This City Never Sleeps
Sunday, September 03, 2006 @ The Late Weekend
This weekend is short, considering the booking out timing is is at 2.30pm on Sat. Rehearsals for POP on Tues and settling some admin issues has taken away a lot of time. Yeah, a lot indeed.


Unwind myself in Chinatown and Orchard. Was supposed to visit Yangtze cineplex for the 5.30pm show of Alexandra, a old Philippino erotica that first opens in Yangtze since i was in Sec 3. It was rated R(A) 6 years ago, and 6 years later, it was still rated R(A). Reach the home late and missed my direct bus service to Chinatown, thus i missed the show as well.

The bus came at 5.16pm and i was still in Bedok Reservoir. When the bus reaches the back of Keong Saik hotel at 5.40pm, i told myself it was pointless to go for the show, since i've missed the first 15min of the show. Dropped off the bus and saw the opened windows of Keong Saik Hotel. Tash was on my mind again. Can't imagined that i looked for him there for the past 2 weekends.

Walked across the road and Pearls Centre, here i come. As usual, i walked up to Yangtze to have a look at the lobby cards of Alexander. This time round, it reminds me of an old friend whom i've not seen for close to 2 years: Roslan. I left the theatre and headed straight down to the CD shop below, and gotten myself Damien Rice's O + B-Sides.

Took bus service 143 to Orchard Road and immediately i head myself straight up to Books Kinokuniya. Immerse myself in the book of sea and wished that i could just stay there and never do i need to come out again. However, my hunger pangs pulls me out of the book of sea and had dinner. After dinner, sink myself into the sea of music and DVDs at HMV. Old habit dies hard.

Had a cup of Mocha at Starbucks Orchard Plaza before going back home. Was amazed that at 9pm, which was supposed to be the peak hours for Starbucks, this is a different story for Starbucks Orchard Plaza. No crowds, no long queues, empty seats easily available in the cafe itself. Enjoyed serenity with my Zen Neeon and while flipping through magazines, i had k.d.Lang and Lisa Stansfield entertained me with a cup of Mocha on the table. Went home to sleep after that.


Was wondering what to catch at Princess: The Devil Wears Prada or Frostbite? I choose the Swedish horror over Meryl Streep in the end. Wanted to watch both, but was indecisive. Thus, i watch Frostbite, since i can catch some sleep in the morning.

It's not very often that you get to watch a European film in neighbourhood theatres, since European cultures are not really that appealing to the heartlanders, compared to weepy Korean soap drama and puzzling Japanese horror. Rather than making myself heading down to The Cathay to seat thru the 95mins for the Swedish horror, i choose the theatre that is closer to home instead. (Am too lazy to walk to other places.)

Frostbite begins with WW2, where a few German soldiers found a hut with vampires living in it. A German soldier was bitten by the vampire and the vampire was killed, but he kept mum to his mates about being bitten by a vampire. About 6 decades later, a physician named Annika and her daughter Saga moved to a new area and stars a new life. Annika works in a hospital and befriends Bernard, a famous surgeon. Saga makes new friends in her school, and was invited to a party. Never did they realised that Bernard was the German soldier who was bitten by the vampire, and survived for 6 decades. When Sebastien, a young doctor, stoles and accidentally swallows a red pill that belongs to Bernard, he began to experience physical change on his body, where he turns into a vampire slowly. Annika was accidentally bitten and knows about the truth about Bernard. All hell breaks loose when Sebastien stoles the box of red blood pills for research, and Saga's good friend, Vega, mistaken the box of pills as party drugs and mixed the pills into the drink for the guest. If that's not all, dawn begins 30 days later, since it was snowing heavily in Sweden...

Don't want to think too much about this film. Just want to unwind myself for the weekend. No fucking obligations to follow, just want to have a good rest.

Somewhere around the corner in the city lies a man with some past...
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