This City Never Sleeps
Friday, February 24, 2006 @ Break that barriers of Love
3rd day of widowerhood and still could not find something to get myself occupied fully. Yet, i found out that i did not gain a single gram despite being a couch potato and a rice bucket for the past 5 days.

Finally, Mrs See has help me completed the appraisal form for the entry to NTU. (Yay!)
Met Shawn, an old friend the moment i step out of Mrs See's room. Not seen him for months, or even close to 1/2yr. Just like Jack and Ennis in Brokeback Mountain, we chat a while about our past, minus the yearly meetings for 2 decades and the endless sexual release between 2 men.

Had my last serving of chicken chop noodles with fried egg with tomato before making my way to Lido for 1.30pm of Brokeback Mountain.

OK, skip all those intro of the films and blah blah blah...i will say: it shouldn't be called Brokeback Mountain in the first place. Heartbreak Mountain, more likely.

Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal is so handsome here! but looks so so at the later stage) falls in love with Ennis (Heath Ledger looks so so here, even till when he is old.), and Ennis fucked Jack sadly. They fucked each other happily after that. They were separated when their job comes to an end. Ennis cries after Jack left, and Jack has to pay some responsible for it.

Both get married: Ennis to Alma (the good looking Michelle Williams, who now catches my attention), who came from similar background as Ennis. Jack to Lureen (Anne Hathaway, who looks so much alive with her 70's hairstyle! But still prefer Williams.), who came from a rich background.

Alma was shocked when she saw Ennis and Jack kissed each other. She cried helplessly when Ennis constantly claim that he is going fishing trips with Jack. She cried until her tears are dry, she constantly works overtime in the supermart she works for to avoid Ennis, she divorced with Ennis for a better life. She questions Ennis' infidelity with a man instead of a woman years after the divorce, and she just disappeared from the big screen.

Years later, the pair of closet lovebirds wallop each other up at Brokeback when Jack failed to convince Ennis to live with him in Mexico for good, and Jack said to Ennis:

'You're too much for me Ennis, you're a soawb*, I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU.'

Months, or i suppose years later, Ennis replied with:

' I SWEAR...'

on the postcard featuring Brokeback Mountain, together with the shirt of Ennis and Jacks' denim jacket, after Jack was murdered in Mexico where his homosexual identity was exposed.

If Ennis is ready to give up his two daughters who are now under the custody of Alma, Jack wouldn't have died. But it is too late.

He's gone.

Only if Ennis is ready to break the barriers of their love, the closet couple could have lived happily ever after.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 @ Welcome to the Widowhood!
I finish my last paper liao... Sigh. My last paper (Legal Aspects) has come to an end, and it marks two things:
1. The last paper of the semester has come to an end.
2. The last paper for my TP life has come to an end.

And just like Mrs Laura Henderson, she starts a new life of widowhood after her husband passed away. She said to her bestfriend on the 1st day of widowhood: ' I can't stand the boredom of widowhood!'

While on the other hand, Paul told me it is wonderful to be a good for nothing for weeks before NS. Yeah, you bet. Try living like Mrs Henderson for few weeks and you may want to buy a theatre featuring nude performances for yourself! And that also means you can directly compete with Crazy Horse Paris in Singapore, and you are a step closer in achieving your goal: to own a bookstore.

I didn't buy a theatre and named it Windmill, and have a partner named Vivian Van Damm to run the theatre, and recruit girls to go onto the stage naked to salvage the failing business.

As you can see from here, Judi Dench is the spokesperson for Mrs Henderson. She runs the Windmill to keep herself occupied.

Asked Yao Ming if he is interested in the free screening of Mrs Henderson Presents yesterday and i didn't keep him with me for the show as he was occupied with something else. Well, he just missed a great show, that's all.

Well Mrs Henderson is that simple. About a rich tai tai named Mrs Henderson who inherited her hubby's wealth after he died, and she bought a theatre and named Windmill to occupy herself from boredom of widowhood. She had a partner named Vivian Van Damm to fully in charge of the show. The response is good, but slowly no one comes for the show, and the theatre is making a loss. Mrs Henderson (or should i call her Mrs Wu Looi aka filthy rich in Hokkien instead? That is something new i learnt from my LA tutorial) thus introduces nude performances into the Windmill.

