps, and so we clicked on, and i remember who he is.

Yensie called me yesterday to clarify who is this mysterious dude, and i told him he left btps in pri 4 cos his family moved to Woodlands. She remembered: oh, that fat boy from cheetah house rite? haha...he still looks plump as ever.

The feeling of meeting your old friend is really great, especially someone who has left u 11years ago so suddenly, and gives you no response on where he goes, how was he and etc...just like vanishing in thin air. Yeah, FooL (as what he claims) lost contact with us for 11yrs.

11, been thru so many incident, before he could meet his friend and his crush. The death of Teresa Teng, Princess D, Mother Theresa, stepping down of President Suharto, Indonesia riots, millenium bug, 911, Iraq war, the collapse of Taliban dictatorialship, end of Saddam Hussien, outbreak of SARS, death of Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, Richard Harris and the tsunami, departure of the late Mr Wee Kim Wee...the stages he has been thru before he can meet his friends again...

And after that 11 years, we are no longer young, cos we are now living in a no man's land: aged 2o, one is no longer a teenager, not yet a man. At this stage, one's thought would be more matured, and think things and issues in a more matured view. So, that's why i say new born friend, cos we are no longer young, and we no longer carrys the childishness we had in pri sch to adulthood.

Welcome, my newborn friend.

now playing: All You Want by Dido

Saturday, May 07, 2005 @ Baller ID Bands
Was in the gents of Plaza Sing around 4+ when my mobile rang. Unable to pick it up then, and the rinnnnggggg..... dies off after a while. Wondering who was that person who do not have any patient. After a while, i dial up the no.

'Hi, this is B.I.R.D. from Wheelock Place calling. The baller ID bands are here and we only had a few left. U may want to come down and take a look'

Oh yeah, finally it is here: Nike's baller ID band. The cooked duck flies off when it was almost ready to be eaten. That's how it describe my last experience on the baller ID bands with Nike. Was a step late and the band sold off. Today, i am proud to present u (actually shd not be proud lah, cos so long already) Nike Baller ID bands. =)

However, by the time i reach B.I.R.D, sad to found that black bands is no longer on sale. Only 4 colors in 2 different packs on sale:light blue, orange, yellow, white. Yellow, yeah, that yellow color for Livestrong, but sad to say not Livestrong band. White and yellow are the 2 colors in the 2 packs, but light blue and orange takes one each. Took the one in light blue cos orange looks pretty girlish.

Feels that it's kinda worth that 2 mths wait, but at leas the black one is not here, which is the one i want.

Few more weeks to school, and it's going to be working like mad again... =(

Now listening to: Edge of the Ocean by Ivy, the song which reminds me of the 1st time i met Rabil at Victoria Theatre for his Dangerous Liaisons. :0)

Friday, May 06, 2005 @ Bonjour Monsieur Blogger
Or should i say bonsoir now?

while checking my TP email acc just now, opened up a mail posted from Timothy, the head of TP alumni, about joining the alumni for BNSS. That reminds me of the launch of alumni webbie on BNSS' speech day last week. The launch of the webbie was a success, but not during the speech presented by our beloved Mrs Yap. While presenting the news clip on how our young BNSS boys n gals help out in an charity dance with the disables outside Heerens months back, the clip goes speechless suddenly. Despite having the clip played twice, it remains speechless. Our beloved Mrs Yap says: hello boy's, it was perfectly alrite when it was having a run yesterday...

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha............... almost had a good laugh on her reactions. This is what we called, expect the unexpected. Had a very positie feeling that she's going to give the boys n gals a good lecturing when sch begins last tue.

School is still pretty slow with the posting of new timetables, and do u realised one thing? No results posted to our home after it has been released online. This is the first time i did not receive mresults thru post, while the school never fail to post us our results directly to us. Well, i would say that is better, so that we can keep the results to ourselves than to let our parents know about it. =)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 @ Head is not in the sky, it's in the clouds
Watched Head in the Clouds on vcd last nite using sis's notebook,even though i am not in the mood to go and watch it, but hey, i made myself spend $3 to rent the vcd for one day. If i rent it at Video Ezy Siglap, i can rent the code 1 dvd at only $5 for 7 days, but nah, dvd player not working, so stick to vcd.

An indeed, Clouds is a substitute of Colour Blossoms, except that such kind of arthouse turn porno flick is just like cigarettes: it comes in mild and strong taste. Cloud brand taste mild, while those who wants a stronger taste would definitely love Colour brand. Just like cigarettes, some of the elements can makes one addicted to it, even though it smells and bad for health.

The cloud brand cigs gets me a bit addicted, but i can kick that easily, cos it does not taste that good after all. Set in early 1920's to after WW2, it is a romantic war drama like ya usual doze of such historical war drama ala Cold Mountain, English Patient or even Malena, with an element of Philip Kaufman's Henry and June blended in: Charlise Theron and Stuart Townsend were in love since they live in England. When she moves to Paris, she invites him to live with her after she becomes a well known arthouse photographer, and invites him to watch her exhibition. There's where they get to know Penelope Cruz, a model who works for Theron. The 3 lives together and engaged in sexual relationships.

