This City Never Sleeps
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 @ Being Happy with Andrew Matthews !!!
Just in case you do not know who is Andrew Matthews, he was the author who brought us the best selling Being Happy!, Making Friends and Happiness in a Nutshell, where these are 3 books which provides us with inspirations of life. Not forgetting that they are the 3 best selling titles as well.

Well, Matthews is in Singapore for the past few days promoting his new book, Happiness Now. And today, it seems that a trip to Parco Bugis Junction with Yao Ming makes us see two well known people.

First is Rayson Tan, the Mediacorp actor aka Chen Liping's hubby. The first reaction Yao saw Rayson Tan: did you see what i see? And when i looked at the man wearing a lime green cargo pants and light green long sleeve tees, the look rings me a bell. And both of us followed the direction where Rayson was walking to. In the end, we decided to walk towards Adidas shop instead of being a stalker, cos 1) we do not want to be accused of some psychos following celebrities, 2) Chai Joo's previous nasty experience on Edmund Chen and Xiang Yun at Parkway Parade.

I decided to visit Books Kinokuniya later, since there's nothing much to see at Parco. And there's where the notice of Andrew Matthews is signing his books over the counter. Yao and i was wondering if we should get his book.

Just when we were wondering if we should get hsi book, Matthews walked towards the shelves where his books were placed together with the Kinokuniya staff. And Yao decided to get Making Friends, since that was a book where he find it useful for his social circle. Well, before Matthew leaves, Yao had the book signed personally by him, and at the same time, taking pictures together. As for me, i managed to get it signed by Matthews and had a pic taken with him, even though sis had 3 of his books, but i don't have it with me.

And should i say i am happy right now? I gotten Matthew's autograph, and purchased the DVD of Before Sunrise yesterday. Now, i had overspend on DVD's this week. Never in my life before i buy 2 DVD's at a go on 2 days.

Just in case you are lost with what i said, mabey this can help you?

And after years of waiting, A-Ha will be releasing their new album soon!

Entitled Analogues, it will be the Norweigan trio's 3rd album after their 7 years break. Their hit single, Celine, are now playing on my player, together with a news clip on A-Ha's preparation on Analogues. And it's in Norweigan, for ya info.

Now, i am keeping my fingers crossed to wait for the arrival for Analogues.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 @ Showtime!
It's over, and it is finally over. The Funtastic Youth has come to an end with a big bang.

Ellyas aka Rabil look alike won the Mr Glamorous title by wearing a red long sleeve shirt with a white suit, showing off his muscular yet hairy chest, just like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Rashidah won the Most Original title with her creative and original answers to questions. Congrets to both. =)

At least the chances of me predicting both Ellyas and Rashidah will win is much more higher than buying toto. No money needed to throw into the sea where you won't be guranteed with returns.

As for the event itself? The attandance is expected, with some middle age patrons as the audience. The event ends earlier than expected. It ends at 5pm, instead of our initial 5.30pm, even though the event starts at 2.15pm, 15mins later than expected time. Being part of the backstage I/C, me, Shikin and Lilian runs the show together with Steph, Kat, Su and Jane.

While most movie DVD's shows you how's the movie like, the bonus features gives you a sneak peek on behind the scenes, where the tears, sweat, anger, frustration, laughter and care mixed together to make one nice and grand event. Yesterday, tables were set, necessary arrangements were done, and it took us 6 hours to finish whatsoever that we needed. However, it took only an hour to destroy everything by restoring things back to places.

9am: everyone were either chewing or stuffing their McMuffins into their mouth in the CC.
10am: set up cordons, wrap up whatever that is needed.
12noon: debrief helpers on what to do for backstage. shouted at the contestants not to leave anything on the prize table.
1pm: tix holder starts to flow in slowly, have their makan and mingle around. doing the last minute wrapping up. gobbles up lunch box, and shikin told me to take my time for lunch, even though i am late as i need to debrief my crew members
2.15pm: execution of event. me at backstage looking at the show, doing the necessary stuff.

in the middle of the event:
- sound system is not working, mike is not working, coverlook contestants screwed up their part...whatever shit that shouldn't be there appears.

4.45pm: class receving certificate of appreciation from Dr Lily Neo, the MP of Kim Seng/Chinatown. Wow, she's young and beautiful. And she's pretty and gorgorous...doesn't look like a 40's to me. More rather, a 30's.