She not only make Windmill famous, but also changes the view of the society of nudity and eventually, Windmill is the only theatre that still runs the show during WW2.

Indeed, Mrs Henderson aka Wu Looi makes a remarkable achievement in her lifetime before she says goodbye to the world in 1944.

Sunday, February 19, 2006 @ Temptation Island
'What is more important? To satisfy thousands of desire, or to conquer one?'

Failed to conquer the desire of getting myself the novel of Brokeback Mountain. Thus, i make myself to buy the novel from HMV after the novel is sold out at Borders (where my 30% discount coupons has gone into waste.) and enjoyed the book while on my way to Din Tai Fung Tampines Mall for family dinner.

And i failed to conquer the desire of watching Samsara on Arts Central, despite the fact that i have MA2 paper today (and many grumbled that the paper is coming after their life.)

'Why you fail to conquor the MA2 paper today?'

I asked myself after the papers. I think, not only me, but also the whole class and even the whole Yr 3's would agree with me that the paper is coming after their lives.

But i can't blame the telecast of Samsara to fall on the night before MA2. The 2 1/2hr movie, surprisingly, is a bittersweet eye candy for me. The nice and beauty scenery of Tibet unveals the mystery of Tibet. However, the movie turns bitter at the later stage, where a monk-turn-civilian is facing the hardship of the ordinary human lives.

It's about Tashi, a monk turn lama after spending 3 years, 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days of meditation. He was attracted to Pema (Thanks to Christy Chung and her usage of slimming service from Marie France Bodyline, where she make Samsara worth watching.), the daughter of a farmer when he performed a blessing ceremony for the farmers. The attraction leads to his awakenings to human lives, the 6 loves and 7 desires of a human being and sex. He decided to end his life of a monk and leads a life of a normal people. He works for Pema's father as a father, and a moment of passion with Pema not only leads to his awakenings, but also leads to an immediate marriage with Pema.

The apperance of Tashi has not only changed the lives of Pema, but the people around them. He stop his father in law from selling the grains to Dawa, the merchant who cheats on the poor villagers. He convinced his father in law to sell the grains in the city (near the borders of India) and they strike rich. He also do the same thing to Jamayang, a farmer who previously had a crush on Pema, but his friendly advice turns them from friends to foes. A fire in the farm leads Tashi to have second thoughts on leading a life of a normal human being.

It was also at this stage where Tashi had a liking on Sujata, a Hindu worker who works for Pema's family. Both Tashi and Sujata couldn't keep their eyes off each other whenever Sujata collects her pay from Tashi. Even though she is a good friend of Pema, she had an affair with Tashi while Pema went to the city to sell the grains.

Tashi has the thought of becoming a monk again. He left Pema and his son early in the morning. While on his way to the monastry, Pema appears right in front of her and tells him the story of how Sidahharata becomes the Buddha.

It was at this point Tashi was thinking: should he goes back to his wife and son, or leading a life of Sidahharata.

Food for thought: If Tashi did not choose to lead a life of a normal human being, would he be in such a state today?

Saturday, February 18, 2006 @ 一个馒头引发的血案 Chapter 3
Jang, Cheung and Captain Sanada were taken to the execution ground, which turns out to be the back garden of the court. Tse asked Cheung if she ever remembered the bun (and that was the bun that sparkled the murder.)

20 Years Ago...

The 5 year old Cheung steal food from the dead. She was unfortunately captured by the 7 year old Tse. She tricked Tse to released her, and lied to him that he wore a very nice looking hat. He believed it for real, and show the hat to her. Just then, Cheung took the hat and hits Tse. She runs away with the bun and gobbles it down.

20 Years Later...

Tse asked Cheung if she ever remembers the bun again, and he said to her: Because of this bun, i lost my trust to anyone for 20 years...