The Germans invaded Paris and Madrid just like that suddenly, and both Townsend and Cruz went to the frontline: one a soldier, another nurse. Theron slept with different German generals just like that, so suddenly. Townsend becomes a member of underground rebel fighting against the Nazis just like that suddenly, after Cruz just get killed in an explosion like that, so suddenly. Townsend loves Theron, while later she realised that the person who loves her most was Cruz and it ends abruptly.

Orgies, nudity, lesbo sex, SM mades up disc 1, with disc 2 talking about the war suddenly. So, you get a very cloudy movie. Oh yeah, know the tagline of the film? Three Lives, One Destiny, and that makes up a 124min movie. Wait, the vcd itself states that the film is 121min, but the total duration is less than 121 mins! Theron should have stick to Aileen Wurnos, Cruz can do better in European films, and Townsend? he should try some other types of film if he do not want to be named a B actor, which pulls his gf Theron's name down.

And i just saw things i shouldn't have seen online: part of the ending of Star Wars Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith! OMG! It's better that i keep it myself, than placing it down here...

And i do not know from when onwards, i am addicted to Scoopz Ice cream turnover: if u ever been to the small ice cream parlour at Parkway Parade, besides MPH, you knw that's Scoopz, where the made ice creams fresh from the freezer pan. Their ice cream turnover is an large scoop of ice cream of your choice stuffed in a hamburger bun, and heat it with a sandwich maker. The outside hot and inside cold feeling was simply irresitable, and so i tried making it at home: heat up the bun and scoop a large scoop of chocolate ice cream (and i stuffed in a slice of Oreo yesterday) and serve it immediately. it so much, but looks like i am getting fat soon if i do not burn off the excess calories.

Sianz...going to school for no reason tomorrow, just to see our CS2 paper...

Monday, May 02, 2005 @ The muddy cloud rule my head for a day...
Nothing really much happened for the past few days, just going to BNSS to attend Speech day, eat, dinner with Shyam at Far East Sq (initially at PS, but i told him if he was late again, he has to go and eat at Far East with me, and you know what happens in the end.) , went to PA Holiday flats at Pasir Rius beach to help our dear Jeannie to get ready for the gathering, went to Parkway for ice cream and books etc...

Yesterday was Mayday, and it happens to be on a sun, so the following mon is a holiday as well. Nothing much on the papers, but a major death took place took place, which was not on any of the am papers: the former President Mr Wee Kim Wee passed away at 5.10am in his residency due to cancer, at the age of 89.

Nothing much to talk about the late Mr Wee, or better known as the people's president, cos i had a very blurry image when he was the president of S'pore from 1985-1993.

And so i spend a rather dull and boring day at home: watch this Singapore movie produced by Touch community service known as Destiny, which stars Aileen Tan and Xie Shaoguang. Present in a very Almodovar style, this is a film about a psychiatrist who just lost her husband. Previously, the couple loves each other much, but as the husband was infertile, they do not have any kids. Years later, she received a news that her husband had a son living in Malaysia, and wants to live in S'pore as the child's mum was murdered. At the same time, she was dealing with an policeman patient, the policeman woos her despite that he was married to a beauty.

Terribly dull and boring, cos just couldn't get the meaning of what is the whole story about. Eventually, we do not know what is the moral if the story even though it is a film produced by Touch community service, which the film comes with an moral after the end of the story.

Which reminds me of a lame movie i watch on Arts Central last nite: Main Hoon Na by Shah Rukh Khan. While Destiny is more of drama which makes one cloudy, Main Hoon Na is too complicated: Family Drama/Action/Thriller/Comedy/Musical/Teenage Drama. The whole movie sinks, actually. The plot: a mirror relection of Stephen Chow's Fight Back to School series, with a touch of K3G and KKHH aka Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The way the movie presented: combination of Matrix (too much matrix stunts, including the bullet time), your usual doze of dance and sing segment, and a touch of John Woo. If u had watched Woo's The Killer by Chow Yun Fatt or M:I 2 by Tom Cruise, u will see white pigeons flying around at the showdown. The ending: combination of Woo's pigeon, your usual explosion and the ending of Grease. Yes, the funfair carnival at the graduation of Rydell High has now take place in St Paul's College in Main Hoon Na.

If that's not enough, i forced myself down to Laserflair to rent the vcd of Head in the Clouds by Charlize Theron and Penelope Cruz. Yep, the terribly louzy film, cos i am using clouds as a substitute of Colour Blossoms. Since i've not gotten the dvd, i might as well get myself Clouds 1st, so as to see the lesbo sex scene in the film. Oh yeah, for ya info, it was rated M18 for sexual content, if u do not know why Clouds can be a good substitute of Blossoms, just like using Nicorette as a substitute of cigarettes.: to curb one's urge.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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