5pm: The End. Debrief by Mrs Chan SK, our tutor. Point out the errors and right things done. Had a leg cramp in the end for sitting still too long.

5.30pm: clear whatsoever is needed in the hall.

7.30pm: everyone did not leave the CC empty handed. We took the remaining Nescafe coffeemix and the girls goes gaga over that one carton of coffee. Guess how much i took? Secret. =)
Adeline and Regina passed me a box of cake from the cake cutting session, and wished me all the best in future. And so i thanked my classmates for the help and assistant given for the past few months. So now, it's au revoir to Bukit Ho Swee CC.

Yao and i make our way to Tiong Bahru Plaza to visit the gents. Went to Harbour City Restaurant to get moontarts, where it was so famous, that they had been selling moontarts for years. As the no sugar white lotus seed paste moontarts are selling like hotcakes, that he only gotten 10 pc in a box of 12. The other 2 was replaced by Pure Lotus seed paste moontarts. He was granted a discount, while yesterday, i was given a free piece of moontarts for purchasing 2 pcs of moontarts.

Yao gotten his moontarts, while i gotten A Very Long Engagement on DVD at Video Ezy. Some sweet treats for myself after a hard day's work. As there's no more A Very Long on the mark down batch, i asked the sales assistant if there's anymore left. He took one from the rental shelves and after checking the disc, i purchased the 2 disc edition at $14.90. I had Audrey Tautou to sweeten my night by seeing her sexy figure totally nude in the romantic historical war drama, which was directed by her muse, Jean Pierre Jeunet. In French, of course.

And finally i can have a good sleep...sweet dreams to all. Thanks for the guidance and support we given to one another, and you guys had done a great job! =)

P.S: Never wake me up if the clock has not reached 11am tom. I want to get back my loss of sleep tonight.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 @ Nuns...
First, there's Sister Act by Whoppi Goldberg, about a woman on the run from the secret society, where she seek refuge in a church. And it ended up a crazy yet hilarious tale, which became a classic. Not one, but two.

Much much more earlier, there's a Flying Nun, a American all time favourite sitcom, which was made in the 60's, about a nun who has the magic power to fly.

Now, Tash named his blog slutty nun for no apparent reason. Oh, it was about a nun who cannot behave. Sigh...he wasn't granted a power to fly, neither could he be as famous a Whoppi, so he misbehave. And what did he called himself? Slutty nun. :p

Oh yeah, that brought me to the MRND lecture i had yesterday. Mrs Raimi showed us some pictures of Reverend Shi Min Yi who risked his life by walking down from the highest level of Suntec City down to the ground for the Ren Ci Charity show 2 years ago. Now, instead of a flying nun, we had a flying monk in Singapore. The nun didn't fly for years, so a monk with flying power comes in decades later. The only difference is that Reverend did not fly from Suntec City to Marina Mandarin, that's all.

I am not surprised if i see a misbehaving nun flying in the sky one day. At least i know who is that weird creature who can fly around the world.

Now playing: Bad Girl - by the material girl aka Madonna

@ A Thousand Beautiful Thing
And the TV is blasting off with some trashy techno music is definitely not one of the beautiful thing.

Looking at Doraemon sitting on the couch watching it's own cartoon is one of the beautiful thing to look at in the morning.

While checking the mail this am, Friendster sends me their updates on who has updated their profile. Maizatul is one of them. Oh yeah! that dearest news of her for a long time, and of course, her dearest darling, Roslan. Just wonder how they are currently?

So, i take a look at some of the new pics Mai has taken. And it features a pic of both Maizatul and Roslan happy together, expressing their graditude for the past 5 years.

For that, i would say that is one of the thousand beautiful thing i seen in the am. One among the thousand.

Now playing: A Thousand Beautiful Thing by Annie Lennox.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 @ Fool floats
I did not had any chocolates, but i had beer and loads of fried stuff. Sounds great? Ney, it doesn't. I am not guranteed with what i am supposed to get.

Just in case you do not know what the heck has happened, James from Kelly Services called me to take over one of the HR/Finance elective student for their assignment: to pour drinks for VIP's in Robin Gibb's Concert. And for ya info, Robin Gibb is the lead singer of the Bee Gee's, and they no longer cut an album after the death of Maurice Gibb in 2003, due to colon cancer. (If i remember right)

Robin Gibb? Oh my goodness. Yes, yes, yes! I want to see Robin Gibb!