The whole world is shocked with the truth of the trial. It is a conspiracy set up by Tse to took revenge on Cheung. The murder was plotted, the people involved were framed, and the bun that was eaten by Cheung 20 years ago was found...??? How did they managed to find the bun?
Tse said: i've no idea. It's arranged by the director (Chen Kaige).

Just then, Captain Sanada, who was tied up on the rooftop, managed to release himself from the rope and jumps down. He draws a watermelon knife and point it against Tse. Tse fights back with his 2 paper fan, and while he shields himself from the sword using the black paper fan, the white paper fan waves and flies a round of the garden. The fan cuts the rope that ties Jang, and Jang grabbes a knife and had Tse stabbed to death.

3 Months Later...

Cheung, Jang and Captain Sanada lived happily together ever after.


The moral of the story:
1. There is a need to look into the value of the kids today. Parents must teach their kids to be kind, forgivable, and understanding. Please do not learnt what Tse did: turned himself into a man of vengence and always think of revenge just because the bun is the cause of the vengence, and it makes him harbor the thought of revenge for 20 years.
2. To all little girls out there: if you came across a lady whose hair is flying upwards high to the sky, do not agree to whatever proposal she comes out with. If not, you will pay a heavy price for your happiness. Take Cheung as a very good example.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 @ 一个馒头引发的血案 Chapter 2
Jang Kun Lun and Officer Wolf exchange their experience on running at the speed of light. Officer Wolf grumbled to Jang that Jang is running too fast to the extend where time reverse. (According to Albert Elinsten's Theory, a person who runs at the speed of light can cause the time to stop. Any faster will cause the time to run backwards, aka reverse.) Thus, Officer Wolf couldn't catch him.

It was at this time both develop feelings for each other.

However, before both could move in any further, the police came after both Jang and Officer Wolf. To prevent Jang from arrested, Officer Wolf sacrifices himself. A sad and teary Jang had to run away after seeing Wolf vanish right in front of him. From then onwards, no one has the news of Jang, except himself.

Someone report to the police that he knows the real murderer of Mr Wang, and identified Captain Sanada as the prime suspect. Thus, Captain Sanada was arrested and put on trial together with Cheung. The trial of the century was broadcasted on TV station around the world.

The person who reports Captain Sanada to the police is Tse Wu Huan. (Nicholas Tse with the role of Wu Huan, the evil duke.) He is the ultimate fan of Cheung and it just happened that he was on the scene of the crime. To bring the murderer into justice, he reported Captain Sanada to the police and Captain Sanada was arrested and put on trial.

At the trial, both of them sings rap for the following dialogue:

Tse (to Sanada): You are the murderer!

Sanada (to Tse): No!

Yes you are!

No! i'm not!

Yes! Yes! Yes! You are!

No! no! no! i'm not!

Yes, Yes, Yes. Why don't you confess?

Why should i confess for a murder i did not commit?

The judge: How dare you! Sing rap in the court!

The trial continues. Cheung was the main witness to the murder and claims that Sanada is not the murderer. Just then, Jang enters the court and claim that he is the murderer. Both Sanada and Cheung agrees. Eventually, the case was closed with the following verdict:

Jang is guilty of murder, thus he will be sentenced to death. Sanada will be imprisoned for 3 years due to improper handling of his assistant, while Cheung will be performing community service for a year due to indecent exposure. As Tse was the only person who identified the person for murder (this is the point where there is a confusion on Jang and Sanada), the government grants him the right to execute Jang.

However, there is a twist in the execution. What has happened?

Stay tuned for the final chapter!

Commercial break steps in: Celebrity Jang Dong Gun was running at the speed of light from the attack of bulls running towards him. He run through the fields, the mountains, and eventually to the Circle Entertainment City.

Tao Ming Brand* grass sandals. Fantastic!

*Tao Ming in Mandarin means run for your life!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 @ 一个馒头引发的血案
Even the European critics can't agree more that they couldn't understand Chen Kaige's The Promise, when it makes a special screening at Berlin Film Festival, despite The Promise receive popular response with its sold out session.