And so i fall into the beautiful trap. No Robin Gibb, but a bunch of angry Singaporeans and Britons rushing for the Night fever. The bar was short handed, and despite that there are additonal 4 helpers from TP to handle the 6.30pm to 7.30pm crowd, the crowd just came in like there's no tomorrow. More and more flowed in, and all they want is just a grab of wedges and wings, or a sip of Tiger and martinis.

But, those morons out there should jolly well know that whenever there's an concert/performance going on, slams are guranteed (slams is a jargon, meaning sudden surge of crowd. ), and thus, they are expected to wait min 10-15mins. We ourselves knows what to do, and we will be serving to you asap, in the fastest speed that we can.

And those morons do not have the patient to wait. So, they complained: where are my drinks? where is my beer? where is my bill? how long do i have to wait for the wedges? I am sitting here for 10mins.

And that explains why i do not want to work in FnB industry anymore.

As the seconds hand on the clock marches tick tock tick tock towards 8pm, the crowd slowly moved towards Robin Gibb, and what was left on the tables were none other than bottles, glasses, cups and bones. The crowd is totally gone by 8.15pm, and there's no one out there drinking, except the two kittens who can perform yoga.

9.30pm: our duties comes to an end. Benson, the manager of Beacon bar, treated us with food and drinks. We are free to go for any drinks on the drink list, and the team of 4 had 3 orange juice and Stella Artois. This is how Benson asked for the drinks:

Benson (to girl A): What drinks would you like to have? It's on the house.
Girl A:(looking at Girl B) do you want anything? (Girl B shook her head) dunno leh...
Benson: U all dun want any drinks? Serious?
Girl A: Orange Juice
Benson (to girl B): u?
Girl B: same
Benson: there's no drinks named same leh...
Girl B: Orange juice
Benson(to guy A): u?
Guy A: Orange Juice
Benson(pointing at me): dun tell me u want Orange Juice as well
Me: Stella Artois

Benson walked towards the bar and called the guys and girls: 3 orange, 1 stella.

Later, we are served with piping hot fried chicken wings, sotong balls, fried samosa and spring rolls. Yes, we are rewarded with those hot food, which was to compenste the lass for unable to see Robin Gibb in person, i presume.

Whatever it is, i don't get to see Robin Gibb in person, and my whole day was gone, just like that.

Friday, August 19, 2005 @ Sinful Confessions
Dear Bloggie,

I committed a sin. I had a serving of Swensen's sundae at Swensen's Suntec City yesterday.

This is what happens: i was at Golden Mile complex to do my homework on Genting package tour. From there, i walked all the way to Suntec City for ice cream, since i had a craving for Cookies n Creme.

What tempted me for this sundae is their August promotion: all sundaes are selling at $4 instead of the usual price. So, i just walked into Swensen's and look at their tempting menu.

I had Cookies Summit, which consist of a scoop of Cookies n Creme as the base, then few seeds of Maltese chocolate balls and fudge to top up the cookies n creme. A scoop of coffee ice cream is added on top, with more Maltese and fudge to top up the coffee ice cream. Lastly, a large scoop of Cookies n creme is added on top. To sweeten the luxury, whipped cream is topped with chocolate rice, chocolate coated wafer and chocolate coated cherry. Everything was added in a tall glass, and it sells at $4, instead of the usual $7.50.

I indulge the summit while i was doing my calculations for the package to Genting highland. I scooped the cookies n creme, and it was yummy. I licked the cherry, and eat the cherry, just like the way Uma Thurman had her cherry in Pulp Fiction. Oh, as i go on and on indulging the ice cream, i reached the climax, feeling i am at the top of the world. Cookies Summit live to it's name: making one feel at the top of the world.

I left Swensen's feeling high. Oh, that feeling was so great.

(Now playing: theme song of Julie, the Bollywood eros. Imagine Neha Duphia doing a sexy pose with this song. )

And i went to Bras Basah complex later, to look for older issues of Mens Health. I bought 2 copies in the end: one shop selling at $1.80 (while it should have been sold at $1.40, from their usual price of $2 + 30% off.) and i bought that. That was the Aug 2003 issue and i just found ou that they had the coverage on the launch of Mens Health on Jun 2003, with Allan Wu as the 1st coverguy. Oh yeah, loads of hot babes were at the launch as well.

Another shop are selling it at $1. It was the Sept 2004 edition, featuring Alvin Ee as the cover guy. My, i am sweating throughout the whole trip to Bras Basah, and i am dripping my sweat on Mens Health when referring to it. So, i have to buy, cos i do not want to be accused of damaging their magazines. The sweat not only stained the magazines, but also on my Billabong tees as well. I bought both copies and i am keeping them at home, for my own reference on health tips.

Mabey this trip helps to burn off part of the summit? =\

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 @ Dirty Pretty Things
After chatting with tash online last nite, i just couldn't fall asleep. Mabey i slept too much during the nap?

And so i watched a midnight show at home: Dirty Pretty Things.

Dirty Pretty Things is a British movie which were made by both Miramax Films from America and BBC Films from England (and our tutors strongly encourages us to listen to BBC programmes, because they made quality programmes. But seriously, how many of us bother listen to it?) From the cast and crew, we have:

Script written by Steven Knight, the man behind the world's most famous Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?

Directed by Stephen Frears, the man behind the classic homo-melodrama My Beautiful Laundrette by Daniel Day Lewis Dangerous Liaisons (first is Christopher Hampton who translated Les Liaisons Dangereuses from print to stage in 1986, then Frears put Glenn Close, John Malkovich, Michelle Pffeifier, Uma Thurman and Keanu Reeves onto the big screen version in 1988, and then J.Y Lee put Bae Yong Jun, Lee Mik Shu and Jeon Doo Yong into the infamous Korean Sex Scandal Vol 1 aka Untold Scandal (where S'pore ah soh's touched Bae's butt when he was in S'pore to promote the then rated RA movie), and then, Rabil and Ms Beatrice Chia bring the play onto the stage earlier this year.)

Starring Audrey Tautou, the French actress in Amelie. Yes, that French beauty. Tautou's first English speaking role. Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks is her next English speaking role.

The thriller explores the dark side of London, about an illegal Nigerian immigrant Okwe, who works as a cabbie by day, and hotel service man at night. One night, he happened to found a human heart stuck in a toilet bowl, and he did not dare to call the police: because of a secret he had. He became an illegal immigrant as he was a wanted man back in Africa. He was a doctor, and he killed his wife. He became a wanted criminal, and he do not want his life to end in the gallows, so he choose to run away.

He met Senay (Tautou), a Turkish chambermaid, who is also an illegal immigrant, and both of them lived together. Both lives were in danger when they are wanted by the police while working in the same workplace. He still works as a cabbie, but he decided to quit his job in the hotle hen his real identity was exposed by his boss, who 1) sells fake passports to illegal immigrants, 2) sells organs to underground syndicates by buying organs from the poor.

When Senay worked as a seamstress in a factory producing imitation goods, she sold her body in exchange for money, so as to fufill her dream to step into America for a better life. However, when Senay want to move a step closer to her American dream, she prostitute herself to her boss, and agrees to sell one of her kidney in exchange for a passport. She prostitute herself, but Okwe came, and both decided to took their revenge on the boss: both removed his kidney instead.

Kidney was sold and they gotten ther money, and both headed straight down to the airport. While Senay begins her American dream, Okwe deicded to surrender himself to the police...

The End of a sad tale of illegal immigrants. Knight wrote the dark tales, Frears brings out the dark tales, Tautou acted the dark tales. In the end, you get the secrets of illegal immigants who are willing to sell part of their body to fufill their dreams.

Not a movie that is really suitable for midnight show, cos you see heart and bodies and kidneys, filled with blood.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 @ They Won't Go When I Go - George Michael
No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when i go

All those bleeding hearts
With sorrows to impart
Were right here from the start
And they won't go when i go

And i'll go where i've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Gone from painful cries
Away from saddened eyes
Along with him i'll bide
Because they won't go when i go

Big men feeling small
Weak ones standing tall
I will watch them fall
They won't go when i go

And i'll go where i've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Unclean minds mislead the pure
The innocent will leave for sure
For them there is a resting place
People sinning just for fun
They will never see the sun
For they can never show their faces
There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner
Who will take more than he will give
He ain't hardly gonna give

The greed of man will be
Far away from me
And my soul will be free
They won't go when i go

Since my soul conceived
All that i believe
The kingdom i will see '
Cause they won't go when i go

When i go
Where i'll go
No one can keep me
From my destiny

From Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1 - 1990

Monday, August 15, 2005 @ The Sun Always Shine on TV
9.02am: Kat and i were the only 2 early birds to reach Comm Hub. Yeah, everyone was rushing for the HR deadline. Ms Tirzah arrives later.