A Chinaman finds The Promise hard to understand and simply ridiculous. Thus, he comes out with a 20min long videoclip that mocks at The Promise, where it becomes an instant hit among the youths. To me, it is entertaining and releases my pressure from the preparation of the final exams.

Here comes: <<一个馒头引发的血案>> aka A Murder Sparkled By A Chinese Bun. The short film is cut, chopped, marinated, cooked and served by a joker named Hu Ge, who presents the world with a laughable comedy out of a overbudgeted comedy.

The storyline: A man named Mr Wang (who is the King in The Promise) was stabbed to death by a watermelon knife (sword) by a man in a crimson armor. The murder begins with Mr Wang, the CEO of Circle City Entertainment City (The Kingdom) walking up to the rooftop making a protest with his wife, Cheung Qing Cheng (Cecilia Cheung as Qing Cheng). Both are protesting over the government for delaying their pay, as Circle has been making a loss and unable to pay their employees a single cent due to poor location and low visit.

Cheung Qing Cheng is a famous fashion show model in the Circle, where her job is to put on clothes and strip during performances. Suddenly, Mr Wang had a quarrel with Cheung over relationship problems. Thus Mr Wang draws out a watermelon knife and comes after her life. A man in crimson armor, who was riding a horse, came suddenly and throws a watermelon knife at Mr Wang. Mr Wang died instantly on the spot.

Witnesses claims that the crimson armor belongs to Captain Sanada (Hiroku Sanada is indeed wasted in The Promise. Now, Hu Ge gives him a comical role.) Captain Sanada claims that he did not commit the murder. Thus, the police puts in Chen Man Sheng (Chen Hong, the mainlander actress who plays Man Sheng, the goddess.), a negotiator. Chen Man Sheng is a controversial character in town due to 3 things:
1. She is smart and knowledgeable. All questions will be given with an answer. (100% guranteed!)
2. Her hobby: using wealth in the future to lure little girls to con them in giving up their future happiness.
3. Another hobby: Enjoy rubbing salt on middle age man's wound verbally.

After nites of negotiation, Captain Sanada confessed that the man who wore the crimson armor is his assistant, Jang Kun Lun (Jang Dong Gun and his laughable role.)

The police trys to arrest Jang, but they met with another problem: He runs at the speed of light. Based on the rate of speed of light (330m/s), Jang could run for 1188km/hr. Thus, before the police could have got hold of him, he is in another side of the world. Thus, they invites a sports athlete, Officer Wolf (Liu Ye with his ugly looking role of Ghost Wolf.)

As Jang enjoys watching somersaults, he goes for a somersault performance. The police anticipated that Jang would be there, thus Officer Wolf was send to arrest Jang. However, they ended up falling for one another, and they decided to exchange their experience in running at the speed of light.

The police have a problem in arresting Jang. What is their next step? Will be back after a commercial break!

Commercial Ad comes in:-

Celebrity actress cum negotiator Chen Man Sheng files onto the field of padi with her wavey hair. The focus is suddenly concentrating on her wavey hair.

Man Sheng Brand Hair Gel - Good to Use With Good Effects!

A word of advice from Chen Man Sheng: If your hair does not wave after using it, then your hair gel is an imitation!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 @ Temptation

1st of all, to all the people in love, to all the singles, swingers, two-timers, bigamist, men with various concubines, women with various bfs , married, unmarried, divorced, divorcee and blah blah blah....

A Happy St Valentine's Day.

And i believed Cupid is shooting arrows everywhere. In restaurants, cinemas (so i avoid watching an movie at a cinema today. Don't want to see loving couples holding hands with one another at the special screening of Mrs Henderson Presents or Match Point.) , parks, hotels, shoppes, KTV's, theatres....and even school.

Well, Cupid has not shoot me with an arrow to a lonely heart at the other side of the world. So while Ben Yeo was claiming on TV minutes ago that he is not a romantic person, i was thinking of Sharon Stone and her breast-baring scene in her upcoming sequel to the 1992 classic sex thriller. Ladies and Gentlemen, may i present to you...

Basic Instinct 2 - Risk Addiction!

As for the storyline, however, it is a bit disappointing. While the audience expects a new blast of fatal attraction between the sexy author Catherine Tramell (Stone performed her famous leg crossing scene in BI, and now she is resurrecting Catherine Tramell with breast baring in BI2:RA) and her new victim, who is a psychiatrist this time round. Wonder how is Nick Curran doing rite now? Did he get himself stabbed by an ice pick while enjoying his one night of passion with Catherine in BI?

I suppose Nick is dead by now. If not, there wouldn't be a BI2, unless Catherine was charged of manslaughter instead of murder and her 12 years imprisonment gives the script writer a good long time to pen down the new script for BI2. Hee...

Thursday, February 09, 2006 @ The bittersweet chocolate
Finally, the 3years lecture and tutorial in TP has marked with a full stop yesterday. Yes, 3 years education with TP comes to the end. The next lecture & tutorial will be held 2 years later, mabey in NTU or some Aussie university. No?

To the girls, their next lec & tut will be in ard 1/2 yrs time, cos that's where they will be going to the uni directly, while the guys will be serving their nations first before university. God, i am someone who prefers bitterness first before sweetness, so i would rather go for my NS first before university.

I am just feeling so lost after the lecture, cos i do not know what to do, but i know, i have to study for my MA2 and Legal Aspects for my final paper. But after these 2? What should i do? Now i am feeling as good as being thrown into the open sea.

Elias has fall in and will be making his way to Tekong in a month's time. Very soon, my time will come. Now how i wish i could speed things up, cos i know, i will be spending an additional month for PTP before BMT.

I presume i will officially be a student of NTU in June/Jul/Aug 2008, and that means 2 years of civilian life will be gone before i married into NTU, and receive my alimony of Degree in Chinese after a divorce from the 4 year marriage with NTU. bittersweet life is, just like the bittersweet chocolate bar use in making cakes.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 @ A Piece of The Lovely Memory

Ma received a box of tau sar pia from her bestfriend this afternoon, where the tau sar pia comes from my hometown.

It is those handmade tau sar pia that was sold in the market. The outer flaky skin wraps the sweet and thick black tau sar (red bean paste.) Yums...(though i've not eaten yet.)

It's been ages since i last eaten this. Anyway, it was rather pleasing to see this after receiving my 1st warning attendance for failing to attend one Legal Aspects tutorial. Well, the last tutorial of the 3 years in TP comes to an end this afternoon. And soon, we will be making our way to the army, then if things goes well, NTU.

And mabey that means it will be living without my family members for 6 years. By the time i graudate, i am 27. ^^

And when do i start to step in the working society officially?

Sunday, February 05, 2006 @ Stolen Car - Sting
Late at night in summer heat.
Expensive car, empty street
There's a wire in my jacket.
This is my trade
It only takes a moment, don't be afraid
I can hotwire an ignition like some kind of star
I'm just a poor boy in a rich man's car
So I whisper to the engine, flick on the lights
And we drive into the night
Oh the smell of the leather always excited my imagination
And I picture myself in this different situation
I'm a company director,
two kids and a wife
I get the feeling that there's more to this one's life
There's some kind of complication,
he tells her he's alone
Spends the night with his lover,
there's a trace of her cologne
And the words of his mistress,
as she whispers them so near
Start ringing in my ear
Please take me dancing tonight
I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could its,
what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing,
please take me dancing tonight
I imagine his wife, she don't look nothing like a fool
She picks the kids up form some private school
She remembers what he told her,
he was late and worked alone
But there's more than a suspicion in this lingering cologne
And the kid's just won't be quiet and
she runs a traffic light
And she drives into the night
Please take me dancing tonight
I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could it's what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing,
please take me dancing tonight
So here am I in a stolen car at a traffic light
They go form red to green and so I just drive into the night
Please take me dancing tonight
I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could it's what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing,
please take me dancing tonight

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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