9.05am: Still no one came. Tirzah asked why and we told her: 9am was the bloody deadline for the HR report submission. Everyone was rushing against the bloody deadline. Yao arrives a minute later.

9.10am: the rest flocked into Comm Hub like birds.

9.30am: MR event Dry Run. I am the Straits Times reporter, and the session begins.

10.15am: dry run ends. receive feedback on how it can be done better for this sat.

10.45am: discussion for tomorrow. assigned to buy Ice Mountain 24bottles X 500ml, so as to bring it on sat.

12pm: everything ends. Kat and Steph walked pass GEC travels with Su, and they are looking into trips to Bangkok. The 3 of us walked into GEC and asked for trip to Bangkok, if free n easy is provided. The girls has thoughts on going to KL after the exam.

Then, Steph and Kat requested me if i could accompany them to KL.

Mum's reply: OK. So, it's shopping trip to KL with the 2 girls. (Su is not coming with us.) YES! SHOPPING TRIP....Tash, we need ya help.

12.30pm: Went to POSB Bedok Central to deposit dad's cheque, and requested for a change of a new ATM card, since there was a crack on the old card. Yeah, the new card is blue, and is even nicer than the previous grey silver card. Oh yeah, the bank is under renovation, so there's an temporary service centre behind the bank, where it was designed like a glass house. Looks nice, especially at night.

4.15pm: Gym session. Pretty crowded. Run on the trendmill to shed off the fats and sit ups, sit ups, and more sit ups. Then, dumbell and weight...

6pm: Bumped the muscular Guo Jiu outside the old Changi theatre. Stronger and muscular than ever, and yet he told me he was fatter than ever. Haha, still that funny as ever. Oh yeah, a short intro of Guo Jiu: he was my sec sch drama play member, with Zixian as his bestfriend, and we know each other well, until both of them serves the nation for 2 years.

So what to do now: just do some research on KL...

Saturday, August 13, 2005 @ To let you win
Before i type this entry, i cracked my fingers, relaxed my bones and muscles, cos today is a long long day......................

11hr 45mins ago, i reached school to meet my class for the event rehearsal. Met Elias and the first thing he told me was: 'Sam, could u pls help to entertain him first?' and he pointed at one of the male contestants to me who arrives early.

Yeah, i entertained this muscular hunk and i failed to entertain him miserably. His name? Ellyas. His partner was not there.

The first look of Ellyas: i almost mistaken him as Rabil. Yes, Rabil. Same hairstyle, skinner face. Almost mistaken him as the ever cheerful and energetic and friendly bunny i first met in Dangerous Liaison. Cos he look so similar to Rabil.

And after a while, i entertain him by asking him his diploma, school etc...blah blah blah. Failed miserably cos i am entertained by the 2 cute ladies, who are both contestants cum Su's bestfriend.

By 11am, most came, and while the contestants are practicing the dance steps, we have to work on the MR dry run Press conference. Each of us was given a mock up role, and i took the role of Straits Times reporter. Yeah, who else but me do bother to read ST daily? hehehe.

When looking at how well the contestants dance, my notice: some of the male contestants are stiff in their dance. Ellyas seems to be stiff in the dance, and he, just like me, was confused in the dance step. So, he was taught by his partner personally on the dance steps. And yeah, he did it. =)

When things was finally settled around 5+pm, the logisitcs lady head down to the army market to make the tees, while i head down to Textile centre to get the sashed. Met Minghao getting his friend's bike repaired there, and he mistaken me going for XXX at Golden. Hehe, i am going to army market for Converse shoes lah.

And here comes the good news: No votings required by S'poreans on 27th. SR Nathan will be the president for the next 6 yrs. Oh yeah, thank you very much, Mr Nathan's opponents. Your incompetency has make way for us to set tables in the CC on the 27th. Hahahaha....(evil smile.)

Now playing on the music player: To Let You Win - A-ha

Friday, August 12, 2005 @ Smoke gets in your eyes
Yes, the haze got into the eyes of many Malaysians. The Malaysians are seeing red over Indonesian's helplessness effort on getting rid of the haze.

The farmers in Indonesian are too poor to scatter fertilizers in their farmland, so they burn the farm for re-harvest. In the end, the wildfire grows bigger and bigger, just like the monster's claws. It gulfs down large hectors of land, and the smoke created by the fire was unfortunately blown to the land where i am from: Malaysia.

Cities such as KL, Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya and even states such as Perak and Penang are affected by the misfortunes created by those ignorant Indonesian farmers. (The Indonesian government has done noting to educate the farmers not to burn and burn and burn. Did they done anything to curb those hotspots, or more rather, tackling the problem from the root by educating them? From the period of Suharto, Megawati to Yudhoyono, i don't see any of them educate the farmers the hazard of burning their farmlands. And of course, if the government do not bother to educate them, sooner or later, these people will lose their home, thanks to the cause created by themselves.)

The Malaysians has to suffer for something they don't have to in the end. Due to the direction of the wind, the PSI index has become so high, that it reaches highly dangerous level. Now, schools and offices have to declare holiday, and Tash has been complaining to me that the haze has killing him softly. Ah i dun think so, shd be Killing Me Hard and Slow. Cos the poor little boy is allergic to dust, so he has to clean the house often.

And Malaysians are protesting outside the embassy of Indonesian, cos the Indo government is doing nothing to curb those ever rising hotspots. The haze has ripped their lifehood (especially to those hawkers and pasar malam stall owners.) and their income has been badly affected because of these haze.

If the haze continues, besides Tash, my aunt, uncle, my cute little cousins and their loved ones and thousands of M'sians will suffer.

What both countries needs now is a storm from heaven. With water from the sky, it not only cools down the atmosphere of both countries, but also the tense among both countries.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 @ And the clock goes tick tock tick tock...........
First of all, it's the registration for NS checkup. I've submitted and booked a date. 5th of Dec is the day i am goin for my 4hr checkup.

And that was the price paid for the draggy submission.

Then, here comes the 9th of the 8th. Jeremy and Yao has not submitted their date for checkup. Both were in Singapore History Museum Re:New ! That was the event done by Jer's class for SHM, where everything goes back to the 60's.

1960's = The background for Wong Kar Wai's The Hands, featured in Eros. And...In the Mood for Love and 2046.

And of course, i don't see beauties wearing cheongsam, with a beehive hairstyle. But, i see a brewery and Hello Kitty in SHM. A GIGANTIC Hello Kitty!

Whatever it is, my purpose of the visit are: 1. to help Yao take his measurements, 2. to show support to Jer and his class.

However, i am in the race against time, cos i am rushing off to JB after that.

IN JB...

It seems that the home video shops are facing lacking of goods. When i want the VCD of Divergence, the staff told me: Sold Out.

When i am getting pirated DVD's for myself and VCD's on Jer's request, this is what happened:

Eyes Wide Shut - Sold Out
Fighter in the Wind - Original copies available at RM16.90 on VCD
Eros - Sold Out
School for Seduction - To those sellers, they neverr even heard it b4.

A Home at the End of the World - the only copy i bought.

And Tash told me that the haze is pretty bad in KL. Well in JB, there's no sign of haze at all. However, the place was filled with corruption. Skip the explanation.

Oh before i leave JB, purchased a box of mooncake as well. Oh...those lovey dovey i come again, after a year apart.

Monday, August 08, 2005 @ Spot...omg
For the past few days, i feel as light as feather.

On friday nite, i had a noseblock, and i just feel that flu is invading me soon. True enough, i fall sick on saturday afternoon after the trip to the gym. Severe headache came to me, just like a drill that drills past my head.

And so that goes my saturday. When everyone is enjoying their lovely saturday, i am lying on the bed, fighting with my headache. After the headache is gone, i do my part for MA and watched Angles in America.

Yesterday, thought that i had recovered, i went to the CC as usual and nothing much happens, except that the class had a feast of hunks, babes, cute guys n cute gals for the Glam O U audition.

Today, i almost had a freak of my life. I found some red spot on the neck when i return back home.

To avoid anything from going wrong, i went to a doctor, and he told me the spot was not contageous. It appears due to the changes of weather, and i am wearing sweaty clothes for long time.

Well, in any case, i would never be selfish enough to spread the spots in my class. Sorry dudes, i cannot go for classes till i recovered.

And here comes the so called S'pore Most Handsome Man ad: Steven Lim. He made a real lame ad on AIDS prevention, and discourages ppl from having casual sex, in a very lame lame way. How: Pls have a look:

Friday, August 05, 2005 @ Is it a witch or a devil?
Today is CCN Day, where TP is raising funds for the needy students through funfairs.

And i wanted to get this Japanese lucky charm named Teruterubosu, where it was said it can ward off evil and bring good luck to the owner. However, the stall is not yet opened, while my class ends early...even Mei Shuan agrees with me that Teruterubosu is kawaii ne!

Well...however, outside school of design, there is a group of students selling delicious pastries at special price. Had some of their samples, which are: brownies, chocolate chip cookies, blueberry cheese tarts and walnut cookies. Selling at the price of: $3 (2 brownies and some mini cookies), $5 (2 tarts, some choco cookies and walnut cookies) and $8 (combination of all), the brownie will come with heavenly chocolate sauce and icing sugar. I bought the brownies which i requested for extra chocolate sauce, and the seller did. She scooped about 1/3 of the takeaway dessert box onto the brownie...

And the 2 pieces of little devil is packed on a special box. $5 set is covered in a triangular box, tied with strings. $8 is in a mini shopping bag. And hey, take a look at the packaging: it is packed in a bag made of cloth!

And i thought that is HR tutorial today. Haha, there's none, except for our APEL lesson. Today was the last session of APEL, and i was in a group of 5 (Stephy, Rozi, Shidah, Elias and Me) are allocated to put up a small skit on gracious acts, while the rest are putting up a skit on ungracious act. However, the class has been laughing throughout APEL. 1st group (Sharlene, Idah, Kat, Shikin and Gina) plays a typical scenario in bus interchange, where the ugly side of human beings reveals when the bus arrives. Everyone was waiting for the bus orderly, and here comes the bus. It became chaotic suddenly where one cut queue, one spit, one squeeze onto the entrance and one scolded ' ABC XYZ --------- '. At the bus, one farted.

2nd group plays another inconsiderate act on making fun of disables. In the end, the whole class (including the cast) laughed and laughed as if a laughter bomb has exploded in the bus. For us, it is the scenario where Elias plays a blind man crossing the road and me, a pedestrian helping him crossing the road.

Today is the date due to submit our Portfolio, where we placed our certificates and some APEL evaluation into the folio. When exchanging our portfolio, Elias and I are surprised with:

Elias is a former NCC member (Me gets the shock. And that's the saying goes: one should not judge a book by it's cover)

I am Friends of Singa for 1999 and 2000 (Elias: Wah! Got 2 arh? He himself received the 1999 cert.)

And i gotten a free Bewitched Tee when i was collecting my freebies at GV Plaza today, courtesy of 8 Days and Sony Entertainment. No, i don't see Nicole Kidman on the tee, but more rather, a very cute witch flying on the broom, with her hubby holding the broomstick. pass fly out of the booth before i reached there....

Overall, it is pretty interesting to see each other's portfolio, cos we do not know that T01 is a class full of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Monday, August 01, 2005 @ Seven Swords
And after years of waiting, Seven Swords finally reaches the shore in S'pore. So, Yao and I went to Lido to catch the swordfighting film, which took the director Tsui Hark 20 years time to complete.

Based on Liang Yu Sheng's novel, it's about the Manchurians who has just taken over the whole Mainland. To prevent anyone from overthrowing the Manchus, they set up a law to stop the people from practicing martial arts. Anyone found practicing will be executed on the spot. The execution ends up a massacre due to a group of killers under the Fire and Wind clan , which was hired to perform the execution, where they get rid everyone for money.

Martial village, the last village to be targeted by Wind, do not know about the existence of danger. When Wu Yuanyin (Charlie Yeung's best performance cum my fav actress!) rescued Fu Qingzhu, a retired executioner from Wind, he warns the village of the excution. Together with Han ZhiBang, another villager from the village, the trio head down to the Heaven mountain to seek assistance. There, there lives an old master with 4 disciples: Chu Zhaonan (Donnie Yen's latest production after Hero and Blade 2), Yang YunChong (Leon Lai's another role, cum my fav actor as well. haha.), MuLang and Xing LongZi. The 7 was thus give seven different swords to save the innocent lives, so as to avoid more bloodshed.

Hmm...not disappointed by the film. Better than Lao Mou Zi's arty farty swordfighting film. However, it was kinda badly censored, so the film ends up less than 2 1/2 hrs, less than what we anticipated.

However, this is what both of us noted in the new Lido 2: One of the pillars has been partially removed, with only part of the pillar hanging up in the ceilings...Yao asked, how come the theatre can be supported like that?

Beats me, but that kinda reminds me of the caves in some swordfighting film.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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